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  • Ten Qualities In A Church God Blesses

    Contributed by David Seeley on Mar 5, 2004
    based on 86 ratings

    A church that is blessed by God is no accident. There are certain characteristics that bring a church to the place where God can bless it.

    A church God blesses is… 1. A church where God is welcomed Ps 127:1 Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. 2. A Praying Church Lu 11:9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall more

  • The Unity Of Ten Lepers Dws#3 Series

    Contributed by John Butler on Jun 17, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    What the Greek has to say about Unity in and out of the body of Christ.

    The Unity of Ten Lepers... I. Birds of a Feather Flock Together... a) Read: Luk 17:11 And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. Luk 17:12 And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood more

  • Ten Things I See In '99

    Contributed by Jerry Falwell on Sep 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Ten things to look forward to in the coming year, as the new Millennium draws closer.

    TEN THINGS I SEE IN ‘99 By Jerry Falwell INTRODUCTION 1. I SEE THE NEW MILLENNIUM AS A SENSE OF DESTINY. I am not one of those “crazies” that predicts that the Lord will come in the Year 2000 because we don’t know when the Lord is coming. He said, “But of that day and that hour knoweth no more

  • The Ten Commandments – The Truth And Nothing But The Truth Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    THE TEN COMMANDMENTS – The Truth and Nothing But the Truth. Whose family are you a member of? God’s family speaks the language of truth.

    • Exodus 20:3-17 (NIV) [3] You shall have no other gods before me. [4] You shall not make for yourself an idol. . . [7] You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. . . [8] Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. . . [12] Honor your father and your mother. . . [13] You shall not more

  • The Ten Commandments – The Heart Of A Thief In Me Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    THE TEN COMMANDMENTS – The Heart of a Thief in Me We can be guilty of stealing in three ways: We steal from God, ourselves and others.

    • Exodus 20:3-17 (NIV) [3] You shall have no other gods before me. [4] You shall not make for yourself an idol. . . [7] You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. . . [8] Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. . . [12] Honor your father and your mother. . . [13] You shall not more

  • The Ten Commandments – A Matter Of Life And Death Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    THE TEN COMMANDMENTS – A Matter of Life and Death 1. The VALUE of life. 2. The MEANING of the 6th commandment. 3. The APPLICATION Jesus Made to the 6th commandment.

    • Exodus 20:3-17 (NIV) [3] You shall have no other gods before me. [4] You shall not make for yourself an idol. . . [7] You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. . . [8] Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. . . [12] Honor your father and your mother. . . [13] You shall not more

  • The Ten Commandments – Two Sides Of Honor Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    THE TEN COMMANDMENTS – Two Sides of Honor

    • Exodus 20:3-17 (NIV) [3] You shall have no other gods before me. [4] You shall not make for yourself an idol. . . [7] You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. . . [8] Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. . . [12] Honor your father and your mother. . . [13] You shall not more

  • The Ten Commandments– The Practice Of Proper Worship Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    THE TEN COMMANDMENTS– The Practice of Proper Worship

    • Exodus 20:3-17 (NIV) [3] You shall have no other gods before me. [4] You shall not make for yourself an idol. . . [7] You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. . . [8] Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. . . [12] Honor your father and your mother. . . [13] You shall not more

  • The Ten Commandments – Only One God Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Sep 20, 2007
    based on 4 ratings


    • Exodus 20:3-17 (NIV) [3] You shall have no other gods before me. [4] You shall not make for yourself an idol. . . [7] You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. . . [8] Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. . . [12] Honor your father and your mother. . . [13] You shall not more

  • Ten Benefits Of Christ's Resurrection Power

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jul 13, 2004
    based on 55 ratings

    Here are ten exciting benefits of knowing the resurrected power of Christ

    Ten Benefits of Christ’s Resurrection Power (Phil. 3:10) "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection." Illustration: The Shepherd’s Home in Wisconsin has a problem with dirty windows. Although many of its residents are severely disabled, they love Jesus and understand that He has more

  • Ten Ways To Improve Your Relationships

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jul 24, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    Find out ten ways to improve, enhance and enrich any relationship.

    Ten Ways to Improve Your Relationships (Phil. 2:2-5) No one is island. We all need friendships. Acts 2:42- "They devoted themselves to fellowship" (Koinonia - mutual sharing with one another)Make up your mind to whom you can fellowship with and devote yourself to them regardless of feelings, more

  • God's Ten Commands For Peaceful Living Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Jul 3, 2014

    James 4:7-10 is a series of ten rapid-fire instructions that provide God’s Ten Commandments for restoring peace in your relationships.

    Our study of James 4 has focused on the results of following worldly wisdom as opposed to godly wisdom. This theme of two kinds of wisdom was introduced in chapter 3. “But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth.” (James more

  • The Ten Commandments In Verses Lived Out

    Contributed by Your Brother In Christ A on Jun 15, 2013

    love is the fulfulment of the law Pro_19:11 The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, And his glory is to overlook a transgression.

    I believe in love, sometimes people just want to spread the Word and Love the Lord but all christians sometimes makes mistakes by acciden, you know they copy and paste the wrong love song in the wrong spot, guess what they get persecuted by well meaning other Christians. what happens, they scare more

  • #13~ Ten~ Bible Number Meanings Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Jan 14, 2012

    TEN is found 248 times in our KJ Bible, TEN has been a significant number through out all ages. TEN stands for TESTIMONY-TEN stands for RESPONSIBILITY, and also O.T. LAW. Man was RESPONSIBLE under the LAW to keep the commandments and bear a TESTIM

    #13~ TEN~ BIBLE NUMBER MEANINGS 1-14-12 ~ "TEN" REPRESENTS, TESTIMONY, LAW, AND RESPONSIBILITY ~ TEN is found 248 times in our KJ Bible, TEN has been a significant number through out all ages. TEN stands for more

  • Lesson 16: Ten Life Principles

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Feb 1, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    The Ten Commandments are Ten Life Principles for Believers Today

    Series: Getting The Faith of Moses Dr. Elmer Towns Lesson 16: Ten Life Principles October 16, 2011 A. GET READY FOR THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 1. In a more

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