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  • The Reality Of Christ's Resurrection

    Contributed by Chip Parker on Jun 28, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    An Exposition of 1 Cor. 15:1-11

    Introduction: Illustration: One Sunday I went to church with a college buddy of mine. It was a good church; it had good preaching, good singing, and an overall good attitude. But one thing really bothered me. The churches name was Corinth Baptist Church. I thought to myself, why in the world more

  • A God's Eye View Of Abortion Series

    Contributed by Steven Haguewood on Jul 25, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    One in a series concerning morals and ethics in the USA. With "church attendance" at an all time high, our morals have slipped to an all time low, let’s understand God’s perspective on these matters and be a nation drawn to God again

    A GOD’S EYE VIEW ABORTION Text: Psalm 139:13-24 Scripture Reading: Psalm 127:1-5 INTRODUCTION 1. Abortion is a plague that has tormented our society for decades a. Since the Roe V. Wade decision handed down January 22, 1973 humans have had the right from the state to kill their own children b. Our more

  • A God's Eye View Of Homosexuality Series

    Contributed by Steven Haguewood on Jul 31, 2008
    based on 25 ratings

    There is much talk from advocates of gay rights and homosexuality, how does their rhetoric measure up against the true teaching of the Bible?

    A GOD’S EYE VIEW HOMOSEXUALITY Text: Romans 1:24-27 Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:18-26 INTRODUCTION 1. Let me share with you some insight into the mind of gay rights advocates: a. “The main thing is to talk about gayness until the issue becomes thoroughly tiresome…” b. “Seek desensitization and more

  • Remember The Joy

    Contributed by Christopher Nerreau on Apr 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Our strength to live out this Christian life is NOT rooted in effort but rather in “THE JOY OF THE LORD!!!” In our sermon today we will see: 1. WE HAVE PERMISSION TO ENJOY GOD (8:9,10) 2. WE HAVE A PROCESS FOR ENJOYING GOD (8:10a) 3. WE HAVE

    “THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH” “Second Sunday after Easter” Nehemiah 8:9-12 Fr. Christopher M. Nerreau Introduction: (Read passage) • Over the last several weeks I have preached messages of misunderstanding who Christ is, applying the resurrection of Christ to your heart, having faith in more

  • The Horn Of Stability

    Contributed by Timothy Dolan on Sep 7, 2008

    The Lord Is the Cause of Stability in People’s Lives

    The Horn of Stability Scripture Text: 1 Samuel 1,2 Introduction: Instability in Financial Areas may be one example of how our lives are today. (Hurricanes, stocks, forclosures.) Propositional Statement: The Lord Is the Cause of Stability in People’s Lives I. Instability is caused by sin. more

  • Effective Worship Series

    Contributed by Dan Brown on Nov 27, 2006

    Pt. 2 of the Effective Church Series

    Sermon-6/11/06-Effective Worship Intro.-Teen came home from church bored, began to complain to his dad about the music. “Dad I’m tired of singing only same old Psalms to outdated tunes, don’t you think that God might enjoy hearing something new from his children?” This was not the first time his more

  • Recognize Thy Visitation

    Contributed by Christopher Nerreau on Aug 8, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    The same judgments that befell Jerusalem will befall those who refuse to recognize the time of Christ’s visitation. In our sermon today will see the parallels between the judgment of Jerusalem and that of the lives of those who recognize not Thy visita

    “RECOGNIZE THY VISITATION” “Recognizing the Presence of Christ” Luke 19:41-44 Fr. Christopher M. Nerreau Illustration: When I was about 13years old I got into deer hunting. I was trained by a very fine hunter who took time to teach me to shoot, scout and prepare my game. He showed me how to more

  • Heir To A Fortune

    Contributed by Nathan Johnson on Jun 19, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    As Christians, we are members of the richest and most influential family in history. Are we acting like it?

    Heir To a Fortune Griffith Baptist Church – 6/22/08 A.M. Service Text: Romans 8:15-17 Key verse: Romans 8:16 - The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: The Introduction A man had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. He could receive little more

  • The Day Of His Coming! Series

    Contributed by Paul Carlson on Nov 19, 2015

    In this passage God will give His people a final admonition to come back to Him before 400 years of silence. He is using the second coming of Christ as their motivation. Problem: People fail to prepare for the return of Christ.

    Introduction: God is admonishing the nation of Israel to come back to Him. Do you think God is admonishing America… the church… families… individuals? How presumptuous it would be of us to ignore His plea to prepare for His earthly return. The Main Point: Because Christ is the more

  • Christian Growth Through Spiritual Diet

    Contributed by Dr. Nicholas M. Muteti on Jun 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Did you know that a Christian must have a spiritual diet? I was blessed to discover it in 1 Peter Chapter 2. I like peter. Peter is quite often pictured on the pages of scripture eating, or sitting at the table. Here, in chapter 2, he is not referring the

    CHRISTIAN GROWTH THROUGH SPIRITUAL DIET 1 PETER 2:1-3 Introduction, Attention, Personal- Six years ago, my wife and I took our youngest son for a regular physical check-up and the doctor told us, “Everything is fine with him, except his growth. Last time he was doing fine, now he is thinner. more

  • The Armor Of God In The Last Days

    Contributed by Richard Wafford on Apr 15, 2022

    When evil closes in on Christian's everywhere we are going to need to be fully armed with the armor of God's truth. To abide in Christ as the vine is to be able to stand firm in the midst of chaos and wickedness.

    Crucial is The Armor of God in the Last Days Scripture: Ephesians 6:10–13 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, more

  • Jesus Opened The Door PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the concept of Jesus as the door to salvation, the benefits of accepting this salvation, and the universal invitation to receive this gift of eternal life.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, the Bible verse we are diving into today is John 10:9, where Jesus tells us, "I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture." This beautiful passage speaks of Jesus as the open door to salvation, the benefits of that salvation, more

  • Becoming "Super" Conquerors Series

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Mar 30, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    Do you know someone who is suffering, either Physically or Emotionally? Have you ever suffered? Have you ever seen suffering that seemed unfair? We are indeed living in a time of suffering. What we have here is a statement from God that shows us how

    Becoming “Super” Conquerors Romans 8:18–39 THESIS: To show how God helps us overcome suffering. INTRODUCTION Have you noticed lately that you can’t buy just plain dish detergent any more? How about detergent? Even bleach, you can’t even buy just plain bleach anymore. Everything today is more

  • Figs

    Contributed by Greg Addison on Nov 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    As believers, we are saved and commanded to bear fruit. We will be judged on how we bear fruit. Jesus uses the parable of a barren fig tree to teach us of both the coming judgment of our productiveness, as well as how to bear fruit in the christian life.

    HOOK: Figs – Janet preserving my Gran’s homemade fig preserves. I love fig preserves. READ: Luke 13:6-9 LOGO – Be doers of the Word and not hearers only James 1:22 I. F RUIT: First, we see in this passage that the purpose of a fig tree is to bear fruit Let me give you some facts about more

  • The Reward Of Mercy Series

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Mar 6, 2014

    What does mercy look like & the reward of mercy

    1. Opposite of Mercy - Revenge We like stories where the bad guy gets his dues Trucker is in a restaurant minding own business and a motorcycle gang begins to harass trucker. One in particular got right in his face. "Big man in the 18 wheeler, out of your truck you’re a wimp", he shouted, more

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