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Sermons on Yochanan 12:38:

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  • It's Time To Get Saved

    Contributed by Dennis Deese on Aug 7, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.

    “IT’S TIME TO GET SAVED” By: Dr. Dennis Deese - JOHN 12:35-50 Some folks think they are good really good people. Let’s suppose that a person only sins 3 times a day. A sin in the morning, a sin during the day and a sin at night. Sounds like a pretty good more

  • John: The Trial

    Contributed by David Petticrew on May 11, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    A look at the trial motiff in John, where we are the ones on trial to see whether we accept or reject Jesus.

    At the height of a political corruption trial, the prosecuting attorney attacked a witness. "Isn’t it true," he bellowed, "that you accepted five thousand dollars to compromise this case?" The witness stared out the window as though he hadn’t hear the question. "Isn’t it true that you accepted five more

  • An Anatomy Of Unbelief Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Dec 30, 2000
    based on 88 ratings

    What is the difference between belief in Jesus and unbelief? What is the sign for Jesus that his task is finished?

    One of the things that was quite striking when we were in Canada recently was the change of colours in the trees. We found that as the 3 weeks we had there went by we saw more and more red and yellow. Now of course we have leaves changing colour here in Australia in autumn, but I don’t think it has more

  • Jesus Walked What He Talked Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Mar 26, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    What should be so very evident here is the magnitude of Christ’s love for us! The event of Palm Sunday, as well as those leading up to this Triumphal Entry serve to remind us that Jesus loved us enough to guard and protect us, to walk before us, and to e

    OUR ROAD TO VICTORY IN CHRIST Jesus Walked What He Talked John 10:10-14;12:12,30-36,42-43 INTRODUCTION: The times are rare when people today say what they mean, then mean what they say, and finally act on what they mean. Here in the gospel of John, as Jesus walks into Jerusalem on what we more

  • Calloused Hearts Of Unbelief Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Apr 12, 2004
    based on 59 ratings

    Why do people not believe in Christ even in the face of overwhelming evidence? As a person resists the Holy Spirit his heart becomes calloused and his sensitivity to God diminished. The interaction of human will and divine judgement is examined in the lig

    Calloused Hearts of Unbelief Fortifying the Foundations # 29 John 12:37-50[1] 2-29-04 This morning in our study of the gospel of John we stand at the end of Jesus’ public ministry. In chapters 13-17 Jesus is alone with his disciples before his arrest. He has much to say to them. There is much more

  • Running Into The Wall

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Apr 20, 2004
    based on 45 ratings

    Now is the time to believe in Jesus.

    RUNNING INTO THE WALL John 12:27-50 S: Jesus Th: Believing in Jesus Pr: NOW IS THE TIME TO BELIEVE IN JESUS. ?: How? How do we connect with belief? KW: Issues TS: We will find in our study of John 12:27-50 three issues that we approach in order to connect with belief. The _____ issue more

  • My Jesus

    Contributed by Elizabeth Stutler on Jul 14, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    I wrote this sermon to make people think about following the true Jesus as he would have us to be.

    I began sermon with the Todd Agnew Song "My Jesus"; showing the words on the screen as it was sung. My Jesus - By Todd Agnew Which Jesus do you follow? Which Jesus do you serve? If Ephesians says to imitate Christ, why do you look so much like the world? Cause My Jesus bled and died, He spent more

  • The Believer's Heart (Part2) Series

    Contributed by Angel Caballero on Jun 17, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Don’t let ourselves come to a point in our lives that because of willful sinning blur our conscience as well as our hearts and call wrong right and call right wrong.

    John 12: 37-40 Subtitle: Blinders of the Heart. Introduction: This is the 2nd part of our series on The Believer’s Heart. Last Sunday I mentioned a verse about the eyes of our heart. That’s more

  • The Triumphal Entry

    Contributed by Jesse Bennett on Apr 5, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A "joy sucker" is someone who is determined to create either discouragement or hardship on your ministry. "Joy suckers" take on all shapes and sizes, but, most often, they are negative in their outlook, disappointed with their family, in need of attenti

    Here is a true story about a nine-year-old boy who lived in a rural town in Tennessee. His house was in a poor area of the community. A church had a bus ministry that came knocking on his door one Saturday afternoon. The kid came to answer the door and greeted the bus pastor. The bus pastor asked more

  • A Summary Of The Lord's Ministry Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Apr 14, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Misunderstandings of what Jesus ministry was all about.

    A summary of the Lord’s ministry John 12: 37-43 The grade two class had their class picture taken and the teacher was trying to encourage them all to get their parents to buy one of these pictures by saying, “Someday you’ll look at this picture and you’ll say, ‘Why more

  • Standing In The Judgment Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on Sep 23, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    God gives Jesus to rescue his people from the judgment due sin.

    Scripture Introduction The cross is the crux (the central point) of the Christian faith. At the cross sinners find hope and help; from the cross the hands and side of the Savior bleed; by the cross that God cries out, “Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 45.22). more

  • Here Comes The King

    Contributed by Rodney Kelley on Sep 16, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus is coming again. Are you ready?

    Intro: In today’s text we will look at the Triumphal entry of Jesus. I. A Parade of Destiny - vs. 12-19 A. The Amazed Masses - vs. 12-13, 18 Amazed at what Jesus had done. B. The Humble Messiah - vs. 14 The Creator rode an unbroken colt - most would have been thrown! But the colt knew who more

  • Preparing Jesus, Preparing For Jesus Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Mar 3, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This chapter provides some real contrasts between real and trumped up worship, real belief and real betrayal. It is all a part of preparing Jesus for the cross and preparing us to receive him.

    John places Jesus at Ephraim, a village north of Jerusalem. Between the end of chapter 11 and here, Jesus travels back to Galilee, heals the ten lepers (Luke 17), talks to Zacchaeus (Luke 19) in Jericho on his way back to Bethany. It’s only six days until the Passover, and Jesus’ crucifixion. John more

  • Jesus Rejected And Accepted As King

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Feb 29, 2012

    For the past year and a half we have seen in our study of the gospel of John how Jesus has been rejected and how some have accepted Him. In tonight’s study we will get an even clearer picture of Jesus’ rejection and acceptance.

    For the past year and a half we have seen in our study of the gospel of John how Jesus has been rejected and how some have accepted Him. In tonight’s study we will get an even clearer picture of Jesus’ rejection and acceptance. Quite a long passage so let’s get started. READ more

  • Believe Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 18, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Some will believe, others will never believe

    John 12:37-50 Even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him. 38 This was to fulfill the word of Isaiah the prophet: "Lord, who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" 39 For this reason more

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