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  • Love God And Love Your Neighbor : 3rd Commandment Series

    Contributed by Michael Larsen on Jul 23, 2019

    True worship to the LORD seeks to honor the name above all names, Jesus Christ our LORD.

    Intro Open your Bibles to Exodus chapter 20 today as we continue our Summer Series entitled “Love God , Love your Neighbor” We are examining the 10 Commandments—God’s moral law—while focusing on Jesus is summary of the commandments found in the New Testament Gospels. The commandments teach us about more

  • Love God And Love Your Neighbor : 8th Commandment Series

    Contributed by Michael Larsen on Aug 2, 2019

    Jesus transforms the eighth Commandment by calling us to be generous to our neighbor.

    Intro Open your Bibles to Matthew 5 today as we continue our Summer Series entitled “Love God , Love your Neighbor” We are examining the 10 Commandments—God’s moral law—while focusing on Jesus is summary of the commandments found in the New Testament. Jesus tells us “You shall love the Lord your more

  • Preferred Pronouns? - Or - You Shall Not Give False Testimony Against Your Neighbor

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jul 17, 2022
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at the Ninth Commandment in a Woke World

    In this information age, people know more things yet believe less. The world has lost the concept of absolute truth and information is not a substitute. It is being built on falsehood rather than honesty. “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far away; for truth has stumbled in the more

  • Twenty-Eighth Sunday Ordinary Time, C-- Get Out Of The "Christian Bubble” For Blessings And Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Sep 12, 2022

    Of the ten healed, only one came back and gave thanks to Jesus. A Samaritan, who had imperfect faith and belief.

    “Where are the other nine?” Jesus asks. I read that nine out of ten husbands agreed that their wives are always right. The tenth one hasn’t been seen since the study was conducted. Luke 17:11 says that Jesus “traveled through Samaria and Galilee.” Jesus grew up in Nazareth, which was around more

  • Fatal Attraction

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Oct 25, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Most of the church today is being enticed by a fatal attraction that is pulling them away from God. What is a fatal attraction? A fatal attraction is that which in the beginning seems attractive and irresistible, but in the end, it will totally destroy you.

    Turn to Exodus the 20th chapter as we delve into the Word of God with this sermon, "The Fatal Attraction". Consider the barrage of benefits to America if we would obey the Ten Commandments. Overnight, this nation would be completely different. We would be honoring the God of the Bible more

  • Today Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Mar 15, 2014

    Part 1 of this series focuses on the genealogy of Adam to Noah. I specifically explain what really happened with the flood and how their lives are similar to what we are seeing today.

    Today (Part 1) Scriptures: Genesis 3:17-19; 5:3-32 6:3; Jude 14-15; Introduction: The title of my message this morning is “Today” and this will; be part one as I will not be able to complete this message this morning. As I worked on this message, it was a struggle. I struggled more

  • Prepared And Ready

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Feb 1, 2016

    This message calls upon Christians to prepare now for the challenges and opportunities that will be here tomorrow in America. Jesus taught this truth using the Parable of the Ten Virgins. Find out what preparations you need to be making now!

    Prepared and Ready
 (10-11-15 We begin today with a conversation more

  • Moses (Part 4) Series

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Mar 2, 2024

    Moses ranks among the most respected Old Testament figures. In this four-week series, we journey through the life and adventures of Moses.

    Moses (Part 4) Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 3/11/2018 If you’re just joining us, today is the last installment in a fast-paced, four-part series on the life of Moses. Moses delivered an oppressed people from bondage, molded them into a renewed nation and received a more

  • Take A Day Off Series

    Contributed by Tim Shepard on Jun 16, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This is fourth sermon in The Ten Commandment series and encourages people to take a day off even in today’s busy world.

    TAKE A DAY OFF Well here we are. This is the fourth week in the sermon series about the Ten Commandments and I have good news for you. There is only one sermon left after this one. I know that some of you are counting right now. In your heads you’ve already figured out that we’ve only more

  • Theoanthrocide: The Death Of God & Man

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on Sep 16, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Theoanthrocide: The Death Of God & Man

    Psalm 11:3 says, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Without a doubt, the twentieth century ranks among the deadliest in all of human history and it seems the twenty-first will likely continue this appalling legacy. This era will also be remembered as a period more

  • Be Prepared

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Nov 27, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    We are called to be faithful to God and obey him. Being faithful is the meaning of waiting for the Lord to come. There will be no second chances when Christ returns.

    It’s not hard to tell that we are getting closer to the end of the church year. In fact, three weeks from today we will be celebrating the First Sunday in Advent. The Gospel readings for these last few weeks of the Season of Pentecost talk about what God’s judgement will be like. They more

  • The Family Plan Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Dec 1, 2015

    The importance of honoring the biblical family structure

    Series: Big 10 “THE FAMILY PLAN” EXODUS 20:12 OPEN Jake and Willie – at least that would probably be what we would call them today – are some of the most famous story tellers from the 19th century. I’m talking about Jacob and Wilhelm – the Brothers more

  • Semper Fidelis: Always Faithful Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Dec 1, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    God's plan for sexuality

    Series: Big 10 “SEMPER FIDELIS: ALWAYS FAITHFUL” EXODUS 20:14 OPEN We’re still in our series through the 10 Commandments called Big 10. Today we’re going to look at the seventh commandment and see what it means to always be faithful in our marriages. How much more

  • Repenting The True State Of The Union--Or Disunion Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 15, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Even as the speech was delivered, a critter that could only be seen with an electron microscope was beginning to multiply through both the communist and the free world.

    Tuesday of the 20th Week in Course 2020 When we catalogue the favored cultures and cities of history, the city of Tyre, cultural mother of the great and bloody Carthaginian empire, has to be written near the top of the list. The word, “Tyre” literally means “rock,” because in the time of the more

  • God Is A Faithful Restorer

    Contributed by Samuel M on Jan 25, 2025

    When God promises that he will restore double to you, he means he will restore what you have lost with (or plus) interest. This means that if you have lost ten lakhs in the last ten years, he will restore you ten lakhs(principal amount) with interest.

    Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you. Zechariah 9:12 When God promises that he will restore double to you, he means he will restore what you have lost with (or plus) interest. This means that if you have lost ten lakhs in the last more

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