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  • Ask The Blind Man He Saw It All!

    Contributed by Chris Doster on Mar 12, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    You don’t have to believe me, ask the blind man because he saw it all.

    Ask The Blind Man, He Saw It All! Matthew 9:27-31 Matthew 9:30 And their eyes were opened… (note: when I preach this message I wait and give the the title and key text at the end of the message at the conclusion with the fourth point. I also preach the message as if I’m telling a story of more

  • Handling Guilt Series

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Oct 13, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In today’s sermon, we will explore how God’s grace offers freedom from false guilt, empowering us to let go of past mistakes and walk confidently in the truth that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.

    Overcoming Guilt Online Sermon: The mind’s capacity to remember thoughts, emotions, and events is a remarkable gift, but it can also be a source of profound pain. On one hand, it is a blessing to recall the beauty of cherished moments—walking on the more

  • The Unmerciful Servant

    Contributed by Chris Hodges on Jul 30, 2003
    based on 49 ratings

    To note that we as Christians are to forgive others because we have been greatly forgiven by God.

    The Unmerciful Servant Text: Matthew 18.21-35 Thesis: To note that we as Christians are to forgive others because we have been greatly forgiven by God. Introduction: (1) “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy” (Matt. 5.7). (2) The Background: “Then Peter came more

  • Forgiveness Given And Received

    Contributed by David Hicks on Nov 15, 2006

    The Lord’s Prayer teaches us that forgiveness is important and that we are to forgive as Christ has forgiven us.

    Forgiveness Given and Received Matthew 6:9-15 Please stand with me as we read together this morning’s very familiar text. It is a prayer, and so we can read it like a prayer to God today. Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be honored. May your Kingdom come soon. more

  • The Steps To Forgiveness - How To Begin Living Forgiven.

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Mar 23, 2001
    based on 69 ratings

    The real spiritual battle of forgiveness goes on in our mind and in our thoughts

    1. HUMILITY “Humility is beyond a shadow of a doubt the most significant element of forgiveness. It is directly opposed to pride. Where pride seeks selfish gain, humility seeks selfless gain. True humility is to esteem another more greatly than yourself.” “To humble oneself before God in more

  • But I Still Don't Feel Forgiven

    Contributed by Garrick Ace on Jan 25, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    What do you do when you say all the right things to God, but you still don't feel forgiven?

    I Still Don't Feel Forgiven 2 Chr 34:23-31 23 She said to them, "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: Tell the man who sent you to me, 24 'This is what the LORD says: I am going to bring disaster on this place and its people— all the curses written in the book that has been read more

  • How You Can Know You Are Forgiven Series

    Contributed by Larry Sarver on Apr 16, 2002
    based on 115 ratings

    An Expository Sermon from Romans 8:1-4 concerning the certainity of forgiveness for the Christian. Romans Series #33

    Romans Series # 33 April 10, 2002 Read Romans 8: 1-4 There are very few things in life that you can be absolutely certain about. For instance marriages fail despite vows of lifelong commitment, many products that we purchase disappoint us despite the "satisfaction guaranteed" label, and more

  • Christians Aren't Perfect, Just Forgiven Series

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Oct 3, 2006

    Part 2 in a series debunking some popular bumper sticker descriptions of the faith

    Introduction Last week we talked about the problem of sin in the life of those apart from God (it leads to death/Hell) and in the life of a child of God (it brings a barrier into the relationship God never intended—a lag in the Christian life). We found that the Bible says sin is a condition (from more

  • Man Who Slept Got Forgiven And Healed

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Mar 9, 2014

    To show that faith is the only one thing needed to please GOD to have our needs met and healing.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you have faith to please GOD that will result in your forgiveness and healing? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that faith is the only one thing needed to please GOD to have our needs met and healing. IV. TEXT: Luke 5:17-26 (Amplified Bible) 5:17 One more

  • A Place Where Your Past Can Be Forgiven Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Mar 10, 2015

    Forgiveness, Release, Redemption

    The Well - A Place Where Your Past Can Be Forgiven John 4:16-19 March 27, 2022 Introduction: “Here’s a really really important question...“If your past never becomes your past is it really your past?” If you never deal with the Elephant in the room, isn’t the Elephant always there? H. more

  • “how To Know You Have Forgiven” - Part Two Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Jul 21, 2014

    How do i know I have truly forgiven an offense?

    Last time, we read in Genesis 45:1-15 about the reconciliation of Joseph and his brothers. Joseph’s brothers had sold him into slavery in Egypt. There, he was unjustly accused, convicted and imprisoned. But God was using these experiences to shape Joseph for His purposes. While in prison, more

  • We Have A Big Deficiency In The Word Of God Today

    Contributed by Roger Culwell on Jul 20, 2018

    We have a deficiency of the Word of God today more than any other time

    as we have a vitamin deficiency in our bodies, from not taking a multivitamin, we can also get a word deficiency, and it make's us weak, in certian area/s of our life, or we can preach a one sided message's all the time, to say God will give you what ever you want, and not tell them you have to more

  • "What We Really Need To Know"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Nov 13, 2018

    Many things we don't need to know but there are some things we do need to know.

    “What you really Need to Know” Mark 13:1-8 • Parents do not tell their children everything. They don’t want their children to be burdened or to worry about things children should not worry about. • And God, likewise, does not tell us everything, perhaps for similar reasons. 1. Jesus comes out of more

  • "So We Proclaim"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Apr 20, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    An Easter Sunrise Sermon.

    1 Corinthians 15:1-11 “So We Proclaim” By: Kenneth Emerson Sauer Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA The resurrection of Jesus Christ is historically the foundation of the Christian Church. It is presupposed in every part of the New Testament and is appealed to as a more

  • “how To Know You Have Forgiven” - Part One Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Jul 14, 2014

    How do I know if I have forgiven someone?

    76-year-old Bill Baker wed Edna Harvey, his granddaughter’s husband’s mother. His granddaughter, Lynn, said, “My mother-in-law is now my step-grandmother. My grandfather is now my step-father-in-law. My mom is my sister-in-law and by brother is my nephew. But even crazier is that more

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