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  • United In Prayer Series

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Aug 6, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Clear and preachable outline, so that you can make the importance of united group prayer come alive to your church people.

    UNITED IN PRAYER Pastor Eric J. Hanson May 4, 2008 Biblical Basis 1. Acts 1:14 reveals that the Church was birthed in a continuing prayer meeting. a. They knew that they didn’t know what was what. b. They prayed until the breakthrough came. 2. Acts 4:29-31 reveals that they prayed once more and more

  • United In Prayer Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Jun 8, 2022

    If we are going to be a NT church, we need to be a praying church.

    United In Prayer Text: Acts 1:12-26 Introduction 1. Illustration: In the 1850s, the United States was in a weak spiritual state, as people were preoccupied with concern for material things. In 1857 a quiet forty-six-year-old businessman, Jeremiah Lanphier, felt led to start a noon-time weekly more

  • World Unites In Prayer

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Apr 17, 2012

    This article by CH (CPT) Satterfield, USA, was printed in the March 9, 2009 edition of The Mountaineer, the Ft. Carson, CO newspaper

    The World Day of Prayer is a worldwide movement of Christians of many traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer the first Friday of March and who have a continuing relationship in service. The day is initiated and carried out by people in more than 170 countries and regions. It more

  • Believers Unite In Prayer To God

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Apr 25, 2002
    based on 10 ratings

    EASTER 4(B) - April 21, 2002 - Christian believers unite in prayer to the Triune God with praises and with all boldness and confidence.

    BELIEVERS UNITE IN PRAYER TO GOD Acts 4:23-33 - April 21, 2002 23On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. 24When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. "Sovereign Lord," more

  • The Power Of United Prayer

    Contributed by Derrick Thompson, Sr. on Oct 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Sometimes in life it seems we are faced with a hopeless situation; sometimes it might seems there is no way out, but 6the power of united prayer can change hoplessness to hope. Things change when sincere prayer is made.

    First Church of God in Harvey Sunday morning, September 28th, 2008 Welcome... This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. This is the day...elaborate.. How are you today? Has God been good to you? Do you still love the Lord? Do you intend to make heaven your more

  • The Blessing Of United Prayer

    Contributed by David Ibeleme on Jun 30, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Helping believers understand the value of corporate prayer

    The Blessing of United Prayer Bishop David Ibeleme Scriptures encourage believers to come together especially in prayer - Acts 2:41ff. This type of prayer which involves a congregation or a group of believers is also called Congregational or Corporate Prayer. It is operated through the principle more

  • "Praying...not Preying!" [part Five]

    Contributed by Reverend Cooper Mcwhirter on Sep 28, 2016

    “Since when is prayer an option?”

    Sermon Preached at Grace Community Church (EPC) Sun City Grand, Surprise, AZ Sunday, June 5, 2011 by the Reverend Cooper McWhirter “Praying … Not Preying: The High Priestly Prayer” [Part Five] John 17:20-26 It seems only fitting that we conclude this sermon series on more

  • Together In Prayer Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Aug 6, 2008

    This full text message builds on the ofundation of the message "United In Prayer". It tells more stories of churches which have been totally transformed into spiritual power houses by united prayer.

    Together in Prayer Part 2 Pastor Eric J. Hanson May 18, 2008 Last time, in the first part of this message, I told the stories of the birth of the church age, when the Holy Spirit came to live inside of believers. This happened at the end of an extended season of prayer by the 120, who were in the more

  • United Series

    Contributed by Josh Foster on Feb 27, 2014

    The purpose of this sermon is two-fold: to explore Jesus’ prayer for unity and the Scriptural mandates for unity to occur; and secondly, to enlist the congregation’s commitment to see it happen among us!

    WAC2BL: United Scripture Text: John 17.20-23 INTRODUCTION I have played on some really-rotten basketball teams! It’s no fun. Even-though I love the game, …teammates make such a difference! When the others on the team are selfish, …half-hearted, …arrogant ~ more

  • Mothers United!

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Mar 24, 2012

    A short talk for Mothering Sunday, given at a service of baptism where lots of Brownies and Scouts were also present. The talk aims to publicise the great work of the Mothers’ Union, although I would personally like to rename it Mothers United!

    Yesterday, sitting outside the bathroom I saw a copy of this magazine called Families First and it’s great. ‘Families First’ is a magazine produced by The Mothers’ Union, aiming to encourage strong marriages, good parenting and active faith. I really like those three aims because I believe that more

  • United In Worship Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Dec 14, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Message explores how our relationships with other people affects our personal and corporate interaction with God in worship.

    02.19.17 Part 4 Intro How do we advance to higher ground in our worship? Last week we talked about five ways to enhance our public worship experience. Today I want to add a sixth to that list. It is too often overlooked. It is often not even associated with the worship experience. Yet Jesus said more

  • Together In Prayer Series

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on May 19, 2008

    A clear outline introducing the power of united prayer to truly change the "unchangeable". Part 2 is in full text form

    UNITED IN PRAYER Pastor Eric J. Hanson May 4, 2008 Biblical Basis 1. Acts 1:14 reveals that the Church was birthed in a continuing prayer meeting. a. They knew that they didn’t know what was what. b. They prayed until the breakthrough came. 2. Acts 4:29-31 reveals that they prayed once more and more

  • United

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Jan 23, 2011
    based on 24 ratings

    1. If there is going to be unity in the church we have to give up having to always be right. 2. Our unity is meant to be a reflection of the unity of God. 3. The purpose of unity is that the world may believe.

    In August of 1999 in Landover, Maryland, the papers reported that 100 years of Christian fellowship, unity, and community outreach ended in an act of congregational discord. Holy Creek Baptist Church was split into multiple factions. The source of the dissension was a piano bench which sits more

  • Be United Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jun 25, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    We must reconcile relationships for the sake of the Kingdom

    Philippians 4:1-3 Be United Last week, Paul used the analogy of running a race to talk about living the Christian life. He called us` to the endurance and focus of a top-level runner. He reminded us that we will need to get rid of the things` that hold us back if we are going to run well – more

  • United Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Aug 28, 2023

    As a church, we are in the process of transitioning from traditional Sunday School classes to home-based community groups. In this process, we are going to take a few weeks to consider what it means for us to be a biblical community. We begin with the consideration that we are united.

    Introduction Series on biblical community in preparation for the launching of community groups next month we will look at a variety of passages, but most of our time together will be in the book of Ephesians Background Diversity There were cultural, ethnic, and religious divisions in the city - more

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