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  • Broadcasting The Seeds

    Contributed by John Delly on Jul 12, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    We are God’s sower. We know that we can’t just store or hide the seed. We know that it must be broadcast and planted to do God’s work.

    "Broadcasting the Seeds" Matthew 13:1-9 July 13, 2008 For the last three weeks Nick and Sam Love’s mission trip has been in my thoughts and prayers. Last week I told you that this week’s sermon would be Romans chapter 8 The Romans text has a rich message, but my thoughts kept turning to Nick more

  • Why Is My Life A Parable? Series

    Contributed by Drew Mills on Mar 16, 2007

    to hear with ears that really hear, to prepare our “soil” for the seed of God’s Word

    The Parable of the sower, is a very familiar portion of scripture. It can be very tempting to think to yourself, "I’ve heard this story, hundreds of times before, and there is nothing new here for me." Because we think that we know this story so well, we can close our ears to what the Lord wants to more

  • The Seed And The Sower - Part 2

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Mar 1, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The parable of the seed and the Sower is a snapshot of any society and most likely any congregation. How a person responds to the Word of God indicates what type of soil they are. The seed is perfect. The Sower is generous. What type of soil are you?

    Please take your Bibles and turn to Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 NIV When I was a young teenager I actually did some broadcast sowing of seed. We were renting a field which was only a couple of acres and my Dad had plowed and dragged the field but we did not have a broadcast planter so we filled up more

  • Parable Of The Sower Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on May 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Part two of the series where we look at the soils that God's Word ministers too. We quickly see that the Word of God is powerful enough to minister to any soil given that God has prepared it to be seeded by the Word of God.

    Let’s look at the different heart conditions mentioned in this parable. I. A Hard Heart. (Uninterested Heart) Verse 4: “And as he sowed, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured it.” Fields in Israel were small and were separated from one another by paths that became like more

  • Fertile Ground Series

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on May 19, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    Jesus gives us four basic types of response to the message of God’s kingdom. Which type of ground most resembles your spiritual walk?

    Parables of Jesus Fertile Ground Matthew 13:3-9; 18-23 May 17, 2009 As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, this parable is the parable of parables. It is the certainly a huge key in understanding what Jesus is teaching about God’s kingdom and what God expects of us in response to the message that more

  • The Liberal (Generous!) God And Our Response Series

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Aug 23, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    God is liberal - and by that I mean generous, ample, extravagent in giving. Jesus told this parable ABOUT the crowd not TO the crowd. What is our response to the message of Jesus from the liberal God? What kind of soil are we?

    God is liberal! God is not a Liberal Democrat, but God is liberal! God is not ’wishy-washy’, but God is liberal. God is incredibly generous and extravagant. God does not say, “Anything goes.” God is not that kind of liberal; but when the dictionary says ’abundant, ample, giving freely;[ and] more

  • The Word Is Not Void Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 26, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    When we share our faith, we don’t know ahead of time whether or not the soil is fertile; but if we are faithful at broadcasting the seed of God’s Word, then if it happens to land in fertile soil, it will take root and begin growing.

    This evening’s sermon is entitled, “The Word Is Not Void,” and it’s taken from what is called “The Parable of the Growing Seed.” So, what message does this parable speak to believers? It appears to address the fear of failure in evangelism. Allow me to share from the church statistical more

  • The Principle Of Evangelism Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Apr 13, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    If we are going to be effective in evangelism, we must know the soil we are planting the Word into.

    INTRODUCTION SLIDE #1 The way we build God’s church is by reaching people. There is no other way to build the church other than to reach people. We cannot evangelize cats, dogs or any other object other than people. What is the best approach to use with people? Will we reach all people with more

  • Good Things Come To Those Who ... Wait. Series

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Jan 16, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Our tendency to procrastinate, even over matters related to the soul, is challenged by Jesus’ sermon of the soils.

    GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO … WAIT. Mark 4:1-20 From the Sermon Series: “Ten Cultural Myths that Drive America” We are in the throes of our sermon series, “Ten Cultural Myths that Drive America.” It is taken from the first six chapters of Mark. We are highlighting different adages or aphorisms more

  • Entrance To The Kingdom Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Dec 16, 2008

    Exposition of Matthew 13:44-46 regarding the two parables of the kingdom about the treasure and the soil

    Text: Matthew 13:44-46 Title: Entrance to the Kingdom Date/Place: LSCC, 7/23/06, AM A. Opening illustration: Entrance of the Aucan Indians into the Kingdom B. Background to passage: Jesus has just finished giving several parables about the kingdom in general, and people’s responses to it. And so more

  • A Harvest Of Righteousness Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Sep 13, 2008

    Biblical peace is both the soil in which righteousness grows and the fruit that comes from a peaceable life.

    JAMES 3:18 A HARVEST OF RIGHTEOUSNESS “A harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” Canadians pride themselves on their perceived role as peacekeepers serving under United Nations mandates. Since Lester Pearson proposed an international peacekeeping force to supervise more

  • Just Throw It!

    Contributed by Michael Blitz on Feb 3, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    2nd Corinthians 11 and the Parable of the Sower both Show us God as the Strength in our Weakness.

    As we look at our lessons today, and I want to look briefly at both, comparing them together, (Glory to God) I’ll begin by sharing an old story some of you may know about a man named Phi-Dipp-adeez. I’d actually be impressed if you knew his name, but you probably know the name Marathon and Nike, more

  • Parable Of The Sower

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Jul 25, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    We may all be dirt, brought out of the dust of the ground, but we have a choice of what kind of dirt we are going to be -- Path dirt? Rocky dirt? Thorny dirt? or Good dirt? We are defined by the way we respond to the Word of God!

    A few observations from the passage: 1. All the different kinds of soil received the Word of God. This is a message about people who have received the Word. 2. A complete lack of fruitfulness from all, except one. Among the people in the church, there is no fruit, except in a small group of more

  • "Rooted And Grounded In Love" Series

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Feb 10, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    The fruit we bear will be determined by the soil we’re rooted in (#4 in The Unfathomable Love of Christ series)

    “ that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love...” I feel it is very important to remind you first of all today, that this is a prayer, and it is a prayer for you. But that does not say it all. Keep in mind who it is who is praying more

  • How's Your Mud

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Oct 3, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    In the parable of the seed the sower only has to be the sower and the seed only has to be the seed, the responsibility lies with the soil.

    How’s Your Mud? When I was a teen we lived just outside of Saint John New Brunswick in Hammond River and when I needed to think or just find time alone I would go down to the river, find a big rock and just sit and enjoy being next to the water. And it seems that it has always been like more

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