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  • Wedding: Guthrie.johnson

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Jan 26, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Wedding Ceremony

    Services Conducted July 30, 2005 Kevin Higgins Elizabeth Barrett Browning gave us a beautiful expression of love when she wrote: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal more

  • Nightmare On Johnson Ave.

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 28, 2002
    based on 50 ratings

    Living without Jesus is the scariest experience that you will ever have.

    Oct 22, 2000 Luke 8:27-39 “Nightmare on Johnson Ave.” INTRODUCTION A very wealthy man bought a huge ranch in Arizona and he invited some of his closest associates in to see it. After touring some of the 1500 acres of mountains and rivers and grasslands, he took everybody to more

  • John-Son Of Thunder Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 18, 2021

    When John wrote his Gospel the other three were already written and well known. They are so negative on John that he probably thought there was little he could add, so he ignores himself all together in his own Gospel.

    A farmer in Georgia was sitting on the porch of his tumble-down shack. He was ragged and barefoot when a stranger stopped for a drink of water. Wishing to be agreeable, the stranger said, "How was your cotton coming on?" "Ain't got none," replied the farmer. more

  • Prepare Series

    Contributed by Scott Bradford on Feb 12, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    This is the 1st in a Lenten Series, and deals with ’preparation".

    It was said that Martin Luther King never prepared, but always preached based on what the Holy Spirit gave him to say. One day upon walking in to a large Cathedral to preach for a crowd, he asked God what he was to preach on, the answer came "You should have prepared". John Wooden once said more

  • Sing! Sing! Sing! Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 10, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Why do we sing when we worship? What difference does it make if we do that... or if we don't?

    There’s an old chorus that was based on Psalm 96 and I’d like you to sing it with me: “Sing unto the Lord a new song. Sing unto the Lord all the earth; Sing unto the Lord a new song. Sing unto the Lord all the earth. For God is great and greatly to be praised. God is great and greatly to be more

  • Divine Assurance

    Contributed by James Powell on Jan 21, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Progressive people have the assurance that God will protect them.

    January 7, 2007 Jenny Thornton -Have you noticed the moral landslide? Is lust sweeping over the nations, and nudity, perversion and filthy speaking? The world is facing a dirt bath so intense that it is vexing the minds and souls of some of the most devout Christians alive today. The Bible more

  • Preparation

    Contributed by James Powell on Dec 30, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    Preparing for the return of Christ

    August 20, 2006 Mt 25:1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. Mt 25:2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Mt 25:3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: Mt 25:4 But more

  • Truth Or Bare: Does God Care What I Wear?

    Contributed by Travis Johnson on Feb 15, 2005
    based on 57 ratings

    The clothes you wear communicate a message. What message are you communicating?

    TRUTH OR BARE: DOES GOD CARE WHAT I WEAR? 1 Tim. 2:9-10, And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes. For women who claim to more

  • What Is Worship?

    Contributed by Travis Johnson on Feb 15, 2005
    based on 150 ratings

    In this message we will try to grasp what true worship is.

    What is Worship? Psalm 95 Intro: Two young boys are walking down the street in downtown Indy. Out from an alley runs a Rottweiler and attacks one of the boys. The other boy grabs a 2x4 lying near the alley and beats the dog to death and saves his friend’s life. A reporter more

  • Rewind Your Mind: Does God Care What I Watch?

    Contributed by Travis Johnson on Apr 9, 2005
    based on 54 ratings

    The media is everywhere around us, shaping our culture & guiding teens in the way theythink, act, dress, watch. It’s like living in a maze. What is wrong; what is right? This sermon looks at these questions through the lens of God’s unchanging word.

    REWIND YOUR MIND: DOES GOD CARE WHAT I WATCH? Philippians 4:8, …fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. NLT Intro: The media is everywhere around us, more

  • Bartimaeus: Overcoming Obstacles

    Contributed by Travis Johnson on Apr 9, 2005
    based on 48 ratings

    Bartimaeus had some obstacles to overcome to get to Christ. This message encourages young people to overcome whatever hinderance they have in coming to Christ.

    Bartimaeus: Overcoming Obstacles Mark 10: 46 – 52 Jesus and His followers were walking through Jericho. They were on their way to Jerusalem. Many people were traveling through to go to Jerusalem for the Feast of Passover, so it was a carnival-like atmosphere. Venders had booths set up along the more

  • Jesus Christ: Liar, Lunatic, Or Lord?

    Contributed by Travis Johnson on Apr 9, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    This topical message examines the famous trilemma of C.S. Lewis and answers a very important question for our day.

    Jesus Christ: Liar, Lunatic, Or Lord? Who do you say that I am? Mark 8:29 Have you ever met anybody who said things about themselves that made you scratch your head & say, Coo-coo?” I remember a boyhood friend of mine named Greg who told me he was a robot from another planet. The more

  • The Main Thing

    Contributed by Travis Johnson on Apr 9, 2005
    based on 21 ratings

    Someone once said, "The MAIN THING is to keep the MAIN THING the MAIN THING." Our problem is that we do not really understand what is the main thing.

    The Main Thing Romans 1:3-4 ILL- The captain of the airplane came over the intercom and said, "Ladies and gentleman, I have some good news, and some bad news. The bad news is that we’re just a tad bit off course. As a matter of fact our instruments are not more

  • Casual Faith Or Committed Faith?

    Contributed by Travis Johnson on Mar 18, 2006
    based on 130 ratings

    What is the secret to real Christian living? Not how much you know; great leadership ability; personal charisma; or even a winning, positive attitude. The real key to Christian living is summed up in 2 words: FOLLOW ME.

    CASUAL FAITH OR COMMITTED FAITH? Mark 8:34, If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself & take up his cross & follow me. Intro: I saw a cartoon that showed a church building with a billboard in front that said: "The LITE CHURCH: 24% fewer commitments, home of the 71/2% tithe, 15 more

  • God's Grace In The Fire And Flood

    Contributed by Travis Johnson on Jan 14, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    This sermon examines the promise of God’s presence in our trials.

    GOD’S GRACE IN THE FIRE & FLOOD Isaiah 43:1-3 Intro: ILL- A man was blessed with 2 healthy sons, one an eternal optimist, one a pessimist. The boys were so completely different that psychologists wanted to test them. They placed the pessimist into a room full of toys; the optimist in a more

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