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  • The Doxology Of "The Songs Of Degrees.”

    Contributed by Kevin Burden on Aug 13, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    This series of psalms ends, as all worship should, with the voice of praise and thanksgiving. Our prayers, worship and waiting upon the Lord should lead us to bless the Lord, and bid all others do the same.

    The Doxology of “The Songs of Degrees.” Psalms 134:1 Behold, bless ye the LORD, all ye servants of the LORD, which by night stand in the house of the LORD. 2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the LORD. 3 The LORD that made heaven and earth bless thee out of Zion. This series of more

  • Never Forget Series

    Contributed by James Collins on Mar 12, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    part 1/8 - series focused on the final hours of the life of Jesus. Primarily from Matthew, but including material from all 4 gospels.

    Never Forget 24 (Pt.1) Matthew 26:17-20; 26-27 3/12/2010 I. Introduction 1. What would the last twenty-four hours of Jesus Christ look like if it were set in a 21st century culture to the format of the popular "24" television series? 2. How it would be if a man was so radically different from more

  • Part 12 - Matthew 12:22-42 - The Canvas Of My Heart Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Oct 30, 2010
    based on 24 ratings

    Jack, a friend of mine, is unable to walk. When I spoke to him about God, he said "If God was real He wouldn’t leave me like this. I don’t deserve this. Where’s the proof that God exists?"

    Part 12 - Matthew 12:22-42 - THE CANVAS OF MY HEART Yesterday I was reading about a man called Han van Meegeren who was a Dutch artist and an extremely talented ART FORGER. He forged some of the world’s most famous paintings so well that the best art critics and art experts of his time thought more

  • Thy Kingdom Come Part One Series

    Contributed by Unknown Bennett T Cortez on Nov 15, 2013

    Jesus as the Messiah who offered the kingdom

    The author of the book is un-dubitably Matthew. Many of the early fathers site that Matthew is the author including Pseudo Barnabas, Clement Rome, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, and Clement of Alexandria. Matthew authorship articulates the internal evidence by referencing coins. In fact the Gospel more

  • Church The Body Of Christ Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 20, 2012

    The Council Fathers made much use of Paul's theology of the Church in writing the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church, and it points us outward to a starving world.

    Monday of 29th Week in Course 2012 Vatican II Documents The occurrence of the Letter to the Ephesians in our Lectionary right at the beginning of the year of faith, in which have begun to study Lumen Gentium, is quite providential. Here in chapter 2 of the letter, St. Paul makes a subtle change more

  • Proverbs: Handbook For A Life Simplified Series

    Contributed by Bruce Rzengota on Dec 12, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Introduction to Proverbs

    Life Simplified Proverbs: Handbook for a Life Simplified September 25, 2011 INTRODUCTION * A chain is only as strong as its weakest link * However long the night, the dawn will break. African * An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox. Mexican * Age and time do not wait for people. more

  • Key To Bible Books

    Contributed by Denis O'callaghan Ph.d. ,th.d., D.d., D. Phil. on Dec 15, 2011

    Key to Understanding Bible Contents

    Every book of the Bible has a key to understanding its contents The New Testament is the most vital book in the world. The Old Testament leaves us with us with without the light that you need. And if read alone we would find the the Old Testament is a book of UNEXPLAINED CEREMONIES, UNACHIEVED more

  • Reflection D.5 / Does God Have A Purpose In Coronavirus? Revelation. The Four Horsemen.

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Jun 12, 2020

    When did the four horsemen in Revelation 6 set out? After Christ's ascension? In the future? Or, conceivably, in our time? Our view on this question makes a big difference to how we view 'End Times'.

    At this point I feel as though I’m at a fork-in-the-road moment. We’re in Revelation 6. I have to keep reminding myself of why I am doing these Reflections. My goal is to ‘diagnose’ coronavirus. I am considering two possible ‘diagnoses.’ The first ‘diagnosis’ is that coronavirus is a random more

  • All In For Our Lord Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Nov 21, 2020

    Almost certainly in our lifetime we will also have to follow Christ to our own cross. Probably not a bloody martyrdom, but the culture hates the Church and all who follow Christ.

    Monday of the 24th and Last Week in Course 2020 Bl. Miguel Agustin Pro Today, in the glaring light of our proclamation on Sunday that Jesus Christ is the King of the Universe, we are invited to consider the virtues of those who will be found worthy to live forever in that marvelous, unimaginably more

  • The Passover Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Feb 9, 2023

    The Passing over of the Angel of God over the land of Egypt is known as Passover. While he passes over he would spare the houses of Israelites because of their coverage by the blood.

    Exodus 12:1-28 - The Passover Introduction: Exodus 12 and 13 constitute a single literary unit as both describe Jehovah's Passover. These chapters have instructions for the preparation, observations, readiness to leave, and passing on to future generations as an ordinance. The description more

  • The Cross

    Contributed by Alvan Lewis on Apr 19, 2019

    Sermon preached at the Good Friday service

    Many of us watched in horror this week as Notre Dame cathedral burnt. When the fire was finally brought under control and the first pictures were released you could see the cared remains of the roof up and down the main aisle. But at the far end. On the high altar stood the golden cross amidst the more

  • Reflection B.13 / Does God Have A Purpose In Coronavirus? / Ezekiel 40-42, A Third Temple?

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 11, 2020

    Should we expect a third temple as part of the 'End Time' picture?

    You’re on a whistle-stop ‘ten-cities-in-fourteen-days’ European tour. You had three days in Paris and then two days in Rome. Now you have two days in London. On your first day you had a highly cultural visit to the British Museum. That was great! Today, your tour guide takes you to a former more

  • The Dawn Of A New Day

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Apr 18, 2022

    A Sermon for Easter, Year C

    April 17, 2022 Easter Sunday Hope Lutheran Church Rev. Mary Erickson Luke 24:1-12 The Dawn of a New Day Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. It was early dawn when they went to Jesus’ grave. The sun was just warming the sky into more

  • God’s Freedom Of Choice Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 30, 2014
    based on 2 ratings

    Have you ever thought about how through the centuries God has preserved the Jewish people and they have maintained their identity even though they have been scattered all over the planet Earth? Why? Because God preserved them.

    INTRODUCTION Today we are going to be talking about the sovereign selection of God, the Grace of God, the gracious character of God. You know there is so much in the Bible I do not understand, but I just accept it and believe it. I don’t have to understand it for me to believe it. I heard more

  • Not Even One Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Aug 31, 2022

    This sermon unpacks the concept of sin and how we have all been tainted by it, along with the freedom from it thanks to the forgiveness and redemption made possible through Jesus Christ.

    If you were here this past week, you know that I just began a new sermon series entitled “Do Not Conform. Be Transformed.” It was based on Romans 12.1. Today we are starting to dig in to that series. We are going to look at a different section of Romans. We are going to look at Romans 3:10-12 more

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