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Sermons on the deity of jesus:

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  • The Deity Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Nov 16, 2009

    Is Jesus really God?

    [If you would like to receive weekly sermons by email, please contact] A GOOD MAN OR THE GOD-MAN? No one is more loved and hated than Jesus Christ. • “Jesus” (Greek) is equivalent to “JOSHUA” (Hebrew) and means “the LORD SAVES.” “You are to give him the name Jesus, because more

  • The Deity Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Dennis Deese on Jun 6, 2002
    based on 168 ratings

    John clearly identifies Jesus as God.

    "THE DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST" By: Dr. Dennis Deese JOHN 1:1-12 Who Do You Think Jesus Is? In a 1983 Gallup poll Americans were asked "who do you think Jesus is." 70% of those interviewed said Jesus was not just another man. 42% stated Jesus was God among men. 27% felt Jesus was only human but more

  • The Deity Of Jesus Partii Series

    Contributed by Bob Zinga on Aug 18, 2007

    Who is Jesus?

    The Deity of Jesus Christ I-Jesus is Emmanual, God with us. Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. II-Jesus is the creator of the universe Colossians 1:16-17 16For by him more

  • The Deity Of Jesus In The Books Of Moses Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Jun 28, 2015

    All Jehovah's TRUE witnesses must agree that Jesus is God. The teaching is all over the Bible. We begin in the Pentateuch, the books of the man Moses, the first of Jehovah's witnesses.

    Jehovah’s True Witnesses Agree: JESUS IS GOD! introduction There is no question in my mind about the humanity of Jesus of Nazareth. Nor do I doubt the existence of what we have called “trinity”, a 3-in-one concept of the Godhead. In the case of this study I should speak of more

  • The Deity Of Jesus In Israel's Prophets Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Jun 30, 2015

    Isaiah to Malachi saw Jesus as God. The prophets of Israel join the group of Jehovah's TRUE witnesses. Who are these folks today claiming to be witnesses of Jehovah, but denying his Deity?

    FROM ISAIAH 36. Lord of the New Jerusalem What a precious preview of events is given by Isaiah in his 2nd chapter, verses 2-4: “...the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains...and all nations shall flow unto it...and ...people shall say, Come more

  • The "Logos" - Deity Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Dec 2, 2008

    3rd in a seven part series on the incarnation from John 1.

    One of the things I love most about the gospel of John is that the weightiest of doctrines are delivered in the simplest of words. We’ve seen that already in the introduction of his gospel, but the four simple words that we’ll look at in detail this morning may very well be the four most more

  • Deity Of Christ Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Sep 23, 2019

    Brief teaching on the trinity followed by why the deity of Christ is important

    Deity of Christ Christianity 101 CCCAG June 22nd, 2019 Commentary on video (St Patrick's Bad Analogies- Youtube)- I’ve probably tried to explain the trinity using every one of those heresy’s mentioned. When I first got into the ministry, I made it a goal to try to easily explain everything in more

  • Proof Of The Miracles Of Jesus

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 17, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The world has questioned the reality of Jesus' deity, His supernatural origin, His miracles, and His resurrection and His ascension. Now here is the proof the Bible means what it says.

    PROOF OF THE MIRACLES OF JESUS 1 Cor. 15:3-8 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: A MISER’S KINDNESS 1. Sam is a kind-hearted husband but he’s the tightest skinflint you ever saw. One day he took his wife Sue to the Woodlands Mall. 2. They walked down half the mall for over 45 minutes admiring all the more

  • Who Is This Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Thomas Clawser on Dec 11, 2018

    The evidence of Jesus’ deity demands a response from every person: allegiance or rejection.

    We open with these words concerning the identity of Jesus: “I can't help wondering how we can explain away the greatest miracle recorded in history. No one denies there was such a man, that he lived and that he was put to death by crucifixion. Where is the miracle I spoke of? Consider this and more

  • Is Jesus God? The Old Testament Answer Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Nov 19, 2018

    A message showing how the Old Testament was looking for God to come to earth as a human being.

    IS JESUS GOD? THE OLD TESTAMENT ANSWER “For to us a child is born ... and His name will be called wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isa. 9:6f) Jesus does not just reveal God. He is God. When we look at the Old Testament it gives hints and express more

  • Jesus - The Man Who Is Equal With God!

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jun 22, 2015

    Jesus - The Man Who is Equal With God! (2015) PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). Introduction of Father’s Day. (2). Context: Healing of the lame man (vs 1-15) (3). Six Claims of Jesus: #1: "I am equal with God" (vs 19-20) #2: "I am the giver of life" (vs 21 & 26) #3: "I am the final judge" (vs 22-23) #4: "I determine man's destiny" (vs 24) #5: "I more

  • The Da Vinci Code: The Deity Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by George Crumbly on May 22, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    A quick look at the distortions of the truth from the Da Vinci Code

    THE DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST George E. Crumbly Humphrey UMC Sunday May 21, 2006 AM JOHN 1 I have been getting a lot of emails lately about this Da Vinci Code. I really don’t pay a whole of attention to Hollywood. The one thing I have figured out about Hollywood. Generally they are for what God is more

  • #21 With Jesus In The Storm Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jun 28, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Mark records the story of the calming of the storm to prove Jesus.’ deity But it also is a picture of believers during trials. This message exegetes the passage and then explores the metaphoric value of the story.

    #21 With Jesus in the Storm Series: Acts Chuck Sligh June 28, 2020 NOTE: PowerPoint or ProPresenter presentations are available for this sermon by request at Please mention the title of the sermon and the Bible text to help me find the sermon in my archives TEXT: Mark more

  • Is Jeus God? The New Testament Answer Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Nov 19, 2018

    Shows how the deity of Jesus is taught from the words of Jesus himself; from New Testament texts; from the way Jesus is called "Lord" and by the spirit of worship that is the heart and soul of the New Testament.

    IS JESUS GOD? THE NEW TESTAMENT ANSWER “The Word was God and the word was with God / and the Word became flesh (a human being) and lived among us for awhile.” You could look at me on a revolving pedestal and know a little about me, gender, age, weight, nationality; but you would not know me, more

  • Cracking The Da Vinci Code, Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on May 24, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The truth about the deity of Jesus.

    “Constantine commissioned and financed a new Bible, which omitted those gospels that spoke of Christ’s human traits and embellished those gospels that made Him godlike. The earlier gospels were outlawed, gathered up, and burned.” (The Da Vinci Code, p. 234). “Until that moment in history, Jesus more