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  • Advent Candle Lighting Litanies, 2021

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Nov 20, 2021

    The litanies for lighting the first four candles of Advent are based upon the text of Romans 5:1-8 in which the theme of hope, peace, joy, and love all appear,

    Week 1 Narrator 1: Happy New Year’s! Narrator 2: It’s not New Years. It’s a month away. Narrator 1: No it’s really New Years Day on the Christian Calendar. The first week of Advent begins the New Christian year. Narrator 2: What is Advent? I hear it has something to do with Christmas. Narrator more

  • Proof

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Apr 18, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    As Paul preached to the Athenians, he told them that the resurrection was proof that Jesus was who God proclaimed him to be. This sermon looks at the proofs from the lives of the disciples that Jesus is alive.

    Proof Act 17:22-31 Intro: There was an old man who had witnessed a burglary and appeared in court to identify the guilty party. . The prosecutor questioned him and he identified the defendant as the man who had committed the crime. . Now it was the defense attorney’s turn. He asked the man, more

  • A Victory With Water Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 25, 2021

    Doubtless, numerous volumes could be filled with the victories gained with water. We are examining one that is the Niagara of them all.

    After the Russo-Japanese War in which Japan gained a great victory on the sea, the commander of the Japanese fleet visited the United States. William Jennings Bryan was the secretary of state, and it was his duty to toast the visiting commander. Bryan was a staunch prohibitionist however, and more

  • When Faith Meets Anointing.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Nov 27, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Several folks were challenged, and changed by this Word! All believers are positionally overcomers but when we obey we are experiential overcomers and this is why His commands are not burdensome.

    When Faith Meets Anointing. I John 5:4 1 John 5:4KJV For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Always pause to ponder "What is the writer explaining?" John has just spoken of God's commandments as not more

  • Persistent Prayers

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Dec 21, 2021

    Jesus often taught in parables. Among his many listeners, some folks understood their meaning and some folks didn't. And that is still true today, because we all tend to hear what we want to hear.

    The Lord used these parables to convey a truth to the listeners then, and to His listeners now, by taking a physical situation to teach a spiritual truth. Luke 18:1-8 is a parable about prayer. This is made clear in the first verse of this parable, look at Luke 18:1, we read, “And he spake a more

  • Blossom Time

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jul 30, 2023

    Love and life are two sides of the same coin, that where love is life springs up, and life is a sign that love has been there.

    This week the flowers decorating the altar are poinsettias. Do you know why? Pepita was a poor Mexican girl who had no gift to present the Christ Child at Christmas Eve services. As she walked to the chapel with her cousin Pedro, her heart was filled with sadness rather than joy. “I am sure, more

  • It All Comes Down To This

    Contributed by Terry Hovey on Apr 8, 2023

    It all comes down to this… It’s a phrase we’ve all used at some point or another. It speaks of a defining moment—a critical stage in your life—a momentous occasion. A point in life where everything changes. In one way or another, nothing will be the same from this point on.

    It Comes Down to This Luke 24:1-12 I am not a football fan. As a matter of fact, I’m really not a fan of any kind of sports. Now, I love to play golf, and maybe some other games, but I really dislike sitting and watching games. Unless it’s maybe an HS game, and I know some of the players, but more

  • Life Is One Big Test

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 23, 2022

    Someone said, “Life is a test”. Life is one big university that is in session 365 days a year.

    I do not know about you, but I have never enjoyed taking a test. Now I can remember when I was in college. It seemed as if some of my classmates enjoyed taking a test because it gave them a chance to show off how smart they were. But I never had a lot to show off, so I never enjoyed taking a more

  • The Principles And Practices Of Family Worship Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Apr 8, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    In this lesson, I want to examine briefly some principles and practices of family worship.

    Scripture Two years ago, I started a series of sermons on Sunday evenings that I called “Worship Matters.” I preached two messages. Then COVID-19 hit and we stopped our Sunday Seconds services for almost two years. We are now resuming our Sunday Seconds services, and so I am continuing my series more

  • Thank You For Serving!

    Contributed by Je Layugan on Apr 11, 2022

    Why is serving very important and what should be our motivation? The answers lie in that very powerful scene in which Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. Jesus mandated us to live by (symbolically) washing one another’s feet, (literally) serving one another.

    INTRODUCTION – The 80/20 Rule in the Church We loved to be served. - We tend to get angry when we ordered something and not served on time. - We demand to talk to the manager when we are not satisfied with the service provided to us. - We grumble when our expectation of service is not met. To be more

  • He Taught Them Many Parables… (The Unjust Judge And The Persistent Widow

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 14, 2022

    Jesus often taught in parables. Among his many listeners, some folks understood their meaning and some folks didn't.

    And that is still true today, because we all tend to hear what we want to hear. The Lord used these parables to convey a truth to the listeners then, and to His listeners now, by taking a physical situation to teach a spiritual truth. Luke 18:1-8 is a parable about prayer. This is made clear more

  • Where Is Your Trust 2 Of 2

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 27, 2022

    This is the second part of, “WHERE IS YOUR TRUST.”

    Trust is something the Psalmist dealt with in this Psalm. He showed us three places where people place their trust during the days he lived here on earth. • Some trusted in the chariots • Some trusted in the horses • Some trusted in the Lord We dealt with two important things that God expects us more

  • Jesus Eats With Sinners And Tax Collectors: The Parable Of The New Wine Into Old Wineskins Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Sep 12, 2022

    The last few weeks we were in the vineyard, working the fields, sweating, watering vines, pruning vines, getting sweaty, talking servanthood, talking pride vs. humility, talking about the kingdom of God pattern in regard to gifts received, timing, all of it.

    The last few weeks we were in the vineyard, working the fields, sweating, watering vines, pruning vines, getting sweaty, talking servanthood, talking pride vs. humility, talking about the kingdom of God pattern in regard to gifts received, timing, all of it. Now we’re coming in from the vineyard more

  • The Voice

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Sep 21, 2022

    Revelation 14 (English) (Indonesian) (Spanish) (Filipino) (Chinese) THE VOICE (REVELATION 14) The American singing competition “The Voice” has aired since 2011 and it aims to more

  • Godlessness In The Last Days Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 21, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    2 Timothy 3:1-9 shows us how to identify false teachers.

    Introduction In the Disney animated classic Alice in Wonderland, Alice wanders through a frustrating world of tardy rabbits, singing flowers, and one curious-talking cat. Her visit with the cat begins as she continues down a mysterious darkened trail and stops at a large tree. The tree is covered more

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