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  • Lion Attack Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Aug 8, 2015

    Responding as godly people when Satan attacks.

    “You are aware that all who are in Asia turned away from me, among whom are Phygelus and Hermogenes.” [1] Asics has produced an amusing ad. Two Xhosa men are walking and talking. “I’m no longer interested in Sandra Bullock,” says one. “It’s like in the more

  • Godliness With Contentment Is Great Gain Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jul 20, 2014

    An examination of the deceitfulness of wealth. Paul warns against succumbing to the pursuit of money.

    “But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and more

  • What Do You Know? Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Feb 10, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The Christian possesses knowledge that is not available to outsiders. Therefore, followers of the Christ must encourage their hearts that they know Christ, that they are secure in Him and they are to honour Him.

    “We know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols.” [1] “The trouble with world is not that people more

  • You Gonna Eat That? Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Nov 17, 2017

    A study of the book of Acts 10: 1 - 48

    Acts 10: 1 - 48 You gonna eat that? 10 There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of what was called the Italian Regiment, 2 a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave alms generously to the people, and prayed to God always. 3 About the ninth hour more

  • Turning Religious Reluctance-9

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Oct 2, 2018

    9 of ? Jesus bore witness of His Messianic identity to a reluctant but religious woman. God’s people bear witness of Jesus’ identity to reluctant religious people. What does it take to turn that religious reluctancy around? Turning religious reluctance to God requires...

    TURNING RELIGIOUS RELUCTANCE-IX—John 4:1-26+(:1-42) Turning the Religious Lost Attention: Picture A Train. The train is dedicated/committed to a specific set of tracks. However, that specific set of tracks leads to an abandoned attempt at bridging a deep canyon in order to make a shorter way to more

  • Clergy In Conflict

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jan 18, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Honouring the Son of God who appoints to holy service may well bring the servant of God into conflict with those who are seeking an easy religion. The one who will serve God, must maintain perspective and remain focused on pleasing Him who appoints to His service.

    “Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam king of Israel, saying, ‘Amos has conspired against you in the midst of the house of Israel. The land is not able to bear all his words. For thus Amos has said, ‘“Jeroboam shall die by the sword, and Israel must go into exile away from his more

  • Who’s Really Running This Show

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Aug 26, 2018

    A study in the book of 2 Samuel 3: 1 – 39

    2 Samuel 3: 1 – 39 Who’s really running this show 3 Now there was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David. But David grew stronger and stronger, and the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker. 2 Sons were born to David in Hebron: His firstborn was Amnon by Ahinoam the more

  • The Spirit Of The Age; Preparing For What Is Coming

    Contributed by James May on May 28, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This speaks of Conditions in America, the Spiritual Awakening around the world and the Spirit of Antichrist that are manifesting in our world right now as we draw ever nearer to the end of the church age. 2 part message.

    The Spirit of the Age Preparing for what’s coming! Sunday, 5/21/23 & 5/28/23 Something that amazes me is that there are many in the church today who believe that prophets and prophecy are no longer relevant or active in this era of the New Testament, and that they ceased operating like they more

  • We Saw It, But We Don't Really Believe It!

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Mar 28, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The struggle to believe is real, but it is overcome when we meet the Risen, Living Son of God.

    “On the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been taken away from the tomb. So she ran and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved, and said to them, ‘They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, more

  • Defending The Word Of God, Part Two Series

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Oct 14, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The need to contend for the faith

    Intro: 1. Every year, thousands upon thousands of wildebeests run a sort of marathon. The African savannah dries up for weeks. Then, rains come to the north. Small herds of wildebeests join other herds of the hog-like creatures as they run for days. Covering many miles at a thundering speed, more

  • Back To The Future Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Aug 15, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A study of chapter 12 verses 1 through 17

    Revelation 12: 1 – 17 Back To The Future 1 Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. 2 Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. 3 And another sign appeared in more

  • The Market Place

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Aug 3, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    The marketplace touches virtually every person on the earth and this includes the church. The church cannot ignore what goes on in the world and should position itself to be effective in society as a whole which includes the marketplace.

    The Market Place When we refer to the marketplace in this book, we mean: * the world of business, trade, and economics * the world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold * an area in a town where a public mercantile establishment is set up * where goods and more

  • Guiding Principles For Political Involvement Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Jul 29, 2020

    Guiding Principles for Political Involvement Series: Engaging Politics...Together. July 26, 2020 – Brad Bailey

    Guiding Principles for Political Involvement Series: Engaging Politics...Together. July 26, 2020 – Brad Bailey Intro Well.... good morning to all those gathering online this morning... who may be connecting on demand. I imagine that we all feel some effects of this season of pandemic more

  • Using Power Evangelism In Cross - cultural Communications

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 11, 2001
    based on 10 ratings

    Cross-cultural communicators, in the past, have sadly neglected the issue of spiritual-power thinking that the use of reasonable Christianity is the best way to produce change. However, in most non-western societies, the issue of power is central to most

    USING POWER EVANGELISM IN CROSS -CULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS Illustration;About 40 percent of Americans characterize the nation’s moral values as "poor" and 41 percent say the state of moral values is "only fair." Only 18 percent rank the situation as "good" or "excellent." Weekly church attendees had more

  • Homosexuality

    Contributed by Robert Robinson on Aug 5, 2003
    based on 155 ratings

    This is a Biblical perspective on homosexuality.

    In today’s society, homosexuality has become "the forgotten sin." While Scripture is clear on the subject, the Church has quickly, and meekly followed the world and softened its’ stance. Let us examine God’s revealed truth about homosexuality in both the Old and New Testaments. Homosexuals are not more

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