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  • Tradition! Tradition! Tradition!

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 24, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Does tradition have any role in the Christian life?

    Tradition! Tradition! Tradition! Mark 7:1-23 I can remember many years ago seeing Fiddler on the Roof. My mind has gotten a little foggy concerning the details, but I remember a hit song which came from it called “Tradition, Tradition, Tradition. I was about an orthodox Jewish community facing the more

  • Tradition For Tradition's Sake

    Contributed by Beth Garrod-Logsdon on Aug 31, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Too often our living and worship become steeped in tradition and ritual. This sermon is a call to examine what we do and more importantly WHY we do it in an attempt to keep us from elevating the traditions of men above the law of God.

    Tradition for Tradition’s Sake Mark 7:1-23 (This message was preceded by singing "Joy to the World" as the opening hymn and the theme of "tradition" was introduced by a video clip of Fiddler on the Roof - from the prologue 1:55 (as the fiddler begins to play) through 3:57 (as Tevye says, "...and more

  • Traditions

    Contributed by Steven Haguewood on Dec 19, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    We fight our way through traditions in all walks of life. Sometimes we need to trim off our traditions and get back to what God intended.

    TRADITIONS Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:15 Scripture Reading: Mark 7:1-9 INTRODUCTION 1. In the play, "The Fiddler on the Roof" Tevia begins talking about tradition and how it keeps a society going 2. Tradition is important to a society, and even in the Lord’s church 3. We need to keep the proper focus more

  • Traditions Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Dec 24, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Rituals and traditions nurture of faith and prepare us for the coming of Jesus so that we can in turn prepare the world for Jesus' coming.

    Luke 24:28-35 “Traditions” INTRODUCTION During this season of Advent, we continue to focus on how we prepare ourselves, for the coming of Jesus, so that we can prepare the world. We have talked about caring conversations, spiritual disciplines, and service. Today we are going to more

  • Tradition Series

    Contributed by Aneel Aranha on Feb 8, 2021

    Tradition is a good thing, provided it does not nullify the word of God.

    Scripture Reading: Mark 7:1-13 The Pharisees and some of the teachers of the law who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus and saw some of his disciples eating food with hands that were defiled, that is, unwashed. (The Pharisees and all the Jews do not eat unless they give their hands a more

  • Tradition

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Mar 18, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Traditions of men die hard, but they should die.

    Tradition? During these holy days, many will be following traditions of men. Some can be dangerous as they can lead people away from the true Gospel. Others muddy the message taking the focus off of Christ. . Mark 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as more

  • The Trouble With Tradition Series

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Aug 16, 2003
    based on 74 ratings

    How did Jesus deal with "Traditon." How can we apply His teaching to our practices today?

    The Trouble with Tradition Mark 7:1–13 INTRODUCTION We obtain biblical authority from three ways: 1. Direct Command, 2. Divine Example and 3. Necessary Inference. When we come across anything for which we do not have a command, example or cannot infer proper action from clear biblical more

  • The Tradition Of The Elders

    Contributed by John Kapteyn on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 124 ratings

    Introduction 1.

    Introduction 1. As most of you know, the consistory has been going through a time of self-examination for both themselves and the church. As part of that examination we came up with a list of seven corporate sins that we as a congregation share. These are sins that are prevalent in our church. more

  • Lessons Of Tradition

    Contributed by James Kirkland on Jan 8, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    What we were taught, we teach our children and they will teach our grand-children

    “The Lessons of Traditions” Does anyone have a “New year’s resolution?” Party, P-a-r-r-r-t-y! It’s “New Year’s Eve!” let’s go celebrate the end of 2006 and bring in 2007 with the biggest bang ever! That’s what my parents did every New Years. Someone would host the party and the food and drinks more

  • Truth Or Tradition? Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Aug 30, 2007
    based on 74 ratings

    Guess who’s come for a visit? It’s the big whigs from denominational headquarters. Isn’t it sad that Jesus had more problems w/ the religious than the lost? They made it all an outward matter and not an inward experience. Link inc. to text, audio, and Ppt

    Truth or Tradition? Matthew 15:1-20 Guess who popped in for a visit? It’s the scribes and Pharisees … the big whigs from denominational headquarters in Jerusalem. They are likely part of the Sanhedrin, the heavy hitters if you will. They have more

  • Transcending Tradition Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    While looking at the disciplines of fasting and Sabbath, this message encourages believers not to let any tradition steal their joy or their love. We can’t be so into church business that we forget what our business is, and that is to help people.

    Transcending Tradition (Mark 2:18 – 3:6) Just this last week, I came across some odd laws that are still on the books around the country. I think you’ll find them quite amusing. For example, young girls are never allowed to walk a tightrope in Wheeler, Mississippi, unless it’s in a church. In more

  • Christmas Traditions

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Dec 14, 2005
    based on 1 rating

    Those passing on traditions, "handing down of information, beliefs, practices and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to the next."

    INTRODUCTION 1. Those passing on traditions, handing down of information, beliefs, practices and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to the next. 2. Those receiving traditions, an inherited pattern or thought or action. 3. The Bible teaches that traditions are both good more

  • Holding Traditions

    Contributed by Scott Delashaw on Feb 25, 2010
    based on 21 ratings

    A Powerful 4 Point Sermon You Can Preach!!

    “Still” I. The Book is still Needed A. Inspired B. Infallible C. Instructional D. Indispensable II. The Blood is still Necessary A. Remission B. Justification C. Sanctification D. Propitiation III. The Body/Bride is still Nomadic A. Wandering B. Witnessing C. more

  • Looking At Traditions

    Contributed by Jerry Falwell on Sep 16, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Why we do the things we do in church, and the lessons we have learned from certain traditions.

    LOOKING AT TRADITIONS By Jerry Falwell The other day I ran into a Scripture that I had not seen before. Paul is describing the things that led him to faith in Jesus Christ. As he describes his religious background, he includes the traditions that he observed. And “I” profited in the Jews’ more

  • Truth Or Tradition

    Contributed by Steve Keeler on May 9, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    Matthew 15:1-20 Which we will follow God or man. The Bible or Additions and Changes of men

    Truth or Tradition? By Steve Keeler Matthew 15:1-20 "Then some Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said,"Why do Your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread." And He answered and said to them, "Why do you yourselves more

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