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  • Why? Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Nov 22, 2006
    based on 139 ratings

    This is a funeral sermon that points to Jesus - He too asked "Why?"

    Why? Today we are faced with a tragedy in our lives. We have felt disappointment and discouragement because we have come face to face with death - and we don’t like it. When these things happen we often ask the question, “Why?” Why has something like this happened? The problem is that we want more

  • All Things Working Together To Bring Us Salvation

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 2, 2025

    God’s promise: that when He himself comes to Zion as Redeemer, God would make a covenant with the peoples and send His spirit into them, His words into their mouths.

    Epiphany Homily 2025 The story of God’s people, the Israelites, from Abraham to Jesus was a series of a few triumphs and many tragedies. Look carefully at the histories recorded in Scripture and you’ll see that the tragedies were caused by poor human decisions, while the triumphs were caused, more

  • Facing Terrorism Firsthand

    Contributed by Keith Linkous on Sep 13, 2001
    based on 166 ratings

    In wake of the September 11, 2001 attack in New York and Washington, D. C., this may serve to help convey some shared feelings in the Church and in America.

    Psalms 46:1-3 On Tuesday Morning, September 11, 2001, the United States of America, this blessed land, was recipient of the worst terrorist attack in the world’s history, forever altering our way of thinking and our way of life. America will never, and should more

  • Lesson 6: Where Is God When I Need Him?

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Oct 1, 2014

    God will do the supernatural, which only God can do. God expects us to do what is given us to do.

    Pastors Bible Class Thomas Road Baptist Church Series: When God Is Silent Lesson 6: Where Is God When I Need Him? A. INTRODUCTION: QUESTIONS PEOPLE ASK ABOUT TRAGEDIES 1. Where was God when . . .? 2. Doesn’t God love those victims? 3. Did God know this tragedy would more

  • God On Trial

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Apr 24, 2007

    Response to the Virginia Tech Massacre dealing with the Christian response to things like this

    Text: Romans 9:14-21, Title: God on Trial, Subject: Theodicy, Date/Place: NRBC, 4/22/07, AM A. Opening illustration: “Our God who is omnipotent is also weak in that God has imposed limitations on God’s omnipotence to give us the space to have a real autonomy” – Bishop Tutu, “The only answer more

  • Directions For Dealing With A Difficult Death

    Contributed by Steven Dow on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 206 ratings

    This message was for the funeral of a 28-year-old woman who died of a drug overdose. I only met the family the night before the funeral. It should be easy to personalize and would work well with any difficult death such as suicide, ect.

    DIRECTIONS FOR DEALING WITH A DIFFICULT DEATH Funeral Sermon Proverbs 3:5-6 March 15, 2006 Introduction: When we are faced with tragedy we often don’t know which way to turn. We don’t know what to think. We don’t know what to feel. We don’t know what to say. In short we simply don’t know how more

  • The Great Quake And Tsunami - What To Think - What To Do

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Mar 17, 2011
    based on 75 ratings

    We should think something and do something about the terrible devastation in Japan and for the people.

    INTRO. - The whole world shook and not just Japan, this past week, actually on Friday, March 11th, and that certainly wasn’t the end. The end may never come for those who live in Japan and the surrounding areas. I might tell a joke about earthquakes but it wouldn’t be funny. One nationally known more

  • When Life Tumbles In

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Dec 30, 2000
    based on 76 ratings

    Job wanted to know: What is the benefit in being good? Where is God? What should my response to God be?

    The most difficult part of being a pastor is regularly walking into situations which are filled with tragedy and brimming with raw emotion. The added pressure for a pastor is that there is a silent expectation in some people’s minds that you are supposed to have some answers — or at least some more

  • Finding Comfort In Uncomfortable Times

    Contributed by James Bryant on Sep 19, 2001
    based on 65 ratings

    Where, what or who do you look to when you are faced with trouble? There is one place you can go that you can always find comfort. (Short Sermon)

    FINDING COMFORT IN UNCOMFORTABLE TIMES Romans 15:4 (4) For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. All of America is looking for comfort during this time of tragedy. more

  • Plagues Have Come And Will Come...remembering 9/11 Series

    Contributed by Bruce Landry on Sep 7, 2002
    based on 16 ratings

    We will look at the plagues in Exodus 8 and hopefully glean insight into our own recent plagues such as the terror of September 11, 2002.

    Plagues have come and will come…Remembering 9/11/01 2nd Plague Frogs 3rd Plague Lice 4th Plague Flies You know that I can remember clearly the events of my morning last September 11. I awoke to a radio announcement that a jet had crashed into the world trade center at 6:15 in the morning. I knew more

  • Ruth: Refugee With A Human Face

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Jun 21, 2021

    The Book of Ruth doesn't get much attention, but it can remind us that God sees refugees and can use them in his purposes.

    I imagine we probably all have a favorite book of the Bible. The gospels should be high on everyone’s list because they tell us the story of Jesus. And when the church’s heart and mind are fixed on Jesus, everything comes together. When we lose sight of Jesus things go wrong. Luke is my more

  • The Message Nobody Wants To Hear Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Larry Sarver on Apr 16, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    Part 1 of a 2 part Expository Sermon on Luke 12:49-13:9 concerning the Judgement of God and repentance. Message #62 from Luke series.

    Luke Series # 62 April 14,2002 Introduction: Welcome to New Life in Christ. We are currently going through the Gospel of Luke verse by verse. As I mentioned last week, one advantage of this approach is that we are unable to avoid unpleasant, unpopular or difficult passages and more

  • Compassion For The People

    Contributed by J. Yeargin on Aug 23, 2003
    based on 4 ratings

    Review of last week 1. The Prophet Elijah is a type of Christ (for the O.T.) 2. The Lord gave to Elijah a great Passion for God 3. The Lord gave to Elijah authority for his calling 4. The Lord gave to Elijah rest by meeting his needs for food and wate

    Review of last week 1. The Prophet Elijah is a type of Christ (for the O.T.) 2. The Lord gave to Elijah a great Passion for God 3. The Lord gave to Elijah authority for his calling 4. The Lord gave to Elijah rest by meeting his needs for food and water Text: I Kings 17: 8 through more

  • Parable Of The Tares - 2 Series

    Contributed by Gary Regazzoli on Mar 2, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    What is the source of Evil in the world? Jesus gives His answer in the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

    Living Under Grace – 4 – Parable of the Tares - 2 Recently visiting my mother’s congregation • I was asked this question about the tsunami tragedy by an older member of the congregation • Do you think because of the high number of casualties in Ache that God had singled out the Moslems for more

  • Certainty In Uncertain Times

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Apr 30, 2007

    God’s love for us.

    Certainty in Uncertain Times John 11:1-45 January 7, 2007 On Wednesday, our family drove home from Deb’s parents house in Canada where we spent 5 days playing in the snow and eating great food. On our way through Spokane, I noticed a sign -"Number of Traffic deaths this year" was the heading. more

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