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  • Lies In Disguise—battling Temptation

    Contributed by Mark Roper on Nov 20, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Temptations may be bold, or subtle. Temptations may be good things to stand in the way of Devotion Temptations are for one purpose to destroy us

    Lies In Disguise—Battling Temptation Matthew 4:1-4:8 I think that we all understand what temptation is. There is a story told about a little boy in a grocery store that I think illustrates the nature of temptation. The boy was standing near an open box of peanut butter cookies. “Now then, more

  • The Temptation Of Jesus Dws#2 Series

    Contributed by John Butler on Jun 17, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    What the Greek says about temptation.

    The Temptation of Jesus... I. Introduction... Praise God Church! How many in here tonight have ever been through a time of testing? How many have ever been through trials or temptation? I’m pretty sure everyone in here has been through something like that. Amen? There’s been at least one more

  • We Can Overcome Temptation Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Oct 20, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    The reality is that we will all be tempted. The good news is that we have remedies that can help us overcome temptation.

    Introduction: A. How many of you have enjoyed reading the comic strip “Cathy” over the years? 1. “Cathy” is a comic strip drawn by Cathy Guisewite. 2. It features a woman who struggles through the "four basic guilt groups" of life — food, love, mom, and work — the strip gently pokes fun at the more

  • How To K.o. Temptation

    Contributed by Robert Stephens on Oct 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    How do we K.O. temptation when it confronts us! 1 Corinthians 10:13 gives us three clear guidelines as to how to make victory a reality.

    How To K.O. Temptation! I Corinthians 10:13 I. Introduction a. Rocky video i. There Rocky stood… toe-to-toe with this huge mammoth of a man… the Russian, Ivan Koloff (or something like that). ii. And the threat comes towering down… “I must break you!” iii. I don’t know about you… but that would be more

  • Facing Temptation Head-On

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Aug 11, 2009

    Lets use Jesus’s model of how we get victory over temptation. It work’s.

    8/09/2009 Facing Temptation Head-on Matthew 4:1-11 Introduction- Talk to you a moment about temptation. How to identify it and how to overcome it. There is not one of us who has not been tempted. There is not one more

  • The Beginning Of… Temptation Series

    Contributed by Glenn Durham on Apr 16, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    God’s ways, words, and wisdom, are questioned in tempting us to sin.

    Scripture Introduction So, three men walk into a museum, one British, one French, one Russian. They stand together admiring a painting of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Brit says, “Look at their reserve, their calm. They must be British.” “Nonsense,” the more

  • Jesus Reveals Our Temptations Series

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This week we examine Jesus as a model of emotionally healthy spirituality. We’ll uncover 3 temptations that keep us from growing and then three challenges to fulfill to combat those temptations.

    Back to School Jesus Reveals Our Temptations Luke 4:1-13 October 18, 2009 This week I want to lift up to Jesus as a model of healthy emotional spirituality. Turn to the passage read earlier: Luke 4:1-13. How many of you exercise regularly? Yeah, every morning the alarm clock rings, I jump at of more

  • Facing Temptations Head-On

    Contributed by Beth Garrod-Logsdon on Mar 1, 2010

    Drawing the opening verses of this passge, we are reminded that through the power of God's Holy Spirit, we can face our temptations head-on, rahter than avoid them which is our first inclination.

    Facing Temptations Head-On Luke 4:1-13 & Romans 10:8-13 (Lent 1C) Rev. Beth Garrod-Logsdon Wilmore Presbyterian Church Well, here we are again – the first Sunday of Lent. The day when the mood and emotions of worship seem to take a downhill slide – the hymns become more more

  • Prayer For Forgiveness And From Temptation Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Mar 7, 2010

    In the Prayer for Forgiveness and from Temptation we can see: 1) God’s Pardon, 2) God’s Protection, 3) God’s Preeminence & 4) God’s Postscript.

    With the closing of the Olympic Games and the forthcoming Paralympics coming, people are reflecting on the success and challenges of the games. One of the interesting legacies from the games was the hyper-critical treatment Canada received from the British press. With forthcoming Olympics to be more

  • It Is Time To Turn Temptations Away

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Mar 19, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Lent 1(A) - It is time to turn temptations away. Satan comes with diabolical deceit. Jesus overcomes with simple scripture.

    IT IS TIME TO TURN TEMPTATIONS AWAY (Outline) February 21, 2010 - Lent 1 - MATTHEW 4:1-11 INTRO: Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness. This teaches us about the danger of the devil. This also shows us the safety we enjoy in our Savior and by our salvation. "Be self-controlled and more

  • Becoming Triumphant Over Temptation Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Jul 28, 2008
    based on 35 ratings

    A "How To Overcome Temptation" sermon. Practical insights for deaing with temptation. 1. Be REALISTIC 2. Be RESPONSIBLE 3. Be READY 4. Get REFOCUSED

    Becoming Triumphant Over Temptation (How To Overcome Temptation) Today we are continuing an in depth study on the book of James. We have looked at how you can have power over your problems. We have discovered that God wants you to make wise decisions. Today we are going to see how you can be more

  • Temptation--Only A Question, Not An Answer

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Apr 7, 2007
    based on 34 ratings

    Temptation comes in varied and subtle ways. But we can resist in rather than give in.

    April, 2007 “Temptation--Only a Question, Not an Answer” Matthew 4:1-11 INTRODUCTION: Desserts have sometimes been named “seduction” or “temptation” because there is something “delicious” and full of promise offered. Oscar Wilde said, “The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to more

  • Christianity Uncensored: Temptation Uncensored Series

    Contributed by Jud Wilhite on Jun 27, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Do you ever just get tired of the spin? Do you ever get worn out or exhausted by it? Do you ever just wish someone would tell you like it is? Just lay it out there straight. You can handle it. You can deal with it. Don’t sugar coat it. Don’t airbrush it.

    Series: Christianity Uncensored Message #1: Temptation Uncensored By: Jud Wilhite Do you ever get tired of the spin? Do you ever feel like everywhere you go and everywhere you look somebody is trying to sell you something? They are trying to spin something one way. You are never getting more

  • Part 5 - The Temptation Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on Jul 7, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Looking at what happen when we make a public confession for the Lord and receive the Holy Spirit, taking our first step into ministry.

    The Commission Part 6 – The Temptation of Jesus Pastor Bruce A. Shields House of Faith – WELCOME INTRODUCTION TO SERMON PRAYER FOR HOLY SPIRIT AND UNDERSTANDING SCRIPTURE READING Matthew 4:1 – 11 “1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. 2 more

  • The Truth About Sex/Temptation

    Contributed by Jeffrey Poms on Dec 18, 2003
    based on 68 ratings

    This is a powerful message to both the believer and unbeliever about the truths of what happens to those who fall into temptation

    The truth about sex/temptation Introduction: Today I want to talk about the trap of sexual sin. We have lots to cover so let’s get into God’s Word. The Beginnings Gen. 1:26-8 God created us a specific way male and female. One compliments the other and one is made for the other emotionally, more

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