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  • What Is Your Duty?

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Jul 23, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    This is the story of Mary and Martha. What is our duty - to be a Mary or a Martha?

    What is Your Duty? Luke 10:38-42 July 22, 2007 For the past couple of years, I have been preoccupied with retirement. If you have spent any time around me at all, you know how I talk about our retirement plans all the time. I am eight years away from retirement – perhaps eleven – depending on more

  • The Importance Of Knowing History

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Mar 19, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    We must not be set in opposition to God.

    THE IMPORTANCE OF KNOWING HISTORY Acts 7.1-53 S: Church C: Purpose of the Community Th: A People with Purpose Pr: WE MUST NOT BE SET IN OPPOSITION TO GOD. We must not set ourselves in opposition to God. KW: Pleas TS: Since Stephen stands accused of blasphemy, we will find four pleas he makes in more

  • A Good Death, A Blessed Conflict

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Mar 26, 2006
    based on 44 ratings

    We have good news to tell.

    A GOOD DEATH, A BLESSED CONFLICT Acts 7.54-8.8 S: Proclamation C: Purpose of the Community Th: A People with Purpose KW: Comparisons TS: The story of Stephen’s death demonstrates three comparisons between good and evil. Pr: WE HAVE GOOD NEWS TO TELL. Type: Narrative I. REVELATION more

  • Prepare The Way Of The Lord

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    While examining the word that came to John "Prepare the way of the Lord" this sermon discusses the life-giving influence that occurs when God sends His word and discusses what it means to prepare the way of the Lord.

    Prepare the Way of the Lord Luke 3:1-18[1] 1-2-05 The action in our text this morning begins with a powerful Hebrew statement. Luke 3:2 “...the word of the Lord came to John...” When God wants to strike a holy match and set His people on fire, that is the match He uses—“the word of the Lord more

  • Encouraging The Church To Encourage

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Apr 23, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Some lessons from the early Church. In particular, encouraging the local church to be imitators of Barnabas the encourager, since he himself was Christ-like

    The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord (John 20:20)! On that Sunday evening, just two days after they had seen Jesus crucified dead and buried, Jesus appeared to his closest friends. Two days after the worst day they had ever experienced, his friends saw him alive and they were more

  • The Days Of My Life

    Contributed by Evie Megginson on May 21, 2005
    based on 30 ratings


    THE DAYS OF MY LIFE PSALMS 23:6 David wrote this most famous of all of the Psalms. As you know, a Psalm is a song, and this song has topped the charts for over 2500 years. It is the best known Psalm, the best loved Psalm and the most quoted Psalm. This whole psalm is a sermon that is evidently more

  • Question About The Virgin Mary Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jun 6, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Series answering questions from the congregation

    Sermon Series: “Questioning the Faith” Sermon #7 “Question about the Virgin Mary” Text: Luke 1:26-30 OPENING JOKE: “King James Virgin” A ten-year old, who was becoming quite knowledgeable about the Bible because of her grandmother’s teaching, asked her grandmother: "Which Virgin was the mother of more

  • "The Mystery Of Apollos"

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Jun 13, 2005
    based on 29 ratings

    Why did Luke include the mention of Apollos in his narrative at this point?

    “Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the scriptures.” Whether it was intentional on Luke’s part or just a by-product of the meticulous manner in which he gathered information and compiled it in his letters to more

  • Luke- The Man Who Did Not Bail Out

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Jun 13, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    A biographical sermon on Luke.

    Annual Sermons: Vol. 12 Sermon 1 Bob Marcaurelle 2 Tim. 4:10-11 LUKE - THE MAN WHO DIDN’T BAIL OUT “. . . Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me. . . Only Luke is with me. Get Mark more

  • Forty Days That Changed A Life 6.

    Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Jul 2, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Jesus spent 40 days on the earth after His resurrection before He went back to heaven.

    Forty days that changed a life 6. John 21: 07/03/05 We are continuing our study on the series forty days that changed a life. Forty days is mentioned in the Bible 22 times. We have had 5 messages already in our series. This morning is our 6th sermon in this series. You know the Bible says that more

  • I Just Wanna Be A Sheep Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on May 3, 2004
    based on 59 ratings

    A look at the 23rd Psalm and how the Shepherd cares for us and what the condition is.

    It is probably the best known psalm in the western world and possibly the best known scripture period. It has been quoted and misquoted, it’s on plaques and mugs and posters, T-shirts and tomb stones.. It’s featured in the sacred and the profane. Most of us can quote at least a portion of it from more

  • Zackie's Story Series

    Contributed by Timothy Archer on May 3, 2004
    based on 61 ratings

    This sermon looks at the story of Zacchaeus and the lessons it teaches us

    Zackie’s Story Luke 19:1-10 Zachary S. (Zackie to his friends) seemed to have it made. He had a fancy apartment with a shiny yellow sports car out front. Zackie had a comfortable government job, earning good money. Some people said his job was a little too comfortable, that the money was too good. more

  • La Historia De Zaqui Series

    Contributed by Timothy Archer on May 14, 2004
    based on 65 ratings

    Un relato modernizado de la historia de Zaqueo

    La Historia de Zaqui Lucas 19:1-10 Zacarías (Zaqui para sus amigos) parecía tenerlo todo. Tenía un departamento hermoso con un auto deportivo en la puerta. Tenía un cómodo puesto en el gobierno, ganando muy buen dinero. Algunos insinuaban que el puesto era demasiado cómodo y el dinero era more

  • "A Big Change In A Small Man"

    Contributed by Ray Scott on May 20, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    In the story of Zacchaeus we see that we may not only have physical, but spiritual handicaps that keep us from seeing Christ. The change in his life was proof of his salvation.

    “A Big Change In A Small Man” Luke 19:1-10 INTRODUCTION: Tell the story of Zach … SONG – “Zaccheus was a wee little man …” Luke 19:1-2 – “Jericho” – Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem … to the cross. Jericho is about 15 miles from Jerusalem. It was a big, rich city. There were 3 tax collection more

  • "No Worries."

    Contributed by Kevin Smith on Jun 19, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    We shouldn’t have to worry about anything in life because God will take care of us, as evident in this particular text.

    I. Introduction: -We as a people worry too much in today’s society about too many things that we really don’t need worry about. - Worry is defined by Webster’s as "Any amount of excess energy spent stressing on things." - We stress out to the max worrying abou too many minor things, things we have more

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