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  • Four Must's Of Responsibility Series

    Contributed by Shane Brooks on Oct 22, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    No One can do the minimum, and receive the maximum.

    1. Get the job done One thing Millionaires have in common... Hard Workers One was asked why he worked 14 hour days, “Americans can survive working 8 hours a day, anything over 8, is an investment in my future” No One can do the minimum, and receive the maximum Credit Cards: If you owe more

  • You Must Choose Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Apr 5, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the 48th Sermon in the Series Action. This series began during the COVID 19 pandemic and is a call for the Church to be the Church.

    Series: Action [#48] YOU MUST CHOOSE Acts 17:1-9 Introduction: I went to my Acupuncturist this week, like I do every other week. She was busier than usual and so she put my ears seeds in before the acupuncture. (The ear seeds help with different types of problems.) As I was sitting there, she more

  • No Matter Who You Are Follow His Lead! PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 29, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore and understand the depth of God's unfailing love and guidance, and the limitless possibilities we can achieve through Him.

    Good morning, brothers and sisters. We gather here today to explore a profound message from the book of Isaiah, a message of God's unfailing love, His guiding hand, and the limitless things we can do through Him. As Rick Warren once said, "God's love is like an ocean. You can see its beginning, but more

  • Attributes Of True Love

    Contributed by James Dina on Oct 14, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Anyone who intends to make heaven on the last day must demonstrate God’s unconditional love to others. The person must not mistreat others but demonstrate the agape love that God approves.

    ATTRIBUTES OF TRUE LOVE "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; more

  • Be Fervent In Your Love

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Aug 12, 2009

    Peter tells us that we must be of sound judgment and sober spirit to prepare for the last days in which we live.

    Be Fervent in your Love! Prayer Open with prayer … 1 Ki 4:29 As God gave to Solomon … (wisdom, great discernment, breadth of mind) Introduction We will be looking at 1 Pet 4:1-11 … 1Pet 4:1-2 Jews- believed suffering was a great purifier. Suffering tends to distract our focus from the many more

  • Are We To Love The Sinner And Hate Sin? Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jul 18, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    God hates sin. Sin is breaking God's Ten Commandment law.

    The Bible says that when we knowingly break any command of God, we are sinning as a transgression of the law of God (1 John 3:4) and rebellion against God (James 4:17), But, He does not punish sin. He punishes the sinner. God punishes the sinner and hates all who do iniquity. All unrighteousness is more

  • Are We To Love The Sinner And Hate Sin? Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jul 23, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    God hates sin. Sin is breaking God's Ten Commandment law.

    a) God hates sin. God hates sin. Sin is breaking God's Ten Commandment law. The Bible says that when we knowingly break any command of God, we are sinning as transgression of the law of God (1 John 3:4) and rebellion against God (James 4:17), But, He does not punish sin. He punishes the more

  • Do We Really Love Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Aug 17, 2017

    Is loving Jesus something we say we do, or do we really do. how can we say we love Jesus and not obey His commandments?

    Opening Illustration: I love the story of the guy who pulled the covers over his head one Sunday morning and told his wife, he was not going to church. When she asked why, he said the people didn’t like him, he didn’t like the music, and the kids made fun of him. His wife said, it is your more

  • God Is Love And We Are His Children

    Contributed by Gordon Mcculloch on May 1, 2013

    God is love, and we should be living in that love, but many people do not understand that how it works, and it is such a natural process, yet it is cannot be demonstrated by the world.

    Two weeks ago my Sermon was on ministry, our ministry to exact, and it was based on Jesus asking Simon Peter if he loved him: and as he did, we examined the overflow of this love, God’s love, onto the lives of others. Today I would like to continue with that sermon and see how faithful and more

  • Which Mountain Will We Ascend?

    Contributed by Robert Eggers on Feb 26, 2001
    based on 47 ratings

    There are two kinds of Christians, those who follow rules and those who follow Chirst--which are you?

    Today’s gospel is from Luke 9, the account of Jesus’ transfiguration. But I would like to juxtapose that reading with an Old Testament text from Exodus. I read the Exodus passage first: The LORD said to Moses, "Come up to me on the mountain and stay here, and I will give you the tablets of more

  • If We Really Love Our Children

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jan 7, 2001
    based on 184 ratings

    How would we show our love if we really loved our children the way the Bible teaches us to love them?

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER CENTRAL CHRISTIAN, BROWNSVILLE, TX ILL. There was an article in the Reader’s Digest a few years ago entitled "What Motherhood Really Means," & subtitled, "It Will Change Your Life, But Not the Way You Think." The writer is telling of a conversation more

  • When We Give What We Have Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Oct 8, 2010

    In light of Mother's Day, we must depend on God to do what only God can do, but we also must give what we have if we are to truly join in the process.

    Intro On this Mother‟s Day we are reminded of the profound role of a parent. I believe that a mother is nothing less than a mediator of God‟s love. A mother is role that is by nature giving… sacrificially giving of life. They give nourishment from their own resources… and more

  • How Did We Get Here PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 2, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the profound truths of healing, hope, and harmony found in John 3:14-21, urging believers to immerse themselves in God's Word.

    Grace, peace, and blessings to you, dear family of faith. We gather here today, not as mere spectators, but as active participants in the divine narrative of love, hope, and harmony. We are here, not by chance, but by divine appointment, called to partake in the feast of God's Word. In the words of more

  • We Got Problems, But We’re Family

    Contributed by Johnny Knight on Jan 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    As believers in Jesus Christ we need to make a clear commitment to loving each other as a family, for our sake and for our witness to a watching world.

    We’ve Got Problems, But We’re Family! Text: Romans 12:10 "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love". Psalm 133:1 "How wonderful it is, how pleasant, when brothers live together in harmony!" The December 31, 1989 issue of the Chicago Tribune pictured a series of photographs of the best photos more

  • Building An Altar For God

    Contributed by Ayodeji Alake on Sep 20, 2005
    based on 219 ratings

    An Altar is intended to be a place of true worship for God; a aplace where communication ensued between a Christian and his creator, God.

    “Building An Altar For God” Text – Gen. 35:1-7, I Kg 5:1-5 - What Is An Altar? - Ingredients of an Altar Building - The Benefits of Building An Altar What is An Altar? - An Altar is a place that is designed or separated for worship unto God; a place of more

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