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  • Rapture Suspense

    Contributed by John Gaston on Mar 7, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    The Bible tells of a man kept in suspense all his life -- waiting for the moment Jesus would come. Since we're waiting like he did, there's a lot of lessons we can learn from him; why God chose him, how he waited daily, and what happened when he saw Jesus

    RAPTURE SUSPENSE Lk. 2:25-33 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: SUSPENSE JOKE 1. A man came to the border of a country on his bike. He had three large sacks in the basket. The border guard asked him, "What's in the sacks?" "Sand." The guard searched through the sand and couldn't find anything. 2. A week more

  • Enjoying The Ups And Bracing For The Downs Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jul 11, 2017

    Life is filled with ups and downs, but God’s Word helps us anticipate and soften the downs and keep the ups from morphing into downs.

    Enjoying the Ups and Bracing for the Downs (Proverbs 25:25-28) 1. I have told this joke before, but it has been a few years. 2. Two guys are bungee-jumping one day. The first guy says to the second, "You know, we could make a lot of money running our own bungee-jumping service in Mexico." The more

  • Part 4 - Matthew 12:1-14 - Ancient Clues Uncover The Mystery! Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Sep 24, 2010
    based on 34 ratings

    Talk about SUSPENSE AND INTRIGUE! Subatomic anti-matter threatens the existence of Vatican city in Rome. Key Cardinals from the Roman Catholic church vanish. And it all points to the ILLUMINATI, a secret society that has re-emerged from history.

    Part 4 - Matthew 12:1-14 - ANCIENT CLUES UNCOVER THE MYSTERY! Talk about SUSPENSE AND INTRIGUE! Subatomic anti-matter threatens the existence of Vatican city in Rome. Key Cardinals from the Roman Catholic church vanish. And it all points to the ILLUMINATI, a secret society that has re-emerged from more

  • "The Rest Of The Story" Series

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Mar 13, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    This is a Palm Sunday-Passion Sunday message. I begin with why people like to read novels... mystery, suspense, anger murder & personal sacrifice. The Bible contains the greatest story every told... the messages quickly covers the life of Jesus and why

    In Jesus Holy Name March 16, 2008 Palm Sunday Redeemer “The Rest of the Story” Many people enjoy reading novels. They have their preference: mystery, historical, romance, science fiction. Others enjoy certain authors and their style: John Grisham: A Time to Kill; The Pelican Brief; the more

  • Da Vinci Code: Truth And Error Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Mark Strauss on May 8, 2006
    based on 12 ratings

    What accounts for the amazing success of The Da Vinci Code? There are no doubt many factors: (1) For one thing, it is a great story. While few would call The Da Vinci Code great literature, it is certainly great entertainment, a gripping suspense novel

    Truth and Error in The Da Vinci Code Part 3 Christianity Answers The Code This message contains excerpts from the book Truth and Error in the Da Vinci Code by Mark L. Strauss This book may be ordered at The popularity of The Da Vinci Code What accounts for the amazing more

  • "Building Bridges" Series

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Apr 16, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon begins with the building of the suspension bridge across the Niagara River by James Roebling. I then pick up the theme of the spiritually lost who followed Cain to Enochville Only God could build a bridge for lost humanity. He did it through

    In Jesus Holy Name April 20,2008 Easter IV Series: O.T. Challenges Redeemer Genesis 4:25-26 “Building Bridges” This is the fourth message in our series: O.T. Challenges. In Genesis chapters 1-3 we saw Adam and Eve sharing a life of perfect love and more

  • This Is A Day Of Good News

    Contributed by Jelle Horjus on Nov 1, 2005
    based on 44 ratings

    Who would still dare to say that the Bible is a boring book? What a tremendously gripping story, full of suspense and drama. The message of this afternoon sends us home with a question. Do I care for the people around me, do I take responsability to share

    ‘This is a day of good news’ (2 Kings 6:24-7:20) Who would still dare to say that the Bible is a boring book? We have just read a tremendously gripping story, full of suspense and drama. The different people in the story all have their own way oof reacting to a situation of serious crisis in more

  • Mission Possible: This Message Will Self-Destruct... (1 Of 6) Series

    Contributed by Everett Mccoy on Jul 27, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    First in Mission Possible Series - Messengers come and go, but the message remains unchanged

    Mission Possible – Series Intro And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15 (NKJV) It should be noted that Jesus gave this command to roughly twelve men. These men depended on transportation with a top speed of about 20 miles/hour. It must more

  • Lord, I Need Patience And I Need It Now

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 11, 2008

    A sermon on patience (Seed thoughts from Max Lucado and Cornelius Plantinga, Jr <Article in Christianity Today called "Trying Patience on for Size>)

    Sermon for 2/10/2008 “Lord I need patience and I need it now!” Introduction: “Lord I need patience and I need it now!” WBTU: A. Begin by reading 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 C. Let’s first get the sponge wet. Cannot use a sponge until it gets wet. Let’s get our hearts wet with God’s love before we more

  • God Vindicates

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Leslie Verghese on Sep 10, 2018

    Psalm 64

    David usually mentions his enemies in his prayers, but this prayer is entirely about them except the last verse. This is made apparent in the first petition, where he asks God to hear him and preserve his life from fear of the enemy (v. 1). He asks to be hidden from the “secret counsel of the more

  • Influencing Communities

    Contributed by Tim Smith on May 28, 2009

    Here in these verses he calls those who follow Him to choose to be a godly influence on the society in which we live. Jesus calls us to change the world around us with our lives. He doesn’t just expect us to live in the world. He expects the world to be t

    Influencing Communities Matthew 5:13-15 Robert Lewis writes, “In 1851, many of the most accomplished engineers in the country thought James Roebling was out of his mind. That year, he began to work on the unthinkable: building a bridge over the Niagara River Gorge. Disaster was nearly universally more

  • How Long?

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on May 1, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    How long will it take us to not only listen to the voice of Christ; but also, to act like we actually hear Christ speak?

    How Long? John 10: 22 - 30 Intro: One of the hymns I remember from my childhood came to me when I read this passage of scripture. It is “How Long Has It Been.” The opening words of the hymn are “How long has it been since you talked with the Lord . . .” I connected more

  • Jesus – The Healing, Restoring Compassion Of God

    Contributed by Michael B. Perrott on Feb 11, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    Jesus heals the leper that he may experience the joy of being restored to those that love him. Here we are challenged to work for healing and restoration in the world, with the compassion of Christ

    Mark 1:40-45 ‘Jesus – the Healing, Restoring Compassion of God’ I wonder how many of you enjoy going to the theatre, the cinema, or perhaps watching TV drama? I personally like watching drama, thrillers, full of suspense and tension! You know, when the audience is not sure what is going to more

  • Faithfulness Brings Clear Vision

    Contributed by Stephen Noel on Apr 3, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Simple, though tougher to accomplish....Your Faithfulness will bring clear Vision for the individual and for the Church.

    Faithfulness brings clear Vision Have you ever considered how far faithfulness could take you? We show up at our jobs each day, not always seeing what our faithfulness is creating for our futures, but yet we intrinsically, (on the inside), know that it is building a stability, or a platform, for more

  • The Manifestation Gifts - The Working Of Miracles

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Mar 22, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Spiritual gifts are manifestations of the Holy Spirit. These gifts belong to the church and are supernatural manifestations of the Holy Spirit and are manifest through Spirit-filled believers. These manifestations are visible expressions of the Holy Sp

    The Manifestation Gifts - The working of miracles 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 - But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the more

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