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Sermons on ungodly men:

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  • Conflicting Desires

    Contributed by John Harper on Dec 3, 2008

    God’s desire is that no one will perish, but ungodly men desire to escape judgment apart from Christ.

    II Peter 3:1-10 December 3, 2008 Pastor John L. Harper Warden Assembly of God “Conflicting Desires” Introduction: Reason for writing (vs. 1-2) • To recall the words spoken in the past by the prophets • To recall the command of our Lord and Savior given by the apostles. I. DESIRES LEAD TO more

  • Lessons On Jude (Series) Part 1 Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 6, 2018

    Jude is concerned with apostasy. Even in his day, the church was already being infiltrated by religious Quislings, men who posed as servants of God but who were actually enemies of the cross of Christ. Jude’s purpose is to expose these traitors and to. .

    THE BOOK OF JUDE Jude is concerned with apostasy. Even in his day, the church was already being infiltrated by religious Quislings, men who posed as servants of God but who were actually enemies of the cross of Christ. Jude’s purpose is to expose these traitors and to describe their ultimate more

  • Ungodliness

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Sep 20, 2022

    How do we come out from under ungodliness and change our minds and make God a normal relevant part of our lives?

    THE VERY RELATABLE LIFE OF KING DAVID UNGODLINESS 2 Samuel 2-3 #kingdavid INTRODUCTION… Eugene Peterson, ‘Leap Over a Wall’ pages 123-124 “They are wearing me out, these sons of Zeruiah. I know that I’m God’s anointed, I know that I’ve been [reserved against formidable odds – Goliath and Saul, more

  • Closing In On The Cross Of Jesus Christ - Part 6: When Ungodly Men Judged God Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Apr 19, 2023

    When ungodly men judged God... 1. There was treachery (vs. 57, 59-61). 2. The charge was blasphemy (vs. 62-65). 3. The penalty was God's plan (vs. 66). 4. The cruelty was vicious (vs. 67-68). 5. The Lord's victory was sure to come (vs. 64).

    Closing in on the Cross of Jesus Christ Part 6: When Ungodly Men Judged God The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 26:57-68 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared April 19, 2023) BACKGROUND: *Today in Matthew 26, we are getting ever closer to the cross of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus and His more

  • Why God Doesn't Hear The Prayers Of The Wicked? Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Apr 28, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible teaches that God is a loving and merciful God, who desires a personal relationship with each of us.

    The Bible teaches that God is a loving and merciful God, who desires a personal relationship with each of us. However, this doesn't mean that God is obligated to listen to every prayer or respond to every request. In fact, the Bible is clear that God doesn't hear the prayers of the wicked. more

  • Calvary

    Contributed by Kevin Keeling on May 8, 2004
    based on 37 ratings

    Calvary is Sarced Calvary is the Holy of Holy in the Day of Grace Calvary is the only place where the sacrifice for ungodly men can meet the Holy Rightness God

    Calvary is Sarced Calvary is the Holy of Holy in the Day of Grace Calvary is the only place where the sacrifice for ungodly men can meet the Holy Rightness God 1 Calvary is the weeping place of repentance A. it is where we learn what sin is and what it dose B. It is more

  • Leave Ungodliness!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on May 21, 2014

    Friend, you cannot stop with just meeting God and doing a salsa for His grace that saved you from the wretched life - we got to move on from glory to glory! Are you listening?

    Leave ungodliness! Titus 2:12”training us to leave ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, 13 waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ..” Friend, you cannot more

  • Ungodly Division

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Jun 13, 2023

    If there are not doctrinal issues, 99% of divisions are ungodly.

    Galatians 5:20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Strife - factions, contentions Seditions- disunion, dissension, division, sedition Heresies choosing disunion creating sects. Much is said about most of the items in the list of works of the more

  • Spiritual Wisdom In An Ungodly Age

    Contributed by Mike Haynes Jr. on Feb 23, 2001
    based on 89 ratings

    These Men Saw Through the Problem and Saw The Cure

    “SPIRITUAL WISDOM IN AN UNGODLY AGE” 1 Chr 12:32 32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment. After reading through all more

  • The Contradiction Of Ungodliness Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jan 23, 2020

    The Contradiction of Ungodliness – Jude verses 5-16 – sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: CONDUCT (vs 7-10): Israel in the wilderness (vs 5) Angels at Hermon (vs 6) Sodom and Gomorrah (vs 7) CHARACTER (vs 11): Cain – anger (vs 11a) Balaam – avarice (vs 11b) Korah – ambition (vs 11c) SERMON BODY: • Ungodliness is the state of believing in God, • While adopting a more

  • Hope For The Ungodly Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Apr 15, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In this exposition of Romans 4:4-8, we see the logic of grace and David's testimony affirming justification by faith. This way of salvation is something the angels desire to look into and something that will bring everlasting glory to God.

    Intro Follow with me as we read Romans 4:1-3: “What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, discovered in this matter? 2 If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about—but not before God. 3 What does Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, more

  • Christ Died For The Ungodly

    Contributed by C Vincent on Feb 14, 2010

    The atonement was God's love to this lost and dying world.

    Christ Died for the Ungodly JCC 14.02.10 pm Rom 5:6-12 To genuinely say “Jesus died for me” you must also say “I have no strength to save myself. I am ungodly. I am a sinner.” Illustration: (Spurgeon) “If Christ died for the ungodly, this fact leaves the ungodly no more

  • Respectable Sins - Ungodliness

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Feb 6, 2017

    Respectable Sins - Ungodliness - 2 Peter chapter 2 verses 4-10 – sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). A Corrupt Doctrine. (2). A Corrupt Character. (3). A Corrupt Experience SERMON BODY: Reading: 2 Peter chapter 2 verses 4-10 Ill: Difference Between Men and Women: • A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. • A man never worries about the more

  • The Church's Response To Ungodliness Series

    Contributed by Joe La Rue on Jul 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    An examination of what the Bible says should be the response of the Church to sinful acts and sinful people.

    Title: The Church’s Response To Ungodliness Series: Living Godly Lives (Sermon # 5) Text: 1 Cor 16:13; Eph 4:15 Date Preached: July 13, 2008 COPYRIGHT © Joe La Rue, 2008 (All Rights Reserved) Introduction A. I doubt that anyone here this morning will be surprised that I would say that more

  • God's Love For The Ungodly Series

    Contributed by Neil Richardson on Mar 14, 2008

    Questions for application in small group Bible study

    Romans 5 v 6 ¡V 8. Introduction. Read Ch 5: 1-5. Recap from last week, focusing on two issues: i) Peace. We¡¦re at peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ. ii) Sufferings. Obviously being experienced then (and now) but Paul highlights God use of these sufferings „_ perseverance „_ more

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