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  • Cross Roads

    Contributed by David Anderson on May 3, 2001
    based on 76 ratings

    Christians who carry their crosses win the attention of the world.

    Sermon: "CROSS ROADS" Rev. D. Anderson Jer. 15:15-21; Ro. 12:1-8; Matthew 16:21-26 + + + These words of our Lord which I am about to read again are not very popular within our self-indulgent generation: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny more

  • Symbols Of The Cross

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on May 8, 2001
    based on 48 ratings

    What does the cross symbolize?

    INTRODUCTION  When we look at a cross today what do we think about? What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see a cross?  What do we think when we see a person wearing a cross around their neck or in their ear lobes?  Does the cross stand for something to us more

  • Cross Roads

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on May 29, 2001
    based on 264 ratings

    Each person will come to a time when they have to either take the wide or narrow path.

    CROSS ROADS PSALM 1 Introduction: · This summer, while on vacation, we were looking for a lake that we had seen on the map. We took a well graveled road for about 10 miles and then came upon a sign that showed the lake only being two miles away. While sitting at this cross road, I noticed more

  • Basics Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Jun 7, 2001
    based on 76 ratings

    Part 2 of the Back to Basics. This study looks at ’Why was the Cross was Necessary?’, ’What happened on the Cross?’, and ’What Happened After the Cross?’.

    Part 2 - Basics of the Cross. Why is the Cross Necessary? A common question I hear is, "Why doesn’t God just get rid of all sin and take us all to heaven?" Another frequent question is, "If God is so loving, why would He send someone to hell just because they don’t believe in Him?" There are more

  • The Mathematics Of The Cross

    Contributed by Robert Laymance on Jun 18, 2001
    based on 105 ratings

    Analogy of the Basic math symbols and their relationship in and to Salvation.

    Let’s begin with the ( - ) subtract symbol. 1. I’ve been Subtracted from Hell!!! a. went from a sinner to a saint b. went from rags to riches ( Heirs ) c. went from old path to the new path d. went from wrath to peace e. went from a pit to a Palace ( mansion ) 2. I’ve been Added to more

  • The Architect Of The Cross

    Contributed by Phil Morgan on Mar 27, 2002
    based on 194 ratings

    Who was ultimately responsible for Jesus going to the Cross?

    "The Architect of the Cross" Introduction: I was reading through this week from Matthew chapter 21 the account of Jesus entering into Jerusalem in triumph - the event that we celebrated last week on Palm Sunday - and my attention was drawn to verse 10, where it says: "And when He had come into more

  • The Cross Is An Insult

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Apr 2, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    This is the sixth in a series on the most important day in the most important life ever lived; we walk with Jesus to Calvary!

    <b>The Most Important Day In the Most Important Life Ever Lived!</b> <b>The Cross is an Insult</b> Luke 23:33; I Corinthians 1:18-24 March 17, 2002 The host was incensed. I mean, he was just up in arms, as we used to say; ¡§ticked off¡¨ might be another term. He could not understand the more

  • Crossing Over Series

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Dec 29, 2002
    based on 88 ratings

    The Israelites moved from the Acacia Grove to cross over Jordan. Learn the meaning of this text and lessons of moving from wilderness to promise.

    CROSSING OVER Deuteronomy 11:31 “For you will cross over the Jordan and go in to possess the land which the LORD your God is giving you, and you will possess it and dwell in it. Crossing over. From one state to another. What are some of the promises God has given to us in His word? For forty years more

  • Near The Cross

    Contributed by Martin Scarce on Jan 8, 2003
    based on 1,284 ratings

    What was it like to stand near the cross of Jesus? We examine four people who stood near the cross and try to understand what it would have meant for them.

    “Near The Cross” Introduction: John 19:23-30 When Jesus was crucified I wonder how near the cross we would have stood? We sing that grand old hymn – “Jesus, keep me near the cross…there a precious fountain”, but how near the cross would we have been if we were there to witness Jesus’ more

  • The Power Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Jan 17, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    This sermon contrasts the misunderstandings many have of the cross with the true meaning and power of the cross.

    1 Corinthians The Power of the Cross 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 January 19, 2003 Intro: A. The Bible refers to the power of Jesus when it says that He is seated at God’s right hand. 1. [The Left Hand of God.] The story is told of a little girl and her mom discussing the morning Sunday school more

  • People At The Cross Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 7, 2003
    based on 109 ratings

    There were all kinds of people at the Cross. What distinguished these groups of people? The condition of their souls, their spiritual heart attitudes. Around the Cross of Jesus, we can see people who demonstrated some contrasting heart conditions.

    People At The Cross (Matt. 27:36-44, Luke 23:39-43, John 19:25-27) 1. A father and daughter we walking through a spacious prairie. 2. In the distance, they could see fire all around them. They knew they could not escape it. 3. The father knew there was only one way to escape: set fire to the more

  • The Cross (Christmas) Series

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Dec 16, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    Part 3 of 4 in the series "Why Did My Savior Come to Earth?" Shows the inevitable result of Jesus’ Birth.

    The Cross Mark 15:21-39 INTRODUCTION Why did my Savior come to earth, and to the humble go? Why did he choose a lowly birth? Because he loved me so! Why did He drink the bitter cup of sorrow, pain and woe? Why on the cross be lifted up? Because he loved me so! He loved me so, He loved me so; more

  • Cross Roads Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jan 7, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    This is the 1st study in the study "The Hebrew Hymnal".

    Series: The Hebrew Hymnal (Psalms) [#1] HYMN #1: CROSS ROADS Psalm 1 Through the centuries God’s people have sang songs that express their relationship with God. The book of Psalms is a compilation of Hebrew hymns that still speak to us in the 21st Century. This first hymn we find is one more

  • Cross Carrying

    Contributed by Roger Haugen on Mar 17, 2003
    based on 58 ratings

    Jesus instructs us, if we want to be a follower, to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow.

    2 Lent B Mark 8:31-38 16 March 2003 Rev. Roger Haugen Just verses before we have Peter declaring, “You are the Christ, the son of the living God!” Jesus is the Messiah, the one who has come to save his people, to lift them above the “oppressor’s rod”, to bring about the Kingdom of God where the more

  • The Road To The Cross

    Contributed by Mark Beaird on Mar 24, 2003
    based on 354 ratings

    This "triumphal entry" was actually a road of sorrow He chose for himself. It too was an inspiring sight for those who can see it for what it was.

    THE ROAD TO THE CROSS Palm Sunday) © 1997 by Mark Beaird Text: John 12:9-19 It was one of the most inspiring sights of World War II. Four chaplains were standing on the deck of the USS Dorchester, hand-in-hand, singing the old hymn more

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