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Sermons on theistic evolutionists:

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  • Theistic Evolution - Is It Biblical?

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Aug 30, 2001
    based on 47 ratings

    This study examines the creation account in Genesis with the rest of scripture and compares this to Theistic Evolution (or the Gap Theory).

    Theistic Evolution Is ‘Theistic Evolution’ consistent with scripture? Theistic evolution is the philosophy that God used evolution to create the world. Those who teach this claim that God started creation and then allowed natural processes to evolve us into what we are today. One thing that amazes more

  • Alternative Creation Theory No. 1: Theistic Evolution

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on May 15, 2023

    The first theory of creation apart from Scripture teaches that God used evolution as part of the creative process. Is this a viable explanation for our origins? What does science and the Bible have to say about this idea?

    Our look at the first of the four alternative theories to the biblical account of creation begins with what I would refer to as a philosophical mix of oil and water. On the surface, this theory might sound feasible for those who worship at the altar of reason and compromise, but it falls short more

  • Did God Use Evolution To Develop The Species Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 17, 2018

    Theistic evolution

    A zoo keeper, walking by the animal cages one day, sees an orangutan with two books under his arms. One is the Bible; the other, Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. Surprised, the zoo keeper asks this rather extraordinary primate, “Why are you reading those books?” “Well,” says the ape, “I more

  • Creation, Part 3 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Aug 22, 2011

    Part 3 reveals the formation of dry land, the seas, and all vegetation. This message also gives excellent insight into defending an evolutionist’s view of the origin of species.

    Creation Series, Part 3 Genesis 1:9-13 Introduction - We have a Creator, and the Creator has given us a clear account of His story - APP: What we find ourselves in is a situation what separates all of us -- If you do not believe this account, you fall into one of these two categories: 1. more

  • The Evolutionist Is A Fool Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Nov 26, 2014

    Those holding to evolutionary doctrine display a tragic lack of moral or ethical character.

    "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." In years gone by I frequently addressed students enrolled in provincial and state colleges. Because of my training in the sciences, I was often asked to speak on the issue of origins. Especially along the West Coast of the United States more

  • Five Views Of Origins Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Dec 6, 2014

    How can mankind account for the origin of the universe and of mankind? The message seeks to explore ideas that are current.

    “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” [1] Is the universe twenty billion years old? Can we emphatically state that the more

  • Theistic Evolution

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jul 17, 2018

    Can evolution be harmonized with the Bible in a way that doesn’t destroy them both?

    Theistic evolution, on the other hand, accepts the naturalistic concept about billions of years of life and death, extinctions, the survival of the fittest, and so on, and its advocates claim that this was the means the God of the Bible used to create all life-forms on our planet. Some claim that more

  • Creation Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 21, 2022

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth (Gen. 1:1) This is one of the most profound statements ever made, and yet we find that it is a statement that is certainly challenged in this hour in which we live.

    OUTLINE 1. Entrance of Sin on Earth, Ch. 1-11 A. Creation, Ch. 1-2 1. Heaven and Earth, 1.1 2. Earth Became Waste and Void, 1.2 3. Re-creation, 1.3-2.25 (a) First Day – Light 1:3-5 (b) Second Day – Air Spaces (Firmament), 1:6-8 (c) Third Day – Dry Land Appears and Plant Life, more

  • The Man Who Was Not Born Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 24, 2021

    How did man begin? Verse 7 makes it clear that he was not born, but was formed. He was molded as clay in the potter's hand. He was a product of what already existed.

    An old preacher from the back woods was teaching a class of children about how God created man. He said, "In the beginning there was just nothin at all. One day God was fooling around with some mud, and before you knew it he had a man. He put that man up against a fence to dry there in the more

  • Lessons From A Wicked King

    Contributed by Shawn Rose on May 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    What can we learn from the story of Jehoiakim, a very wicked king?

    LESSONS FROM A WICKED KING Text: Jeremiah 36:1 – 32 Introduction: · Jehoiakim was a very wicked king · Originally named Eliakim, was put into power by Pharoah Necho after the defeat of his father and captivity of his brother · Oppressive, godless, covetous, violent · Executed Urijah the more

  • Creation, Part 6 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Sep 4, 2011

    This series focuses on the Biblical facts of Creation, and using Scripture puts to rest the scientific opinions of how the world was formed. Part 6 begins the final day of creation with the creation of the cattle, creeping things, and the beasts of the E

    Creation Series, Part 6 Genesis 1:24-25 Introduction - We are right in the middle of a series discussing the Creation of everything we see - 1) We have a Creator, He is God, and He has given us a clear account of His story - 2) What we find ourselves in is a situation that separates all of more

  • Creation, Part 7b Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Sep 11, 2011

    Part 7b concludes the study of Creation with mankind's creation as well as the importance of God's rest on the 7th day. (Ref: Genesis 1:27-2:3)

    Creation Series, Part 7b Genesis 1:27 – Gen 2:3 Introduction - This evening, we bring to a conclusion our series on Creation from Genesis 1 - Let me ask … has this series helped you understand God’s miraculous work? -- If your answer is yes, I want to encourage you to be bold more

  • Creation, Part 1b Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Aug 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This series focuses on the Biblical facts of Creation, and using Scripture puts to rest the scientific opinions of how the world was formed. Part 1b continues the exploration of Day 1, and addresses both the age of the Earth and demonstrates the beginnin

    Creation Series, Part 1b Genesis 1:1-5 Introduction - From last message: - As a building requires a builder, creation must have a creator - Even the energy in the universe requires a source, it requires a creator - There is an irrational logic proving that something popped up from nothing - We more

  • Discovering Genesis, Part 2 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Sep 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Part 2 of this series takes a deeper look at the creation of Adam and Eve, as well as the identifying Adam's location and occupation, the conditions of living in Eden, his need for a companion, and the creation of Eve out of Adam.

    Discovering Genesis, Part 2 Genesis 2:4-25 Introduction - This evening, we begin our “Discovering Genesis” series in Genesis 2 - Let’s look at Genesis together and read what God has to say to us - Read Genesis 2:4-25 - Pray Point 1 – (4-17) - At our core, at our very more

  • Creation, Part 2 Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Aug 22, 2011

    This series focuses on the Biblical facts of Creation, and using Scripture puts to rest the scientific opinions of how the world was formed. Part 2 examines the creation of the Earth's atmosphere, and the awesome work of God to create a protection from t

    Creation Series, Part 2 Genesis 1:6-8 Introduction - Picking up from last week … - As a building requires a builder, creation must have a creator - Even the energy in the universe requires a source, it requires a creator - There is an irrational logic proving that something popped up more

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