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Sermons on the blesses hope:

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  • The Believer's Hope

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Mar 2, 2024

    Characteristics of the believer’s hope...our hope is based on a living person, that person being Jesus Christ.

    Australian aborigines pictured heaven as a distant island beyond the western horizon. The early Finns thought heaven was a distant island in the faraway East. Mexicans, Peruvians, and Polynesians believed they went to the sun or the moon after death. Native Americans believed that in the afterlife more

  • The Blessings Of Being Right With God Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Aug 29, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Those who are right with God are at peace with Him (1-2a), find joy in the hope of seeing Him (2b), find joy in the journey (3-5a), and are filled with His love (5b).

    The Blessings of Being Right with God Romans 5:1-5 1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. more

  • Bold In Our Hope Series

    Contributed by James Parker on Mar 6, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    I am so thankful to God that I do not have hope in this life only. For if we do, the Apostle Paul states in 1 Corin 15 verses 17-19 that we are men that are most miserable.

    A-Z of Boldness Bold in our HOPE 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Over the past several weeks we have been looking at the A-Z of Boldness. Please remember being Bold does not mean being obnoxious or rude & crude. To be Bols simply means to be courageous. This Boldness or courage we have should not be of more

  • Christmas Brings...hope

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Dec 14, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    As we begin Advent, it is my prayer that we look with excitement the Christ-child being our candle of hope.

    Advent 2018 week one Christmas brings… Hope Romans 15:13/ 1 Peter 1:3-7 Introduction- This week we begin Advent season, a time that we prepare ourselves for Christmas and what Christmas is meant to be. A celebration for what Christ has done for us by coming to this earth and offering more

  • Jesus Is Our Hope!

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Mar 31, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    As the song goes our hope is built on nothing less then Jesus blood and righteousness!

    Intro: 1. Lucy and Linus are sitting in front of the TV set when she says to Linus, “Go get me a glass of water.” Linus looks surprised, “Why should I do anything for you? You never do anything for me!” Lucy responds, “On your 75th birthday, I will bake you a more

  • Give Me A Drink

    Contributed by Samuel M on Aug 7, 2024

    Jesus comes with his need to a broken person( in his brokenness), not to burden him, but to bless him and make him a blessing for others. Meeting Jesus’s need in your lack and brokenness creates an avenue for Jesus to bless you and become a blessing to many others.

    Jesus asks the samaritan woman for a cup of water. This is the greatest paradox in the Bible. Jesus never asked anything from anyone. He always gives but rarely asks for something from others. Jesus comes to the most broken person and expects something from her. The broken person has nothing(in more

  • Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit Series

    Contributed by W. Alderman on Feb 23, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    This the first of a series on the Sermon on the Mount

    BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT Text: Matthew 5:3 more

  • The Missionary Hope Of God Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Dec 18, 2010

    Hope is not wishful thinking. Our confidence is Jesus. He is our anchor that connects us to God. This sermon deals with how that confidence or joyous expectation changes us and charges us to love God and love people until His return. This is why Jesus

    Intro: The Assyrians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans had their many gods—gods of war, gods of industry, gods of agriculture, gods of cities, gods of towns, and various others. But in religions entire galaxy of gods, there never was one called “god of more

  • Eisodus After Exodus (A Way In After A Way Out)

    Contributed by Martin Kiogora on May 22, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Salvation is a story of Exodus. It is a story of God intervening and rescuing us from sin and its effects. It is a story of deliverance from the world of sin to God's perfect world. This sermon is about salvation, redemption, and the blessed hope.

    [THIS SERMON WAS DELIVERED LIVE IN A FACEBOOK GROUP ON 11TH APRIL, 2020. IT IS POSTED HERE WITH MINOR EDITS. THE STARS **** INDICATE A TRANSITION IN THOUGHT AND INTENSITY OF DELIVERY] Welcome to our live stream service. My name is pastor________and I am so thankful for you joining us today. If more

  • The Love That Gives Hope Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 10, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    God loves us so much that he gives us a doorway of hope. What kind of hope is that, and where do we find it?

    In Europe, there’s something called “Lock Bridges”. They are bridges where young lovers will take padlocks, engrave their initials or messages on them, and then lock them onto a bridge in the city, throwing the keys in the river. There are 20 “Lock Bridges” all across the world, and in 2015 there more

  • The Chain Reaction Of Hope

    Contributed by Ben Mandrell on Apr 7, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    An expositional nessage on Romans 5:1-5 which concluded with the Lord’s Supper.

    The Chain Reaction of Hope Englewood Baptist Church Sunday morning, April 6, 2008 Recently, I went to Webster’s Dictionary online and typed in the following words: chain reaction. This is one definition provided: Chain Reaction: a number of events triggered by the same initial event. So, in more

  • Chirst Is Our Only Hope

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Jan 12, 2019

    How we need to have more hope.

    CHIRST IS OUR ONLY HOPE 1. One and only one. Hebrews 6: 18 That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: 19 Which hope we have more

  • Heaven: The Believers Hope Series

    Contributed by Rob Yanok on Sep 10, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    If heaven is not the hope of humanity, then the human race has no hope whatsoever.

    “Heaven: The Believers Hope” – Pastor Rob Yanok Text – John 14:1-3 Either heaven is real or Jesus led His followers with lies. If heaven is a hoax, then it is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated upon mankind. If there is no heaven, then the Bible is not true and Jesus was a deceiver. If more

  • God Blessed; And God Bless America ?

    Contributed by Gary Huckaby on Feb 4, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    This message was delivered the night of September 11 2001 after the tragedy in America.

    A Sermon For You A Ministry of Huckaby’s Evangelism This special message is a call to all of the family of God, to wake up and lift up your heads, for our redemption draweth nigh. God Blessed; and God Bless America ? By-Evangelist Gary Huckaby "If my people, which are called by my name, shall more

  • Hope In The Shadow Of Death

    Contributed by Darrell Vaughn on May 12, 2010
    based on 74 ratings

    An encouraging Funeral message for my earthly brother age 57 in passing. Can be modified to fit any situation as true hope to the living.

    A little girl lived near a cemetery, and often had to walk through it after dark. When someone asked her, “Aren’t you ever afraid?”, she answered, “Oh, no! My home is just on the other side.” The best way for me to begin this sermon today, is to ask the question; more

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