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  • The Voice Of God

    Contributed by Joe Adaline on Oct 8, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    We need to know with certainty when God speaks to us. We need to know what he is saying, and we need to know it is from Him. Jesus gives us instructions and challenges in our text this morning.

    Downtown is a large City-County building. It holds many municipal and county courtrooms. Probate court is there. Every day, petitions and writs are read and heard, telling the will and wishes of the testator. The person who’s will was to wish after his death, such and such would happen, such a sum more

  • Voices And Choices

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Aug 24, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    We have to be cautious because much like the original audience of Proverbs, we are in a marketplace of voices that compete for our time, attention and even our allegiance. Proverbs 1:7 reminds us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

    VOICES AND CHOICES Text: Proverbs 1:20 – 33 Matthew Henry once made the point that the book of Proverbs gives us a “…. necessary caution against bad company”. Matthew Henry’s comment reminds me of something I always heard when I was growing up which was “If you lie down with dogs, then more

  • Hear The Voice

    Contributed by Matthew Blau on May 31, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    From Psalm 29, When we hear the voice of God we need to act. But we must be careful it is God's voice we are listening to.

    Hear the Voice I am amazed at how the Lord puts us where we need to be. This past Wednesday I worked on my sermon and finished the bulletin. And I was struggling with the sermon. On my way home I was still thinking about it and praying about it when I remembered my wife had said I was looking more

  • "The Voice"

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jun 16, 2012
    based on 2 ratings

    The sermon is based upon the Voice of God why we hear the voice and why we don't.

    Psalm 29 "The Voice" 1. Our text today says the Voice of the Lord is like: A. The Text says the Voice of the Lord is over the Waters The Voice of the Lord is like Thunder The Voice of the Lord is Powerful, The Voice of the Lord is Majestic (Holy Garments) The Voice of the Lord is able more

  • The Voice Of God

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Jan 5, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Sunday After Epiphany Year B

    Psalm 29 / The Voice Of The Lord Intro: . Recently, I saw a commercial for computer software that types whatever the person says into a microphone. That commercial got me to thinking about voice recognition. Personally, I’m not very good at recognizing voices over the phone. Thank more

  • A Voice For Life

    Contributed by Scott Sharpes on Jan 24, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The Sanctity of Life: Is life God created, Is life God valued, and Is life God redeemed? A scriptural look at the issue of life. Questions deal with "Who is a human being?" and "Who gets to determine when life starts and stops. What do we do with this

    Title: A Voice for Life 01/22/12 Text: Psalm 139:13-18 Purpose: Sanctity of Life sermon ********************************************************************************************** Introduction A. Describe the birth of daughters, standing there cutting the umbilical more

  • A Voice In The Wilderness

    Contributed by Rodger Tidwell on Dec 3, 2012

    that there are some similarities about John’s mission and the church’s mission today that would be beneficial for us to consider.

    A VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS When we think of a wilderness, we think of words like seclusion, isolation and perhaps sparsity. I believe these words would be appropriate in describing not only a wilderness in the natural sense but also one in the more

  • The Voice Speaks

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Dec 1, 2020

    The Voice of God cries out to humanity I forgive, I love you, I give you Hope, I offer Peace to all, and I give joy to all humanity.

    “The Voice Speaks” Isaiah 40:1-11 1. Today is the second Sunday of Advent (Second Coming) today there is a Voice that Cries out • The Voice we hear is God. God voice says, “Speak tenderly to Jerusalem “Tell her I forgive her of her wrongs, her sins, her forgiveness has freed her she more

  • The Voice Of Experience Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 25, 2021

    John says we have personal contact with Christ. We knew Him through the avenue of our senses, and we bear witness of Him.

    James Thurber tells the fable of the bear that use to go on a spree of drunkenness, and come home at night and break up the furniture, and frightening the children and drive his wife to tears. One day he reformed and decided to never drink again, and from then on he would come home and more

  • A Voice For God Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Jul 18, 2022

    This sermon focuses on John the Baptist and his unique role as "the one crying out in the wilderness to prepare the way for the Lord", as well as a four possible applications for Christians today.

    Good morning. By a show of hands, how many of you have heard of the biblical character John the Baptist? Most of you have heard of him of course. When you think of John the Baptist, what kind of image comes to mind? A little wild. A guy running around the desert dressed funny and eating bugs more

  • The Voice In The Wilderness.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 24, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Never mind the preacher. Look to the One preached.

    THE VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS. John 1:19-28. The witness of John is put on record (John 1:19) because the Council in Jerusalem sent a delegation to him, asking who he thought he was, preaching without licence (from them) out there in the wilderness. They surely knew he was a priest’s son, but more

  • A Voice Of Declaration Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jan 10, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The good news is to be heralded not only by the prophet but by all God’s people. It is God’s word for all peoples, in all the earth, in every generation.

    ISAIAH 40: 9-11. [ADVENT I SERIES PART IV] A VOICE OF DECLARATION [Acts 1:6-8] The preparer of the way already has been called to bring the life changing message that the glory of the Lord will be revealed on earth. When Immanuel comes He will indwell those who receive Him in order to give more

  • "Voice Lessons" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Dec 22, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    In one of Max Lucado’s books he asks a very interesting question. He says “couldn’t God have thought of something better to compare us to instead of sheep? Probably not.

    GOD CONNECTIONS “Voice Lessons” John 10:1-14; 27 Last week on Wednesday evening we had just gotten home from Bible study. I was getting out of my truck when I noticed a dog standing at the edge of our yard. She looked a bit scared—we called for her to come to us—but it more

  • The Voice Of The Lord

    Contributed by Samuel M on Feb 27, 2024

    These days there are lot of strange, false and even good voices but there is no Lord’s voice. There are many meetings and gatherings, but there is no voice of the Lord. The voice of the Lord has become a rare thing to find in Christian circles.

    These days there are lot of strange, false and even good voices but there is no Lord’s voice. There are many meetings and gatherings, but there is no voice of the Lord. The voice of the Lord has become a rare thing to find in Christian circles. In previous generations, the voice of the Lord thrived more

  • Voices In The Night

    Contributed by Jon Sullivan on Mar 22, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    There are four distinct groups found in the nativity story and each group represent a different truth about the birth of God's Son

    VOICES IN THE NIGHT INTRODUCTION: It seems appropriate to me that in a world where Christmas has become more and more commercialized that the eve of the birth of our savior will fall on a Sunday this year. In the midst of ALL the hustle and bustle of preparations for the many celebrations that more

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