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  • Empty Or Full, It Does Make A Difference

    Contributed by R. Wayne Hagerman on Apr 1, 2008

    The Resurrection of Jesus and His empty tomb are the hingepoints of our Christian belief system. Without them, it is all for nothing!

    John 20; 1 Corinthians 15 Empty or Full? It Does make a difference! There are four major Religions and thousands of smaller ones in this world today. The four largest are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, & Hinduism. Of these and all the others, only one claims a living God, a living Savior, a more

  • Undignified

    Contributed by John Harvey on Oct 14, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    We need to celebrate God and worship him without reservations.

    “Undignified” Oct. 17,2004 2 Samuel 6:12-23 Intro: Ark has been gone from Jerusalem. It had been captured in battle by the Philistines. While in their possession, their false idol was struck down and a plague fell upon them. They sent it back to Israel where it was basically neglected until more

  • Dtr

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Apr 9, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    A talk on the true meaning of following Christ, and the relationship every believer should have with Him.

    Endure the Path (v. 9:57-62) Here Jesus defines the role of a follower of Jesus in terms of commitment. He likens it to a slave who has no home, no family, or no earthly ties that would prevent them from leaving it all. As we read these statements, it seems like Jesus is being so hard. more

  • Was Jesus Married?

    Contributed by Mark Stepherson on Sep 22, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    A response to claims that "evidence" that Jesus was married is “apt to send jolts through the world of biblical scholarship - and beyond.”

    Was Jesus Married? “Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.” 1 Timothy 4:7 “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” 1 Peter 3:15 Popular characters tend to be used, more

  • Seed, Soil, Sower, Rain

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 27, 2014

    We need to pay attention to the condition of our soil, but we also need to spend time daily preparing and sowing.

    Fifteenth Sunday in Course 2014 Seed, Soil, Sower, Rain Today’s OT reading went by so fast that you might forget its importance. That’s not the lector’s fault: the Church gives us only two verses. Let’s listen to the Word of God in the longer version beginning four verses more

  • Living Wisely

    Contributed by Dan Santiago on Oct 17, 2013

    Christians are expected to know how to live wisely.

    LIVING WISELY Ephesians 5:15-21 Preceding paragraphs argued that being followers of Christ requires different lifestyles. The pagans live their lives in ignorance due to their stubbornness. Now since they trusted Jesus as their Savior and Lord, they were taught in accordance with the truth that is more

  • Chosen

    Contributed by Jeremy Poling on Mar 21, 2011

    He has chosen us.

    Joh 15:16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. When God desires to shake, shock, or shape any age in order to save more

  • Core Becoming A Maritha Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Feb 7, 2009

    As Pastor Terry Continues teaching on becoming a CORE believer, he brings balance to a familiar text of two sisters? Was Mary’s approach a better one? And what exactly is a Maritha? Find out what it is and how to become one.

    People joke with me about making up new words all the time. Here’s a new one for you, “Maritha” it’s akin to “Marthary” Text: Luke 10:38-42 • How many times have you heard this story before? • How often does the presentation of the story shed some negative light on the older sister more

  • Jesus Introduces The Kingdom Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Jan 26, 2019

    The central theme of the ministry of Jesus is the Kingdom of God. In Luke chapter 8 we are looking at Jesus introducing the Kingdom to bystanders and then beginning to explain "mysteries of the Kingdom" to His disciples.

    Luke 8:1-18 I. THE KINGDOM A. The driving theme of the ministry of Jesus is the Kingdom of God. 1. The Kingdom of God is the realm of God, visible or invisible, where God’s systems and ways of doing things are already established and working. B. Throughout the New Testament we see the more

  • Accepting Life’s Seasons Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 20, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    We need to embrace life and the human experience with God at our side.

    Accepting Life’s Seasons (Ecclesiastes 3:1-15) 1. She’s only in her 40s, but my friend Mary has bounced back from cancer, heart problems, even a stroke. Through it all, she and her husband, Mark, have kept their sense of humor. One day she said, “You know what kills me … ?” Smiling, Mark teased, more

  • He Does All Things Well Series

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Mar 23, 2021

    Mark's Gospel continues to show us the numerous episodes of compassion, care, concern, and confrontation that made up the person, ministry and work of the Lord Jesus. He is beyond our poor words of description.

    Our journey through Mark's Gospel continues with these words that describe the work and person of the Lord Jesus Christ; "He has done all things well." (7:37). No one could accuse Him of doing anything that had even a trace of fault, defect, mistake, or ineptness. His words and more

  • My Own Way

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 5, 2022

    Is it not true that people who speak volumes at the altar and surrender their lives turn utter cold shortly after the heat of the meeting subsides?? Despite hearing million sermons, people Go their own way, anyways….

    I will go my OWN way... anyways… Jeremiah 42:2"Please let our petition come before you, and pray for us to the LORD your God, that is for all this remnant; because we are left but a few out of many, as your own eyes now see us,” With lot of expectations, during my initial days after more

  • I Am The True Vine

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Dec 22, 2016

    Believers depend completely on Jesus who came that first Christmas as the source of their spiritual life. He show that life through the images of The Vine (John 15:1a, 5a), 2) The Vinedresser (John 15:1b), 3) The Vine Branches (John 15:2–11)

    To explain the impact of Jesus coming to this earth that first Christmas, the image of the branch and the vine was used to illustrate being in relationship with Him. Just as a branch depends entirely on the vine for life, sustenance, growth, and fruit, so believers depend completely on Jesus who more

  • I Am The True Vine

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Dec 23, 2016

    Believers depend completely on Jesus who came that first Christmas as the source of their spiritual life. He show that life through the images of The Vine (John 15:1a, 5a), 2) The Vinedresser (John 15:1b), 3) The Vine Branches (John 15:2–11)

    To explain the impact of Jesus coming to this earth that first Christmas, the image of the branch and the vine was used to illustrate being in relationship with Him. Just as a branch depends entirely on the vine for life, sustenance, growth, and fruit, so believers depend completely on Jesus who more

  • Captives Free

    Contributed by Ian Hyde on Apr 29, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Just as God was faithful to Israel by returning them to the land and restoring the nation when all hope had seemed lost; so today, Christ is faithful to transform ashes into a beautiful headdress, a spirit of mourning into the oil of gladness, and a faint spirit into a garment of praise.

    A PEOPLE IN EXILE I want you to close your eyes for a moment. Now imagine with me that you are an Israelite during the Babylonian Exile around 2,500 years ago, standing on the bank of the Euphrates River. You look downstream as two priests and a small crowd gather to perform an “Opening of the more

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