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  • The Return Of Evil Spirits Unto This Wicked Generation

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on May 7, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    We don’t need to have a Christian nation, government, educational system or culture to stand for holiness and thrive spiritually. Let’s stand for holiness not being conformed to the ideologies and modern day thinking of this wicked generation.

    The Return of Evil Spirits Unto this Wicked Generation By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. OPENING: - Nelson Mandela once said “You speak a language people know you speak to their head. You speak a language people understand you speak to their hearts”. It is my desire to speak to your more

  • Stay In The Word.

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Jun 22, 2023

    It doesn't matter what other people do, what other churches do, how unpopular you may become you stay in the Word of God. How long until Jesus comes.

    STAY By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. "This sermon was preached at the 107th Holy Convocation of the Emmanuel Tabernacle Baptist Church of the Apostolic Faith" PRAYER: - SCRIPTURE: 2 Timothy 3:1-5 & 14 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men more

  • The Danger Of Doing What Is Right In Your Own Sight

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Aug 6, 2023

    The church has had far too much in common with the children of Israel back in the days when there was no king. We must cry out against the Spiritual, Moral, and Ethical Depravity that is being allowed to happen in the churches today.

    The Danger of Doing What is Right in Your Own Eyes By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. PRAYER: SCRIPTURES: - Judges 17 – 21 Deuteronomy 12:8 says, “You shall not do as we are doing here today, everyone doing what is right in his own eyes”. That is not a request that is a command. Judges 17:6 more

  • Let It Out!

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Oct 5, 2020

    Last week in my sermon on showing appreciation made me think of the biblical accounts where people were not restrained in showing their appreciation or excitement. Let's see what we can learn from some of the ones who did that.

    LET IT OUT! Last week in my sermon on showing appreciation, I had mentioned what Jesus said to the Ephesian church in Rev. 2 about how they had forsaken their first love and they needed to repent and do the things they were doing in the beginning. I talked about how we may need to rekindle the more

  • Walk In Integrity

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Jan 7, 2024

    There is a shaking taking place within the Body of Christ, God is trying to get the attention of His people saying wake up and come out of her, come out of the lies, the hypocrisies, the false apostate church, stop having a form of godliness and live holy and walk in integrity.

    Walk in Integrity By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. OPENING: - Now by this being New Year’s Ever, and the last Sunday before we enter a New Year there are some preachers who will try to give a prophetic word for 2024. Some will come up with a catchy cliché like God will open doors in 2024, more