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  • The Great Commission: Its Authority Series

    Contributed by Mike Honzell on Feb 12, 2002
    based on 70 ratings

    the authority behind the great commission

    THE GREAT COMMISSION ITS AUTHORITY Matthew 28: 18-20 INTRODUCTION: A. Shortly before Jesus ascended unto the Father, He gave His disciples, and us, what we call the great commission 1. That commission is really the basis of all we do as a church 2. Notice the more

  • Authority & Power Of His Voice Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jan 24, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    When Jesus enters the ministry, we see the authority and power of His words. We knows that when He calls, He enables. And when He says it, we can count on it happening.

    Mark 1:14-28 The Authority and Power of His Voice Indiana Jones movie The Last Crusade: It’s the story of Indiana Jones and his father’s quest for the Holy Grail, the legendary chalice that Jesus used in his Last Supper with his disciples. In one of the final scenes, the ancient temple more

  • The Amazing Authority Of Jesus Christ Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jun 19, 2021

    1. Let Jesus put you on the right road in life (vs. 13-14). 2. Let Jesus warn you about false prophets (vs. 15-20). 3. Let Jesus give you a real relationship with God (vs. 21-23). 4. Let Jesus help you build your life on a firm foundation (vs. 24-29).

    The Amazing Authority of Jesus Christ The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 7:13-29 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared June 19, 2021) MESSAGE: *Today in Matthew 7:13-29, we will get to the end of the Lord's Sermon on the Mount, and in these verses, Jesus told four short parables. Remember that a more

  • Jesus’ Authority Challenged Again Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Oct 20, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus is again challenged by yet another faction of the religious leadership of His day, this time the Sadducees come calling and they have a ’fool proof’ question that will stump this man they deem as a hinderance to the Kingdom of God...Oh how wrong the

    Luke 20:27-47 Another challenge to Jesus’ teaching October 20, 2010 Set the stage: Jesus has entered Jerusalem and has been proclaimed Messiah by the people and the religious leaders were furious with Him about His refusal to silence their proclamation about Him. They demanded Him to have them more

  • "Wisdom Regarding Those In Authority” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Jul 2, 2018

    What does the wisdom of Proverbs tell us regarding authority? A 4th of July Sunday message.

    In life, we must deal with the matter of authority. Sometimes we find ourselves in positions of authority, like president, boss, or parent; but mostly we find ourselves submitting to authority as citizen, employee, or child. Wisdom regarding authority is too often lacking among those in positions more

  • Authority Doesn't Matter Series

    Contributed by Mark Atherton on Oct 1, 2001
    based on 34 ratings

    A look at the 5th commandment

    Honor means TO MAKE HEAVY -As children we OBEY Ephesians 6:1 Colossians 3:20 -As adolescents we RESPECT Lev. 19:3 Proverbs 20:20 -As adults we APPRECIATE & CARE 1 Tim. 5:4 John 19:26,27 Honor goes BOTH WAYS -Parents should be HONOR - WORTHY Dt. 6:6,7 Dt. 4:9 Dt. 21:18-21 more

  • The Inerrancy Of Scripture: Truth And Authority Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Apr 15, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    We delve into the foundational truth of the inerrancy of Scripture, exploring its significance as the ultimate source of truth and authority for our lives. As we journey through God's Word, may our hearts be open to receive the transformative power of His truth.

    The Inerrancy of Scripture: Truth and Authority Introduction: Today, we delve into the foundational truth of the inerrancy of Scripture, exploring its significance as the ultimate source of truth and authority for our lives. As we journey through God's Word, may our hearts be open to receive more

  • Pastoral Authority Not Pastoral Acquiescence

    Contributed by James Groce on Apr 18, 2001
    based on 106 ratings

    Government presents the case that rebellion could possibly exist. Rebellion indisputably declares that government does exist!

    Pastoral Authority Not Pastoral Acquiescence Elder James Groce Pastor of Calvary Apostolic Tabernacle Molino, Florida Text: Romans 13:1-7 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the more

  • Our Authority Is Our Ally

    Contributed by Eyriche Cortez on May 6, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    Parents are the youth’s best ally.

    Every hiker must have a backup plan. Even if we are not planning to be lost, we must have a backup plan if ever we got lost. One of the ways is to leave our trip plan behind. According to the Hiker’s Responsibility Code, “You are responsible for yourself, so be prepared… To leave your plans. Tell more

  • The Ring Of Power And Authority In Us

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Feb 28, 2016

    To show by way of secret message (SM) that GOD restored us to our rightful place by His side to reign and rule over our enemies and over all His household.

    I. EXORDIUM: Have you been restored? Yes. By GOD's Grace and Love. Luke 15:22 (Amplified Bible) But the father said to his bond servants, Bring quickly the best robe (the festive robe of honor) and put it on him; and give him a ring for his hand and sandals for his feet. II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: more

  • We Believe In The Authority Of Scripture Series

    Contributed by James Jackson on Jan 6, 2025

    Part 1 of a series on the foundational truths of our church

    Good morning! Please open your Bibles to 2 Timothy chapter 3. We begin a new series this morning on the things we believe. The foundational truths that hold us together as a church and as followers of Jesus. Over the next few weeks we are going to talk about the Bible, prayer, fellowship, more

  • The Authority Thing: Choice Or Coercion? Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on May 17, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    To the Jewish people, the Greatest men of the Old Testament were Moses, David, and Elijah, and they expected the Messiah to be like all three of these men in some ways. Jesus proved Himself greater than them all.

    The Authority Thing: Choice or Coercion? (Mark 1:21-34) Intro 1. Every quarter in our bulletins we have an insert from Voice of the Martyrs. 2. Today’s insert is about Li Dexian. Let me read part of it: Pastor Li Dexian has been beaten so hard by Chinese government officials that he coughed more

  • The Study Of “authority” Series

    Contributed by Dr. William D. Poovey on Jul 20, 2015

    The Study Of “Authority”

    The Study Of “Authority” John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. We must have standards and authorities in all the affairs of life. If we do not, then we have much confusion. Every nation has a government more

  • The Authority To Excercise Your Faith

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Mar 7, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    It’s time for the church to stand up in its God-given authority to stand against the power of the enemy.

    March 9, 2008 Morning Worship Text: Matthew 8:5-13 Subject: Faith in Action Title: You Have The Authority to Exercise Your Faith Max Lucado, In the Eye of the Storm, Word Publishing, 1991, p. 153. In U.S. Navel Institute Proceedings, the magazine of the Naval Institute, Frank Koch illustrates more

  • Who Gave You This Authority?

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Apr 4, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The masterful answers of the Master.

    WHO GAVE YOU THIS AUTHORITY? Luke 20:1-26. 1. The authority of Jesus questioned (Luke 20:1-8). This conversation follows hard on the heels of Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple (Luke 19:45-48) “Who gave you this authority?” demanded the Temple authorities, and the leaders of the people (Luke more

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