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  • He Will Quiet You With His Love Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on May 24, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    Let me tell you one thing, all the above become ‘little and insignificant’ when the Big God gives us a hug. The Word of God is a tonic, the relief, the healing for pain! Hurray! Are you there?

    He will quiet you with His love! Zephaniah 3:17”………..He will quiet you with His love…” I was neck-deep buried with ministry work, family work and every other work on earth; I did squeeze time in between to pray but I was hungering to be ‘really’ more

  • He Will Quiet You With His Love Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on May 24, 2013

    Let me tell you one thing, all the above become ‘little and insignificant’ when the Big God gives us a hug. The Word of God is a tonic, the relief, the healing for pain! Hurray! Are you there?

    He will quiet you with His love! Zephaniah 3:17”………..He will quiet you with His love…” I was neck-deep buried with ministry work, family work and every other work on earth; I did squeeze time in between to pray but I was hungering to be ‘really’ more

  • We Got To Grow! Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 18, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    We got to grow from believer to laborer and then grow to become a soldier for Christ! Who is a soldier? A soldier is an alert, active, loyal, militant follower who arises during the time of crisis and God wants each one of us to resurrect from our comfort

    We got to grow – Part 3 Our fellow soldier! Philemon 1:2”…………..Archippus our fellow soldier……….” We got to grow from believer to laborer and then grow to become a soldier for Christ! Who is a soldier? A soldier is an alert, active, more

  • Promises

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jan 22, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    This sermon is about making and keeping promises.

    Luke 4: 14 – 21 Promises Intro: When Jack’s son, Jesse turned 13 he began as most boys do, bugging his dad about getting him a car when he turned 16. Jack grew weary of the nagging and finally gave in. He promised Jesse that on his 16th birthday he would give him a car. Jesse more

  • Original Sin Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 24, 2014

    the beatitudes according to Luke

    Original Sin Ever disappointed by how empty a new bag of chips or box of cereal is - “some settling of contents has occurred” Illustrate this Jesus unpacks what this new kingdom is like by some very unsettling illustrations. Very UN-Kingdom like laws Nothing here is vague or hard to more

  • 5 Things Your Wife Wants You To Know, But Won't Tell You.

    Contributed by Eduardo Quintana on Mar 22, 2017

    Most men just don't understand what makes a woman tick. With that in mind, Here are five things your wife would like you to know but for a variety of possible reasons, she won’t tell you.

    1 Peter 3:7 Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. Most men just don't understand what makes a woman tick. With that in mind, more

  • Simple Trust Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on May 5, 2015

    God has moved powerfully in human history and in our lives. In response, we are invited to simply trust in what God has already done.

    Romans 1:1-17 “Simple Trust” INTRODUCTION There are times when we are forced to go to the very core of our being in order to rediscover ore reaffirm who we are as individuals. The young man in this video reaffirmed that he was a “good” boy and that he wasn’t more

  • Simple Trust Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on May 22, 2015

    God has moved powerfully in human history and in our lives. In response, we are invited to simply trust in what God has already done.

    Romans 1:1-17 “Simple Trust” INTRODUCTION There are times when we are forced to go to the very core of our being in order to rediscover ore reaffirm who we are as individuals. The young man in this video reaffirmed that he was a “good” boy and that he wasn’t more

  • God’s Armor (A)

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jun 25, 2012

    God gives us what we need to fight the spiritual battle.

    God’s Armor (A) September 21, 2008 Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: God gives us what we need to fight the spiritual battle. Focus Passage: Ephesians 6:10-17 Introduction: Note: The armor of God is not something you put on everyday like a more

  • Our Mission Field

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Mar 3, 2014

    Jesus instructed his missionaries to bless those they visit and those whose homes they stay in. It is my prayer that your homes may know that same kind of blessing. I also extend to you the opportunity to be a blessing by promoting missions in your homes and here in our church.

    Our Mission Field Luke 10:1-9 1 After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. 2 He told them, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers more

  • First Judge Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Aug 16, 2022

    Othniel delivered God’s people through battle and there was peace for God’s people for forty years. Don’t get in the trap that repeats itself twelve times through the book of Judges with sin, punishment, repentance and deliverance. Don’t forget all the good things the Lord has done for you.

    The title First Judge is taken from the movie First Knight. The First Knight story of Camelot. Lancelot is the courageous sword fighter. He runs the gauntlet and wins a kiss from Guinevere, the bride to be of King Arthur. Then Lancelot after another daring deed saves the life of Guinevere and lands more

  • Building Effective Evangelism Strategies For Modern Times

    Contributed by Pastorslink Usa on May 5, 2023

    Revolutionary Techniques For Effective Evangelism In Today's World

    Evangelism is a fundamental part of Christianity, and it involves sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others. As Christians, we are called to make disciples of all nations and to spread the love of Christ to those around us. However, evangelism can be challenging in today's society, more

  • The Call Of Moses. Part Two.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jan 22, 2025
    based on 2 ratings

    The LORD's gracious compassion. Moses commissioned by the LORD.

    THE CALL OF MOSES. Part Two. Exodus 3:7-15. EXODUS 3:7. The second thing that the LORD said was, I have surely “seen” the affliction of my people which are in Egypt; I have “heard” their cry; for I “know” their sorrows. This echoes the end of the previous chapter: Israel ‘sighed’ by reason of more

  • Cheating Life

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Nov 28, 2001
    based on 11 ratings

    Far too many people are living without hope or vitality and thus they are cheating life

    Cheating Life John 11 November 16, 1997 Morning Service 1. The aspect of Dead air: A. The best part of radio: The playing of record and D.J., the challenge of radio was to avoid dead air B. Why do we focus so much on the concept of death? What is it about death that seems to fascinate? 2. Break more

  • Prayer That Changes

    Contributed by Richard White on Sep 25, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    We pray, we ask, we look for answers, we look for change.

    Prayer that Changes Col. 1:9-14 We have all heard the phrase “Prayer Changes Things”. In Prayer we can change our outlook, our circumstance, our lives, and even the lives of others. For the next several weeks as we prepare for our day of Prayer and Fasting we will focus on prayer. more

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