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  • The Spiritual Discipline Of Simplicity Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Dec 5, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    The discipline of simplicity is the conscious act of not being tied to the things of this world.

    Tilling the Soil of the Soul November 27, 2005 Simplicity Matthew 6:19-21, 24-33 I received an email this week from Outside Magazine with the title: “Gift Guide Madness” It read… “The time of immaculate consumption is upon us. From a flaming kayak paddle to an indestructible laptop that can more

  • Guideline #5: Step Out With A Bold Faith Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Oct 14, 2003
    based on 57 ratings

    Active faith: what it requires and the results of its implementation in the church

    SERIES: “GOD-GIVEN GUIDELINES FOR GROWING A GREAT CHURCH” TEXT: HEBREWS 11:1-6 TITLE: Guideline #5: “STEP OUT WITH A BOLD FAITH” (Material basically from Bob Russel’s When God Builds A Church) INTRODUCTION: A. A little old lady was given a much desired mission assignment to the Apache more

  • An Awesome Journey Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Oct 2, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    John gives us God’s view of salvation coming into the world. Jesus, the Son of God, undertook an awesome journey for the redemption of humankind.

    Subject: "An Awesome Journey" Text: John 1:1-14 The gospel of John is considered by many to be the deepest and most spiritual book in the Bible. John had one goal in mind, to inspire faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. In the Gospel of John, the writer gives us a more complete revelation of more

  • Steppin To A New Level Of Blessing Series

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Mar 31, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    THis sermon deals with encouraging people to become more generous givers.

    Stepping Up To A New Level Of Blessing GNLCC Proverbs 3:5-10 2 Corinthians 9: Have you ever blessed someone with a surprise gift that you knew he or she was going to love? There was a sense of expectation of joy and delight in your own heart as the person open the gift. Sometimes the more

  • Free To Set Others Free

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Feb 23, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Forgiveness is characteristic of God that we need in our lives to be a free person.

    FREE TO SET OTHERS FREE Matt 18:21-35 In our look through the Bible the one that we find is most like other humans is Peter. On many occasions, his desire to be spiritually tough and dependable surpassed his depth of his commitment. He often is shown as one who is weak spiritually than the other more

  • The Antichrist: Personified Evil Series

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Feb 10, 2002
    based on 164 ratings

    The antichrist will: 1. Create a one-world government. 2. Create a one-world economy. 3. Create a one-world religion.

    The movie world seems to be obsessed with the end of the world. There has been a steady stream of films coming out of Hollywood around the theme of end time events and takeoffs on the book of Revelation. Films like “End of Days,” “Armageddon,” “Deep Impact,” and “Independence Day” are just some more

  • The Doctrine Of Redemption Series

    Contributed by Matthew Grise on Sep 19, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Genesis 3:15. The first glimpse of the gospel is explained from the account of the fall of man.

    IN THE BEGINNING GENESIS PART 1 – ANTEDILUVIAN HISTORY THE DOCTRINE OF REDEMPTION GENESIS 3:15 INTRODUCTION - Any good author knows the end of the story before he begins writing the beginning of it. It makes it easier to fill in the details of the storyline if you know where everything is more

  • What Does It Mean To Be A Christian? - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Moy Hernandez on Oct 27, 2009

    Today we will complete this teaching touching on the redemptive work of Christ, the calling of God in our lives and the Holy Spirit’s help that we may commit our lives to Jesus.

    What does it mean to be a Christian? - Part 2 Last week we began this two part sermon on what it means to be a Christian. We touched on how the world sees us and on how effective our service to God actually is. Then we got into our first point of our lesson and studied how to be a Christian means more

  • I Will Dwell Series

    Contributed by J.d. Tutell on Feb 7, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Concluding sermon of a series which sees the final verse as a statement of confidence and contentment in the shepherd.

    Recently a teacher, a garbage collector, and a lawyer wound up together at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter informed them that in order to get into Heaven, they would each have to answer one question. St. Peter Address the teacher and asked, “What was the name of the ship that crashed into the more

  • Elijah's Chair

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Oct 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate believers to look back on their Old Life and share with others that TRUE Christianity involves RECEIVING and ACCEPTING Jesus Christ (as their Lord and Savior) rather than outward ATTEMPTS and CHANGES to look relig

    5 October 2008 U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade (BfSB) West Fort Hood Chapel Killeen, TX BIG IDEA: TRUE Christianity involves RECEIVING and ACCEPTING Jesus Christ (as Lord and Savior) rather than outward ATTEMPTS and CHANGES to look religious. more

  • Jesus Said; "I Will Come Again"

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Apr 27, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    Historic Christianity teaches that Jesus was born of a virgin, he suffered and died on the cross, he rose again, and Jesus will return as King of kings and Lord of lords.

    Jesus Said, “I Will Come Again” Are You Ready? John 14:1-3 Acts 1:6-11 Historic Christianity teaches that Jesus was born of a virgin, he suffered and died on the cross, he rose again, and Jesus will return as King of kings and Lord of lords. I’m not going to give you a time-line of the end more

  • The Greatest Battle Of All

    Contributed by James May on May 6, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    The Greatest Battle of All is the one that we fight within ourselves as Jesus tries to get us to surrender our will to his will.

    The Greatest Battle of All By Pastor Jim May Who is your worst enemy? Is it Satan? He is a powerful enemy to say the least. But he isn’t your worst enemy. You can overcome him easily through the blood of Jesus Christ and by calling upon the name of Jesus. The Bible says that Satan will run more

  • Ransom View Of The Atonement Series

    Contributed by Robert Higgins on Aug 23, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    We need to understand what was "covered up" at the Cross and what was "exposed" in the garden in order to fully appreciate what Jesus did for us.

    The Ransom View of the Atonement This is the third sermon in my series on the last week of Jesus life. Three weeks ago, we examined Jesus’ act of “trashing the temple”, the next week, we watched as Mary prepared him for burial while he was still alive; last week we observed what the Last Supper more

  • Godly Financial Management Part 5 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Feb 3, 2013

    This message focuses on being a cheerful giver and our right to choose how much and how often we choose to give to the Lord.

    Godly Financial Management Part 2 Paying God Part 5 Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 9:7; 1 Timothy 6:18-19; 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 Introduction: Previously I have shared with you that under the New Testament covenant you are not required to tithe and you will not bypass heaven and be sent straight to more

  • We Walk By Faith Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Jun 11, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Part two of the series focuses on how we develop a belief that leads to faith.

    We Walk By Faith ¡V Part 2 Developing A Belief Scriptures: John 20:24-29; Matthew 24:23-25 Introduction: In the introduction to this series last week I shared with you that faith is an unquestioning belief; complete trust or confidence. By definition faith can only exist where there is a more

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