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  • I Love The Commercialism Of Christmas--No Joke!

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Dec 9, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    I don’t think any of us are really ready to give up the traditions of this holiday season. So why not think about what we love about this time of the year? (Based on an article by Rev. Thomas Shepherd) ________________________________________

    How do you like this time of the year? Shopping center parking lots clogged with car headlights like a starry night sky in the country. Mindless, but welcoming music drifting over hordes of harried, hopeful, hesitantly happy holiday hunters. Shop ’til you’re top-heavy, arms full of packages, more

  • God Encounters #3: Jesus The Baptiser In The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jun 18, 2015

    Jesus is the Saviour who died on the Cross to forgive our sins,and He is also the Baptiser in the Holy Spirit who wants to give us power to be His witnesses.

    GOD ENCOUNTERS: THE FOURSQUARE GOSPEL #3: JESUS THE BAPTISER IN THE HOLY SPIRIT: INTRO TO TOPIC: In this series we are looking at the Foursquare Gospel of Jesus: • Jesus the Saviour, Healer, Baptiser in the Holy Spirit, Soon Coming King. • KEY VERSE: “But you shall receive more

  • The Woman With The Issue Of Blood

    Contributed by Antonio Silveira on Jan 7, 2011
    based on 65 ratings

    Jesus heals the Woman with the issue of blood

    The Old Testament has many aspects of God’s law that we don’t understand. One of these is found in Leviticus 15 19 “‘When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till more

  • Peter’s Mother In Law Healed, Plus Others Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jul 8, 2017

    There are those who claim that Peter never married, but these verses prove that he did. Evidentially, he took Jesus home for dinner, but when they got there, his mother-in-law was sick with a fever. Jesus touched her and she was healed at that instant,

    Harmony of the Gospels -AD 27- Capernaum Peter’s Mother in Law Healed, Plus Others (Isaiah 53:4) Matthew 8:14-17, Mark 1:24-34, Luke 4:38-41 Jesus' healing of Peter's mother-in-law is found in three of the gospels; only John omitted telling the story, but according to Mark 1:29 (see below), more

  • Babies Who Live

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Aug 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon preached at a healing service while I was visiting a Lutheran church in Sweden (This is the English text - it was translated as I gave it by my host)

    The little baby Mary wasn't expected to live. She was now in hospital. Her parents had been told to expect the worst. But the curate from the local church refused to give up. Day after day he went and prayed by her bedside. Seven decades later I met Mary. The baby who was meant to die was now a more

  • The General And The Servant Girl

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Mar 23, 2024

    We’re told that “Cleanliness is next to Godliness;” a bit of an overstatement, but it got generations of kids to wash their hands before dinner.

    We’re told that “Cleanliness is next to Godliness;” a bit of an overstatement, but it got generations of kids to wash their hands before dinner. By the way, this saying is from John Wesley, not the Bible. “Wash me and I will be whiter than snow,” king David prayed (Ps 51:7). Spiritual more

  • You Are Never Alone

    Contributed by Reggie Corfield on Jul 21, 2024

    In today’s real world, there are very few and quiet moments in life. In life we will find ourselves in various situations we never chose to be in. Hardships and trials come without invitation. Through it all, we are never alone.

    Title of the Sermon - YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. Our reading today tells us that Jesus’ disciples found themselves in trouble as the wind picked up and tossed them to and fro on the Sea of Galilee. It is much like many of us who are tossed to and fro with the cares and trials of this life. Wonder how more

  • The One True God

    Contributed by Keith Bunch on Jul 11, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    A Vacation Bible School Introductory Sermon.

    What are some attributes of the One True God that children will learn in our Vacation Bible School? CREATOR (Gen. 1:1) "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." "No "Big Bang" or long period of change created the world we now live in. Our world was spoken into existence by the more

  • I Am Called To Do What? Series

    Contributed by Bill Lyle on Apr 5, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A study in 1st Peter

    1 Peter 2:21-25 Suffering from Happiness: I am called to do what? Jesus a babe in the manger Jesus as a boy confounding the religious leaders Jesus as a young carpenter Jesus as a humble teacher Jesus as a compassionate healer Jesus as a compassionate man Jesus who quieted the storms Jesus as a more

  • Prayer And Anointing For The Sick Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Nov 29, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon, we will explore the biblical basis for prayer and anointing for the sick.

    In the Bible, we find numerous examples of prayer and anointing being used to heal the sick. As believers, we are called to pray for one another and to anoint the sick with oil, trusting in God's power to heal. In this sermon, we will explore the biblical basis for prayer and anointing for the more

  • The Power Of Connecting With God Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Jan 23, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    Just like Jesus, we need to establish a divine rhythm in our lives that includes rest, prayer, and reconnection with God. This connection empowers us to fulfill our purpose and calling.

    Hey guys, ever watched a surfer ride the waves? It's pretty cool, right? They seem to have this rhythm with the ocean, knowing when to stand up, when to ride, and when to bail. It's like they're connected to the ocean. Well, Jesus had a similar connection, but His was with God. And guess what? We more

  • There Is Hope In Faith Full Living Series

    Contributed by Clinton Smith on Mar 4, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The believers of the Old Testament teach us to anticipate heaven while evaluating earth. In other words, keep heaven in view while living in here on earth.

    Philip Yancey in his book, Disappointment with God, tells of a letter he received from a woman who was struggling with life and her faith in God. He says, “A young mother wrote that her joy had turned to bitterness and grief when she delivered a daughter with spina bifida, a birth defect that more

  • God’s Answer To Our Family Problems

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Sep 24, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God wants to help us with our family problems, and here the Lord shows us 5 things to do.

    God’s Answer to Our Family Problems Matthew 19:1-12 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - Sept. 20, 2009 *Let me start by saying that this Scripture gives a strong message against divorce. But don’t tune me out if you have gone through a divorce or you are struggling in your marriage more

  • Devoted To Jesus Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 31, 2007

    This sermon is a wrap up of my series "Devoted To Jesus." Much of the sermon is an adaption of Chapter 14 from Philip Yancy’s book, "The Jesus I Never Knew." The sermon is about 5 impressions of Jesus

    Introduction: A. I hope you’ve had a great Christmas and holiday week. 1. We are really enjoying having our girls home from college, and seeing so many others who are visiting during the holidays. B. With all the difficulties that come with traveling these days, I thought you might get a kick out more

  • Your Faith Is Your Testimony

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Aug 24, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    There is only one way to please God and that is by Faith.

    August 26, 2012 Morning Worship Text: Hebrews 11:6 Subject: Faith Title: Your Faith is Your Testimony I’ve been talking for these past few weeks about faith. More importantly the source of your faith. How many of you know that if we are ever going to see full blown revival break out – I’m more

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