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  • A Church Service Of One Series

    Contributed by Mark Winter on Jan 17, 2003
    based on 165 ratings

    God calls and commissions ordinary people into service

    It was a church service of one. Isaiah the prophet was the only person in attendance – a preacher in Judah, the Southern Kingdom of Israel, who lived about the time that Homer was composing the Odyssey and Iliad in Greece. Isaiah was in the Temple that day, the Dwelling Place of God, the palace more

  • He And Aaron Are Again Sent To Pharaoh Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 21, 2022

    The Israelites, having shown themselves, for the time, unimpressible, God commands Moses to make his next effort upon the Pharaoh. He is to enter his presence once more and demand, without roundaboutness or vagueness, that the Israelites be allowed to quit the land (leave his land).

    HE AND AARON ARE AGAIN SENT TO PHARAOH Exodus 6:10-13. Exodus 6:10-13 10Then the LORD said to Moses, 11"Go, tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the Israelites go out of his country." 12 But Moses said to the LORD, "If the Israelites will not listen to me, why would Pharaoh listen to more

  • How To Get It Right When You Have It All Wrong

    Contributed by Larry Finley on Feb 16, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    We are tempted to keep a stiff upper lip and take a deep breath and go on with our life when we have really messed up.

    HOW TO GET IT RIGHT WHEN YOU HAVE IT ALL WRONG 2/3/10 Genesis 13:1-8 S__ L__ R __ 1. RECOGNITION IS REQUIRED 1-7 A. UNSATISFIED LIVING 1-4 1. No Purpose 2. No Passion 3. No Power B. UNUSABLE TESTIMONY 5-7 1. Compromise 5 2. Conflict 6-7 2. SEPARATION IS REQUIRED 8-13 A. SEDUCTION more

  • The Only Thing Worth Bragging About

    Contributed by Douglas Bryan on Jan 20, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    The only thing really worth talking about in our lives is our relationship with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

    THE ONLY THING WORTH BRAGGING ABOUT Jeremiah 9:23-24 Philippians 3:3-11 INTRODUCTION: ILL> Two boys bragging about their fathers. gMy father makes more money. My dad can run faster.h gMay dad ca beat up your dad.h gThatfs nothing. My mom can beat up my dad.h A. JER 9:23-24 1. God more

  • The Testimonies Of God

    Contributed by Gino Cascieri on Sep 26, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    God’s testimonies of prominent people in the Scriptures.

    "The Testimonies of God" Text: Genesis 18:17-19 Intro: I believe to have one’s name mentioned in the Bible is extraordinary. However, to have the God of the Bible actually provide a testimony in a person’s behalf is hardly imaginable. When any of us stand in the presence of God We realize as more

  • Three Secrets Of An Effective Believer-2 Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Apr 8, 2003
    based on 55 ratings

    Surrender is essential in a believer’s life

    THREE SECRETS OF Being An Effective Believer-2 ROMANS 12:2 It is said that Cyrus, the founder of the Persian Empire, once had captured a prince and his family. When they came before him, the monarch asked the prisoner, "What will you give me if I release you?" "The half of my wealth," was his more

  • 4 Men Of Great Faith

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Nov 5, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    How four men’s faith helped bring healing in the house

    4 Men of Great Faith Theme: Text: Luke 5:17-26 Luk 5:17-26 NKJV Now it happened on a certain day, as He was teaching, that there were Pharisees and teachers of the law sitting by, who had come out of every town of Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was present to heal them. more

  • Prepare Thy Chariot

    Contributed by Donny Granberry on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 25 ratings

    If we are to have a great move of the Holy Spirit, then we must make preparations for it to happen.

    PREPARE THY CHARIOT by: Pastor Donny Granberry Tonight we will look at the fact that we must prepare ourselves if we desire to have a great move of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was given purposefully on the day of Pentecost, not accidentally. He still comes upon the church to those who are more

  • Six Marks Of Leadership: Mark 2 "The Leader Prays For His People" Series

    Contributed by Tim White on May 8, 2011

    The second mark of a leader exemplified in Nehemiah is his/her prayer for their people.

    Chapter Two of Swindol’s Hand Me Another Brick, (his commentary of Nehemiah’s leadership) is entitled “A Leader---From The Knees Up.” This characteristic of leadership is certainly seen in Nehemiah’s ministry. One out of every ten verses in Nehemiah is a reference to prayer. J. Oswald Sander in more

  • We Exist To Worship

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 18, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    This was the 1st in a 5 part series explaining the purpose of our church. The first purpose is to worship God.

    May 6, 2001 Isaiah 6 “We exist to Worship” 1. True worship is not an escape from reality. (vs. 1a) It is something that happens in the midst of life. Isaiah begins this passage with the phrase, “In the year that king Uzziah died…”. King Uzziah was one of the good kings of the province more

  • What’s The Real Value Of A Human Soul?

    Contributed by James Stophel on May 22, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Has it ever occurred to you that everything has some potential value. And this world is full of appraisers who will and who can tell you the value of just about anything

    What’s the Real Value of a Human Soul? Luke 23:33-43 Intro: Has it ever occurred to you that everything has some potential value. And this world is full of appraisers who will and who can tell you the value of just about anything. I was skimming the internet a few weeks ago and I more

  • Putting Out The Wild Fire Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jun 25, 2012

    The sins of the toungue are like a wild fire in process. God can control our words and put out the devastation of the fire of our lips.

    1. Speech, the Importance of: Pianist Arthur Rubenstein, who could speak in eight languages, once told this story on himself: Some years ago he had a stubborn case of hoarseness. The newspapers were full of reports about smoking and cancer; so he decided to consult a throat specialist. "I searched more

  • What Will You Do With Jesus? Turn To Him! Series

    Contributed by Jim Black on May 12, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Hearing the good news of Jesus demands a response...will it be to turn to him?

    What will you do with Jesus? Turn to Him Acts 3:17-22 Focus: Hearing the good news of Jesus demands a response¡K will it be to turn to him? Function: To call hearers to turn their lives away from sin and back towards Him. Sunday mornings at our house are crazy¡Xas you might imagine! I have to more

  • Why Do We Worship?

    Contributed by Joe Bedy on Jul 10, 2002
    based on 105 ratings

    There may be different styles of music, but according to God there is only one style of worship.Taken from an essay written for Kentucky Christian College on Isa.5-7:25.

    Worship Sermon July 21 2002 Central Christian Church St. Petersburg, Fl 33711 Isaiah 6: 1-9, John 4:1-21, Genesis 22:5, Rm. 12:1-2, Rev 19:5-6 1. The Sermon topic today is worship. The questions for us to answer today are: what is worship? What does it look like in the Christian’s life? How more

  • What Is His Name? Series

    Contributed by Pastor Dempsey Daniels on May 30, 2005
    based on 38 ratings

    As members of the 21st Century church, it is essential that we understand, the totality and the fullness of God and the Power of His Name.

    Series: The Power of the Name (Philippians 2: 9-10 ~ Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;) Sermon 1: What Is His Name? more

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