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  • To The Praise Of His Glory

    Contributed by Clay Gentry on Sep 10, 2013

    Why did God send Jesus to save us? It might surprise most Christians to learn it wasn't so we could go to heaven? So what was it? In this lesson we will explore why God saved us.

    There is no doubt about, our God is a great God. Need proof of that? Let’s take a quick look through Ephesians 1-3 and learn how He has “blessed us with every spiritual blessing” through Jesus Christ (1:3): - God has blessed us by adopting us as His children (1:5, 2:19) - God has more

  • Glory After Shame Series

    Contributed by Diana Tyler on Aug 21, 2023

    Nebuchadnezzar's pride brought him down. Humbleness brought him back up.

    Unfortunately, King Nebuchadnezzar didn't listen because at the end of the 12 months, everything came upon him. He was walking about the royal palace of Babylon and said, "Is not this great Babylon that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my more

  • Called To Suffering And Glory Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 25, 2016
    based on 11 ratings

    We are called to suffering: but we are also called to glory.

    V. SUFFERING AND GLORY. A. CALLED TO SUFFERING. 1 Peter 2:19-21. The Apostle Peter uses his address to domestic servants (1 Peter 2:18) to illustrate the calling of all Christians to share in the sufferings of Christ. “For this is grace,” he quite literally says (1 Peter 2:19): this is more

  • Failed Glory (2) Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Sep 19, 2016

    Leaders and followers can remove the glory of God from a church by emphasizing relevance over transcendence.

    1. 17 Inches [John Scolinos and Home Plate In 1996 John Scolinos spoke to more than 4000 baseball coaches at the American Baseball Coaches Association convention in Nashville, TN. He was a legend among baseball coaches. He was a Hall of Fame College Baseball Head coach who coached at Pepperdine more

  • "For The Glory Of God" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Oct 30, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    When Martin Luther hung his writings on the door of the church in Wittenberg, 500 years ago, everything in the church changed. This gave man a renewed purpose. Now all that we do is for the glory of God. It is all for God and God alone.

    “For the glory of God” It has been said that history repeats itself. Now I believe that to a point but I think that it is more accurate to say that people repeat the same mistakes in the same choices and the same decisions others have made before them and that’s why history repeats itself. Because more

  • From Groanings To Glory

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Aug 17, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    In these last days it’s easy for the believer to get discouraged but it won’t be long before all will be glory.

    Romans 8:18-28 I. The groanings of creation 2. The groanings of the christian 3. The groanings of the Comforter Gleaned from a message by Dr Adrian Rodgers (deceased) more

  • Pride, The Glory Stealer...

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Aug 19, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Everything we do as unto God with a humble spirit, is an act of worship unto God and part of our diligence and pursuit of our faith in our relationship with God we have through Jesus!

    Pride, The Glory Stealer... Illus. From the book a life beyond amazing, by David Jeremiah. In Detroit in the 1930s, three young men boarded a bus and attempted to pick a fight with a passenger sitting alone in the back. They threw one insult after another, but the man said nothing in response. more

  • God Gets The Glory Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    David's story teaches us to keep our focus on God above all else. We must recognize the "giants" in our lives and trust that God is bigger and more powerful.

    Today, we're gonna dig deep into the story of David. Let's jump into 1 Samuel 17:12-28. David was the youngest in his family, and his job was to look after the sheep. Not exactly glamorous, right? But God didn't care about that. He saw David's heart. Ever felt like you're not taken seriously more

  • Greater Glory Awaits SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The prophecy that the future glory of our lives will surpass the past encourages us to reflect on our current circumstances and make necessary changes for a brighter future.

    In the book of Haggai, we find a prophecy that the glory of the latter house will surpass that of the former. This prophecy encourages us to reflect on our past and make necessary changes for a better future. God wants us to look back and recognize areas in our lives where we were doing well or had more

  • The Lord’s Anointed

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Oct 11, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We must trust God to deal justly with other believers when they sin rather than taking retribution into our own hands.

    The Lord’s Anointed October 9, 2011 Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must trust God to deal justly with other believers when they sin rather than taking retribution into our own hands. Focus Passage: I Samuel 26:1-25 Supplemental Passage: more

  • The Lord’s Promise Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Feb 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Here Micah foretells God’s eventual out-working of His plans for His covenant people.

    MICAH 7: 18-20 [IN THAT DAY SERIES] THE LORD’S PROMISE [ISAIAH 52:13-15; John 10:11-17] The summarizing remarks in the last verses of Micah are of gratitude and praise to Yahweh. He concludes his book by reminding himself and his readers about the goodness and uniqueness of their God. God more

  • Possessing God’s Promises Part 2 Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on Jan 25, 2010

    What will heaven be like? We have already looked at some things that will no longer exist. The marvelously perfect will of God has now come to full bloom. The Lord’s Prayer has been completely answered: Matthew 6:10’your kingdom come. Your will be done,

    Purpose: To focus our attention on the glories that awaits believers. Aim: I want the listener to see God’s eternal blessings and determine if they possess them. INTRODUCTION: What will heaven be like? We have already looked at some things that will no longer exist. Human government is gone (no more

  • The Body Is The Lord’s Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Apr 9, 2011

    Sexual sin: 1) Is harmful to everyone involved (1 Corinthians 6:12a); 2) It gains control over those who indulge in it (1 Corinthians 6:12b); and 3) It perverts God’s purpose for the body (1 Corinthians 6:13-20).

    This past week has given the world a preview of the demise of the entertainment industry. Charlie Sheen and Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi, as one commentator said, stood on its coffin and hammered in nails, one in Detroit (where Mr. Sheen was booed off the stage) and the other at Rutgers University more

  • The Reason For Revelation Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on Jun 22, 2008

    Just the mention of the book of Revelation will often bring a dejected sigh that, “No one can really understand this book.” But, if we can’t understand the message of this book then why did God give it to us? Why is this the only book that promises a bl

    THE REASON FOR REVELATION REVELATION 1:1-3 Purpose: To understand why Revelation was written. Aim: I want the listener to rejoice in Christ’s present exalted state. INTRODUCTION: Just the mention of the book of Revelation will often bring a dejected sigh that, “No one can really understand this more

  • A Personal God From Grace To Glory

    Contributed by Bruce Ferris on Sep 16, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    A great truth of Scripture is that God is a personal God from grace to glory. He is not an abstraction or mystical “higher power.” He meets us where we are and on our level. He is a personal Savior, a personal Lord, a personal Sanctifier, a personal De

    A PERSONAL GOD FROM GRACE TO GLORY A great truth of Scripture is that God is a personal God from grace to glory. He is not an abstraction or mystical “higher power.” He meets us where we are and on our level. He is a personal Savior, a personal Lord, a personal Sanctifier, a personal Deliverer more

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