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  • One Decision From Victory Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Feb 12, 2006
    based on 20 ratings

    2 of 5 on the book of Judges. This message is on Deborah and features a monologue that was presented by Betty Stacy who performed as Deborah.

    The Verdict on Judges One Decision from Victory DEBORAH monologue I am Deborah. I have had many roles in my life. First, and foremost I was just a humble homemaker, the wife of Lapidoth; a mother in Israel. But then I became a counselor to my people, next, a judge in their disputes, and more

  • Bible Keys To Victorious Prayer

    Contributed by James H Boyd on Jul 15, 2023

    We are going to look at what is commonly called “The Lord’s Prayer."

    A little boy prayed for God to give him a new bicycle. He prayed every night. On the first night, he told Jesus “If you get me a new bike, I will never scream or yell again.” On the second night, he told Him “If you get me a new bike, I will be nice to my siblings forever.” On the third night, he more

  • Victory! - One Of The Benefit Of Righteousness Series

    Contributed by Ps Trevor Bartley on Jun 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    When it comes to triumphing and having victory in our Christian life, there is a critical factor that brings triumph and victory that we need to understand, and that is our awareness of our Righteousness in Christ.

    When it comes to triumphing and having victory in our Christian life, there is a critical factor that brings triumph and victory that we need to understand, and that is our awareness of our Righteousness in Christ. Psalm 112:6, AMP - He will not be moved forever; the [uncompromisingly] more

  • Vision+faith+action=victory

    Contributed by Jerry Dunn on Jul 26, 2002
    based on 229 ratings

    This sermon’s title was taken from another contributor: Glenn Queener. The body of the message is not at all the same as his outline. It is a message preached to challenge my people to move forward in the construction of our new facility even though there

    Vision + Faith + Action =Victory Joshua 6:1-5; 20 The text for the message this morning is one that is quite familiar to all of us. As children we used to sing songs about “Joshua and the battle of Jericho,” and how those walls came “a tumblin’ down.” This is, without question, one of the most more

  • The Problem Of Victory (7 Of 9) Series

    Contributed by James O. Davis on Nov 8, 2011
    based on 8 ratings

    If we are to stay in Canaan and live victoriously, we need to heed the warnings of secret sin found in Joshua 7.

    Join us at the Synergize 3! Pastors Conference on January 17–19, 2012 in Orlando, Florida, to network with key Christian leaders from every world region. Learn more at ________________ INTRODUCTION In this chapter, we will see the sin that lost the war. God’s plan for each more

  • How To Have A Victorious Ministry Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jul 2, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 26th sermon in the series "The Cure". All Christians are ministers. How do you have victory in your ministry?

    Series: The Cure [#26] HOW TO HAVE A VICTORIOUS MINISTRY Romans 15:14-33 Introduction: This has been an exhausting couple of days. The Supreme Court has decided that they are “god” and have re-defined marriage. On a day that should have been pure joy- The enemy tried to steal that more

  • Five Principles For Spiritual Victory Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Feb 18, 2002
    based on 667 ratings

    The defeat of Jericho provides us with five principles of spiritual victory.

    A Study of Joshua Sermon # 5 Five Principles For Spiritual Victory Joshua 5: 13- 6:21 Many of the present generation may not remember that Sergeant Alvin York was the most famous soldier of World War I. Neither do they realize more

  • Celebrating The Victory, But What Was The Battle? Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 12, 2004
    based on 43 ratings

    Packed within three verses are some of the most important truths of the Gospel, for these verses explain WHY Jesus died on the cross and exactly what He accomplished by that death.

    Celebrating the Victory, But What Was the Battle? (Romans 3:24-26) 1. A wife wrote: Last year, when the power mower was broken and wouldn’t run. I kept hinting to my husband that he ought to get it fixed, but somehow the message never sank in. Finally I thought of a clever way to make the point. more

  • Victory Over Every Circumstance

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jun 20, 2022

    Most Christians want to experience overcoming power and triumph in every situation. How can we?

    I feel that most Christians want to experience “...overcoming power and triumph in each trying hour.” Victory over every circumstance. This principle is taught throughout the Bible. 1. Potter and the clay, Jeremiah 18:1-10 a. In the hands of the potter, verse 6. b. Made it again as seemed good to more

  • The Person Of Victory (5 Of 9) Series

    Contributed by James O. Davis on Nov 8, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    If we are to live victoriously, a time and place will come when we will meet the man with the sword in His hand and we will learn to know Him in a personal way.

    Join us at the Synergize 3! Pastors Conference on January 17–19, 2012 in Orlando, Florida, to network with key Christian leaders from every world region. Learn more at ________________ INTRODUCTION As a minister waited in an airport to board his flight, he watched a soldier in more

  • Victoriously Living Over The Flesh Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Sep 29, 2005
    based on 77 ratings

    Before a battle can be won, there must be the recognition of an enemy. The most continual aggressive enemy the Christian has is the “sinful nature” or rather the “flesh.”

    Title: Victoriously Living Over the Flesh Theme: Mortifying the Flesh Introduction: Donald Ballar, Reader’s Digest, shared this story of an instructor of student truck drivers. The instructor gave this scenario to his class. “You are in an 18-wheeler with a heavy load, barreling down a more

  • Gaining Victory Over Depression Series

    Contributed by Matthew Stoll on May 29, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Using Neil Anderson’s book "Overcoming Depression" to help gain victory over the spiritual and emotional battle of depression.

    We are concluding our series “Victory in Jesus” this week, I am actually cutting the series short because Mother’s Day is next week. I didn’t think we would want to be studying depression on Mother’s Day. Our series has focused on God’s promise that through Jesus we have victory over sin and the more

  • The Believer's Victory

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Aug 8, 2024

    A series on I John

    Title: The Believer’s Victory Script: I John 5:1-12 Type: Expos./Series Where: GNBC 8-11-24 Intro: Vital signs are “critical indicators of a person’s health and current medical status. Traditionally, clinicians are interested in measuring body temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate of more

  • Victory Songs (Exodus 15)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Aug 20, 2024

    Is singing to the Lord a good thing? Do we quickly lose faith and complain like ancient Israelites? Let's look at Exodus 15.

    Is singing a good way to rejoice over victory? What is a good theme for singing to the Lord? Do we also quickly forget God’s mighty hand and backslide into complaining? What songs did the Israelites sing during the Exodus? Did the whole experience help their faith? Then Moses and the Israelites more

  • Your Victory Is In Your Praise

    Contributed by Pastor Dempsey Daniels on Nov 16, 2002
    based on 124 ratings

    This message reveals four influential points that from this text to help you move into your victory!

    Introduction- Praise explodes stronghold and paves the path to victory.Acts 16 recounts the story of Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail. One sung a song and the other prayed a prayer. They did this because they understood how to get into the presence of God. Psalm 22:2-4 declares -- O my God, I more

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