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  • What Is Heaven Like?

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Jul 31, 2005
    based on 60 ratings

    Heaven is a place of 1. Inconceivable blessing. 2. Growth 3. Fellowship 4. There is only one way to heaven.

    It was only a nickel, but the owner was able to retire on it. It is one of only five nickels like it, and Ed Lee of Merrimack, New Hampshire, sold the nickel for $4.15 million dollars. It is the second-highest price ever reported paid for a rare coin. Speaking for the coin dealership which more

  • What Is Heaven Like?

    Contributed by W F on Aug 5, 2005
    based on 64 ratings

    A look at some of the benefits Believers will enjoy in the next life and how these effect the way we live today.

    What is Heaven Like? “When I get to heaven, I shall see three wonders there: The first wonder will be to see many people there whom I did not expect to see; The second wonder will be to miss many people whom I did expect to see; the third and greatest of all will be to find myself there” (John more

  • What Is Heaven Like? Series

    Contributed by Kerry Bauman on May 10, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    This message takes a look at the passages that describe what heaven will be like.

    Glimpsing Eternity: The Hope of Heaven What Will Heaven Be Like? Text: John 14:1-6 Introduction: We’ve heard many stories about what heaven is like. Most of them mention pearly gates and an angel who is standing by to interview those who seek to enter. Perhaps you’ve heard this one. It’s the more

  • What Is Heaven Like

    Contributed by Chris Rowney on Jul 7, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Desciptions in the Bible paint a picture of heaven, using images of the worlds we know. So what is Heaven like? WHAT IS HEAVEN LIKE? September 2005 • Chris Rowney These messages are also available as audio podcasts at In the movie ‘Return of the King’, the last in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.some of the main characters are in the more

  • What Is Heaven Like? Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Feb 1, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    We see in Revelation 4 that the first words John hears are worship - and that the highest order of angels and the best of the redeemed humans bow to God - what does that tell us about our activities here on earth?

    Chapter 4 marks a huge shift in the book of the Revelation. First, we leave the epistle section of chapters 2 and 3 where Jesus Himself wrote to the church. Second we leave the church age itself. Third we enter into the main section of the book - apocalyptic literature takes over from epistle. more

  • What Is Heaven Like? Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Jun 11, 2020

    Heaven is REAL. Heaven is RIGHT: a right relationship with God, life made right, people made right. A simple message with some deep truths as well.

    WHAT IS HEAVEN LIKE?—Revelation 21, Isaiah 65:17-25 Read Revelation 21. ***The couple were in their 80’s, in good health, largely due to the efforts of the wife, who carefully controlled their diet, and regularly nagged her husband to watch his weight and exercise. For their 60th anniversary, more

  • What Is Heaven Like? Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on May 24, 2021

    Death is a one-way door to give your entrance into a personal welcome of tremendous joy or the first wave of gloom and regret. Hell is your default destination and getting to Heaven is a choice. For those who follow Jesus Christ, Heaven maybe as near as your next week.

    One day an older man was speaking to a student about his future plans. He asked the young man, “Tell me, what are your plans after you graduate from law school?” The young man said, “I would like to get a job with a good firm and start making some money.” The older man said, “Sounds good. Then more

  • What Is Heaven Like?

    Contributed by Russell (Rusty) Pruitt on Feb 28, 2023

    Paul uses the word, “paradise.” It is of Oriental or Persian origin, meaning “the upper reaches of the heavens.” Paul was taken where God and other heavenly beings’ dwell.

    WHAT IS HEAVEN LIKE? TEXT: II COR. 12:2-4 INTRODUCTION: I want to acknowledge Dr. John Barnett as an inspiration for this message, and for stimulating me to my own research on this topic. I didn’t quote him, but after viewing several of his YouTube sermon videos, some of his thoughts inevitably more

  • What's Next? What Is Heaven Like? Series

    Contributed by Dennis Mcconnaughhay on Aug 31, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    What’s Next after we die? What is Heaven Like? Heaven is an Awesome Place! Part 2 of 7

    INTRODUCTION Special Music – I Can Only Imagine… 1. I Can Only Imagine… • (eg) It’s as if we are unable to see -- and have never seen the sunset and yet, a friend, who has seen and experienced a sunset, is trying to tell us what it looks like. • Or we have never seen the Grand Canyon… never more

  • Knockin' On Heaven's Door Series

    Contributed by Mike Gilbert on Jul 16, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    What’s heaven like?

    *ILL>One Sunday morning a preacher asked the congregation, "How many want to go to heaven?" Hands went up everywhere. However one little boy on the front row didn’t raise his hand. The preacher, thinking maybe the boy hadn’t heard the question, asked again, "How many want to go to heaven?" Again, more

  • Heaven Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on May 11, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    Is heaven real and what is heaven like?

    Heaven John 14:1-7 Eben Alexander is a neurosurgeon at Harvard. He thought everything had a scientific explanation including out of body experiences until in 2008, when he slipped into a coma for 7 days after contracting bacterial meningitis. During that time, he had an out-of-body experience of more

  • 10 Ways Heaven Will Be A Blast

    Contributed by Peter Pilt on Apr 30, 2019

    Ever Been Concerned That Heaven Might be Downright Boring:- 10 Ways Heaven Will be a Blast

    Ever thought that Heaven might be boring. I mean the concept of an eternal worship service just doesn’t really light my fire. Don’t get me wrong. I am not being irreverent or dishonouring of God, I just think the traditional concept that we are going to walk around on clouds with harps for all more

  • What Is Heaven Like? Part 2 - Not Just Spiritual Series

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Feb 18, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Is heaven strictly spiritual with no physical manifestation? No, the Bible speaks of heaven as both a spiritual and earthly kingdom. This has huge implications as to how we live our lives by following Jesus right now.

    The Burning Question What Is Heaven Like? Part 2 February 17, 2008 Various Scriptures Alright, we are looking at some burning questions and have begun with “What is heaven Like?” First of all, we noted that there is a key to these questions and all burning questions. Humility is that key. We are more

  • What Is Heaven Like? Part 3 - The Way To Life Series

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Feb 26, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Here we explore what it means to "go to heaven." What does this mean and what implications does it have in this life? What happens when we die?

    The Burning Question What Is Heaven Like? Part 3 – The Way to Life February 24, 2008 Various Scriptures Let’s quickly review what we have seen about heaven. Heaven is multi-facted. It has many different aspects. We have seen the heaven is the place where God reigns and it is comprised of the more

  • What Is Heaven Like? Part 1 - Kingdom Come Series

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Feb 11, 2008

    What is Heaven Like? This is a question that is not easily answered as there are a large variety of ideas in history/Scripture. First we examine the relationship between heaven and the Kingdom.

    The Burning Question What Is Heaven Like? Part 1 – Kingdom Come February 10, 2008 Various Scriptures Our first question is “What is heaven like?” A pretty tough question and one frankly that has been wrestled with and even debated by Christians and other religions for centuries. We will look at more

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