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  • Lean On Me

    Contributed by Robert Thomas on Mar 12, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Message about the need to be accountable to other Believers

    Lean on Me Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Introduction: We need each other, even the lone Ranger had Tonto. > Accountability - do you have believers in your life who can look you in the eye ask you how your prayer life is? How your thought life is? If more

  • For Me To Live Is

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Oct 17, 2023

    Are we really WWJD people or WWID?

    Philippians 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Just as Christ had no will of His own, but lived to fulfill the will of the Father we are to have no will or life of our own but to fulfill the will of Christ since we have His mind. Having His mind we should have His more

  • Free Not To Be Me

    Contributed by David Roth on Mar 21, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Lent 5 (B). Christ gave his life as a ransom, freeing us not only from sin, but from our own flesh and the power of the devil. We are now free to serve others, as we live under Him in His kingdom.

    J. J. May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen. “Free not to be me” Jesus and his disciples are on their way to Jerusalem. And as they are walking, He is telling them about His upcoming more

  • Trust Me

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Sep 8, 2015

    Trust issues; many of us have them. Yet I think everyone trusts in something or someone. In God We Trust is written on our money yet ironically more americans trust in money than they do God. Let's see why trusting in God is the much wiser choice.

    TRUST ME In my last series, I focused on the places where Jesus said, “I tell you the truth”. But in order to accept what Jesus said we need to trust that he knows what the truth is. Jesus said to Pilate, “Everyone on the side of truth listens to me”, to where Pilate more

  • Follow Me

    Contributed by Paul Zwarich on May 28, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    God has called me, a poor sinner, to be His disciple in His creation.

    Lectionary 10 Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26 Harry Truman is said to have loved telling a story about a man who had been hit on the head at work. The blow was so severe that the man was knocked unconscious for an extended period of time. His family, convinced he was dead, called the funeral home and more

  • "What's In It For Me?" Series

    Contributed by Douglas Sherwood on Mar 27, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    In as plain a language as I can want to tell you what this whole Christ Event . . . Life . . . Death . . . and Resurrection . . . is all about . . . I want to help you answer the question: “What’s In It For Me?”

    **Several of the Illustrations in this sermon came from an illustration search on Sermon Central. INTRODUCTION: A Sunday School teacher asked her class on the Sunday before Easter if they knew what happened on Easter and why it was so important. One little girl spoke up saying: "Easter is when the more

  • Return To Me

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Aug 30, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    There are times when we might stray from the Lord. Sometimes it lasts for a short period; sometimes it's for a longer period. When it happens God longs for our return and he never gives up on us.

    RETURN TO ME There are times when we might stray from the Lord. Sometimes it lasts for a short period; sometimes it's for a longer period. When it happens God longs for our return and never gives up on us. He'll go out of his way to try to bring us to our senses so we would return to him. more

  • Spare Me

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Jun 15, 2015

    God's grace through Christ Jesus unto us all---some grafted in opened the door; it is our belief and strong convictions to the truth in the faith of Christ Jesus that keeps us.

    SPARE ME by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (May 13, 2015) “For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee” (Romans 11:21, King James Version [The Gentiles forbidden to boast]). Greetings In The Holy Name Of Jesus, My sisters and more

  • Remember Me

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on May 21, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon inspired by a song.

    Song-Remember Me by Brook Benton (YouTube) Luke 23:39-43-Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we more

  • Follow Me

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jan 21, 2021

    God calls everyone to some sort of ministry n a variety of locations.

    Follow Me John 1: 43 - 51 Intro: This morning, I want to talk about evangelism by telling you about 2 fishermen. Fisherman #1 we will call Nate. He went and bought the best fishing rod, reel and bait he could find. He brought them home and went to his backyard swimming pool. There he dropped more

  • Wait On Me!!!

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Feb 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Oftentimes it is difficult for one to do what they encourage others to do.Someone can say pray for such and such and we can say I believe God will work mightily on your behalf, but when it becomes something personal then we oftentimes struggle between faith and doubt.

    Wait on Me! By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. OPENING: - Oftentimes it is difficult for one to do what they encourage others to do. For example my mother will tell whomever the moment they mention they may do not feel well - to go see the doctor, but when she has something wrong she will not more

  • Abide In Me

    Contributed by Mark Roper on Nov 28, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    Jesus calls us to abide in him to avoid spiritual vagrancy, against intermittent consecration, against a spasmodic religious life.

    Abide In Me John 15:4-7 After the Crusades, Western Europe received a number of supposed holy relics, including a tooth of Goliath, Wood from Christ Cross, and a bottle that held the breath of Christ. Of course, no one today takes such relics seriously. If we did have the breath of Christ more

  • Why Me?

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Dec 16, 2020

    When we are asked to do something we don't want to do, our response is usually, "Why Me?" This is a short homily for a Sunday service following the choir cantata.

    Why Me? Luke 1: 26 - 38 Intro: Have you ever been asked to do something and you ask the person, “How am I going to do that?” Maybe you’ve been chosen to do something and you ask, “WHY ME? PICK SOMEONE ELSE. I Mary is approached by Gabriel, a messenger from God and asked to do something that is more

  • Why Me?

    Contributed by John Mccurry on Dec 17, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever asked the question "Why Me God" Mary was told she was highly favored of the Lord. In life we have questions of Why Me, God has a plan for each of our lives.

    Why Me? In a moment you will see a short clip that will connect with the scripture verses we will be using for today. Have you ever asked God, Why Me? Luke 1:26-39 The clip I show you will have us sitting in on the conversation between Mary and Elizabeth at Elizabeth’s home. Clip A young girl more

  • Rain On Me

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 25, 2024

    We are living in similar days like the days of Elijah the prophet. What needs to be revived are MIRACLES, DOUBLE-ANOINTING and THE HARVEST in our churches. You and I have a major role to play.

    Apparently, the days of Elijah were filled with trials, famine (of the Word), drought, peril, apostasy, Baal worship and discouragement but this did not dissuade the prophet Elijah from doing the work that God assigned him and so must the church (we) today. We as a church and our nation are living more

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