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Sermons on Timotiyos II 3:17:

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  • Inspiration And Perspirarion

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Feb 12, 2014

    Jesus warns of tough times and provides us His Word to lead and guide us in our lives. We say that we live by HIs word, but are we? Is it inspiration and perspiration?

    Inspiration and Perspiration 2 Timothy 3:16-3:17 Introduction- Turn with me to 2 Timothy chapter 3 I want to take a look at what most of us here would say is the Word of God that they live bye. We believe every word and know that it is the inspired Word of God. Some will say that they more

  • Clinging To The Word - 2 Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Mar 2, 2014

    Message about the importance of the Word of God.

    Title: Clinging to the Word Theme: Text: 2 Samuel 23:10, 2 Samuel 23:10 He arose, and smote the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clave unto the sword: and the LORD wrought a great victory that day; and the people returned after him only to spoil. And take the helmet of more

  • New Years 2013

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Mar 3, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    You do not need to shout like the sound of thunder or cause your voice to shake like the tremor of an earthquake and you do not need to season your words with the fire of damnation.

    Inspiration for 2013 2 Timothy Chapter 3 Good News Translations Have you watched the television shows like X Factor or American Idol and the like? Maybe you have seen videos sent by friends of exceptional auditions or performances by unknown singers. I have seen several over the last few years more

  • The Disciple's Manual

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Mar 16, 2014
    based on 6 ratings

    A manual details what is given and what is required, explains how to put the presented information into practice, and instructs how to solve problems as they occur. God has given His disciples a manual called the Holy Bible, a guide for life.

    The Disciple's Manual 2 Timothy 3:16-17 A manual as a comprehensive and step-by-step guide on a particular topic for both beginners and experienced practitioners that also serves as a reference book. A manual details what is given and what is required, explains how to put the presented information more

  • Reformed Theology Basics

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Apr 15, 2014

    What is Reformed Theology and why is it important?

    Title: Reformed Theology Basics Text: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Q1. Why Study Reformed Theology (1) It has an historical significance One of the things we are often remiss in doing in the church is studying our history. We tend to see things in the lens of our personal experience, rather than seeing more

  • God's Gps System: The Centrality Of The Word Of God Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Aug 27, 2012

    Gpd's Word is a key component for guiding our lives... for knowing where we are and where we are headed spiritually.

    One of the most innovative and helpful techie things I like about my Droid is the GPS App. The GPS tells me where I am and how to get to where I want to go. This morning I want us to think of the Bible as God’s Positioning System. The Bible is a great way for discovering where we are and more

  • Our Lifeline To God

    Contributed by Tim Hinrichs on Oct 4, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Our lifeline to God, the Bible, is that which is written Scripture, from Genesis through Revelation, and breathed by God as well as giving breath to us, adequate for all good works. But the key to understanding is the help of the Holy Spirit.

    Do you recall the story “Robinson Crusoe” written by Daniel DeFoe? It’s one of those first survival stories … a man shipwrecked, alone, homeless, on a deserted island. What did he need more than anything else? Rescue! But one of the key things that happens in this story is more

  • Prayer Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Oct 21, 2012

    John Wesley also believed that the Holy Scriptures were a Means of Grace. How? Wesley believed the Scriptures are an indispensable Means of Grace as they bring us into the Presence of Jesus Christ and the will of God for our lives. The Scriptures also hav

    Scripture as a Means of Grace 2 Timothy 3:16-17 When we talk about Communion, Prayer, Worship, small group accountability and fasting as a Means of Grace, it make sense to us because we see how they function in our lives, and in the life of the Church. But John Wesley also believed that the Holy more

  • Qr Codes For Your Life: Going To The Source Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Oct 28, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    This is the introduction to a series that we look at where to go in the Bible when faced with difficult situations. This message looks at the validity of the source.

    QRC Intro They are everywhere. You can find them in magazines, in newspapers, on bill boards, stores and restaurants. You know what I’m talking about those funky little square bar codes that are showing up everywhere. They are called Quick Response Codes and they were first developed by a more

  • Is The Bible Truly The Word Of God Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 3, 2012

    In this sermon, we examine the internal and external evidence that the Bible truly is the Word of God.

    Introduction: A. The story is told of a Sunday school teacher who asked his class, “What is Faith?” 1. A young boy raised his hand and answered, “Oh, that’s easy. Faith is believing something you know is not true.” 2. Unfortunately, that little boy’s definition more

  • What Is A Reformed Evangelical?

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jun 22, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    This massage was preached on the Sunday Sovereign Grace Family Church was affirming the decision of the Elders to join the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals.

    Today is an historic for Sovereign Grace Family Church. This church has been in existence for over half a century. We began as Forest Christian Church in a different building and a different time in history. Throughout the years, the denomination we were formally associated with became more

  • Baptists And Reformed Theology

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jul 11, 2014

    The reformation gave rise to many denominations, including the baptists. In this lesson we see how reformed theology is an important part of baptist history.

    When I began this series, I listed 14 individual lessons which we were going to cover regarding the history of the church. The goal of this course was not to cover every historical event in the past 2,000 years, as that would be beyond our grasp. But instead, it was to show the clear consistent more

  • Theology Proper: Special Revelation - The Bible Series

    Contributed by Greg Brown on Aug 5, 2014

    God has revealed himself specifically through the Bible. The reveals God's power, his truth, his eternality, and many other characteristics. It is through the Scripture that we can know God and be saved.

    Special Revelation: The Bible What is the final form of special revelation? God’s Word, the Bible, is the final form of special revelation. It must be remembered that it is through general revelation that one is without excuse for not believing in God, but it is only through specific more

  • What You Need To Know About The Bible In These Perilous Times

    Contributed by Jack Woodard on Aug 2, 2013

    Never has there been such a lack of confidence and understanding of the Bible than there is today and never has there been a time that we need to have that confidence and understanding than we do today. This outline will help to do that.

    TITLE: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE BIBLE IN THESE PERILOUS TIMES TEXT: 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-17 Introduction: No person can afford to be ignorant or misinformed on what the Bible says on any subject in these perilous times we are living in. Your eternal soul and the eternal souls of others depend more

  • Man Of God Series

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Aug 21, 2013

    To show that as a man of GOD, we are already thoroughly equipped for every good works because of the LORD JESUS and not because of ourselves or even not of our wife.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you a man of GOD? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that as a man of GOD, we are already thoroughly equipped for every good works because of the LORD JESUS and not because of ourselves or even not of our wife. IV. TEXT: 2 Timothy 3:17 (Amplified more

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