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Sermons on suffering and joy:

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  • Overflowing With Joy Until He Comes Series

    Contributed by Mike Lewis on Dec 16, 2022

    We are truly better together.

    WELCOME & INTRODUCTION o Pleasure to be here—we are waiting on the glorious day of Christ’s return. o Many days we are already ready—sickness, pain, tired, seeing things in culture, burdens in life, persecution. A GRIEF OBSERVED For C. S. Lewis, it was the death of his wife, more

  • Satan's War Against God's Followers Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on Mar 8, 2009

    The American church has been mostly exempt from persecution for more than 200 years. Could it be that we too have become lazy along the way? The fifth seal talks about those who have died for the Lord rather than live for the world. If you were given th

    Revelation 6:9-11; 12:10-17 Purpose: To describe how and why martyrs die. Aim: I want the listener to accept persecution as a privilege. INTRODUCTION: The early church suffered much persecution. But from the death of Severus in 211 until the reign of Decius in 240, about 30 years, the church more

  • What Is Our Mission?

    Contributed by Timothy Craver on Sep 2, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Looks at how Jesus was faithful to His mission and how we are to do the same.

    Let me pose a hypothetical situation to you this morning: Let’s say I was to make an offer to you. I would offer to give you two free plane tickets to anywhere in the world. Would you take it? Well, there’s one catch – what if I didn’t tell you where you were going before you got on the plane? more

  • It's A Good Hurt

    Contributed by Brian Matherlee on Sep 4, 2008

    A message on the good that can come from suffering.

    IT’S A GOOD HURT 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 Wednesday, August 27, 2008 Pastor Brian Matherlee I recall a “Far Side” cartoon that has a cowboy filled with arrows and he says to his partner, “It hurts Clem….but it’s a good hurt.” What good can come from suffering? 1. God is the Father of compassion and more

  • Will I Get Through This? Series

    Contributed by Mark Nichols on Sep 27, 2008

    A lot of times when we go through difficult times or we are going through the valley, we wonder to ourselves: Will I get through this? Our problem can seem big!

    TEXT: Habakkuk 3 TITLE: Will I get through this? SERIES: Questions we Ask God! TOPIC: Suffering OCCASION: Burnside Christian Church, September 21, 2008 PROP.: A lot of times when we go through difficult times or we are going through the valley, we wonder to ourselves: Will I get through more

  • Hold On Just A Little While Longer Series

    Contributed by A. David Hart on May 22, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    To get the church to understand that if we are to share in His glory, then we should be willing to share in His suffering

    HOLD ON JUST A LITTLE WHILE LONGER Romans 8:18-24 My brothers and sisters as we go through life, we discover that it is full of ups and downs. It appears that for every step we take forward, we would take three backwards. And the more we try the more we more

  • Failure To Be Faithful Series

    Contributed by Charles Cockroft on Jul 30, 2007
    based on 159 ratings

    This is the final of 9 sermons on Standing in the Storms.

    Standing In the Storm #9 (Final) This is the ninth study about the Survival of Storms. We have seen principals of power to help us be solid, stable, steadfast, and sure in everything that comes our way. We need to understand that even as Christians we have problems, it has been taught by many more

  • What Trials Do Series

    Contributed by Ed Taylor on Dec 22, 2008

    Suffering is a part of the Christian’s life.

    1. Who really likes all the trials & testings? a. I don’t know too many people that would jump and say, “I do Pastor Ed. I love them. Give me more!” b. After all, they are often irritating times of sorrow & sadness, & difficult times of problems & pain. c. But whether we like them or not, trials more

  • Jake The Snake Wrestles God

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Sep 18, 2005
    based on 131 ratings

    A message about Jacob’s wrestling match with God

    Jake The Snake Wrestles God Gen 32:21-32 I grew up watching Pro Wrestling. It was fake way back then, and it’s even more fake now. But I would have never told my daddy that. Me and Daddy used to have a ringside seat beside our black and white t.v. set on Sat’s at more

  • Wisdom In Adversity Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Sep 27, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A wise person is able to turn a bad day into a good day.

    [To receive a free sermon each week by email, please contact] THE CROOKEDNESS OF LIFE Consider the work of God: who can make straight what he has made crooked? In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the more

  • "How Do You View Death"

    Contributed by Brad Henry on Sep 15, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    David Platt in his book radical talks about “Your life is free to be radical when you see death as your reward.” This sermon will help to show that when we can conquer our fear of death we will be bale to be free to live the life God intended us to live.

    When we are young a lot of us are afraid of something. Usually kids are afraid when they go to sleep of something being under the bed or hiding in the closet. Irrational fears are just that “Irrational”. A lot of us are afraid of the economy and just remembering 9/11 causes us to think more

  • Overcoming Fear

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Apr 13, 2020

    Week 2 of not meeting and believing we will overcome by not letting fear destroy us.

    March 29, 2020 Overcoming Fear Well, I started out with not too many notes today And I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not so good a thing for you. You see, the length of my message might = the length of my notes, which means we’re done sooner. But then again, I might get a little long more

  • Triumphant Joy: The Pursuit Of Happiness Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jul 18, 2013
    based on 9 ratings

    Philippians shows us how God wants His people to experience triumphant joy, rejoicing in the Lord always, even in the midst of suffering, trials and temptations.

    TRIUMPHANT JOY #1: THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS INTRO TO TOPIC: • Joy and happiness. So many people in the world today aren’t experiencing it! • However, so many people in our world live for the pursuit of happiness. • The question is: HOW do we experience happiness? Everyone more

  • Patience In Suffering

    Contributed by Chris Hodges on Jul 28, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    To learn how to endure hardships.

    Patience in Suffering Text: James 5.1-12 Thesis: To learn how to endure hardships. Introduction: (1) We live in an age of impatience (2) Christians will face hardships (2 Tim. 3.12). Discussion: I. Warning to the Oppressors (vv. 1-6): A. General warnings to the rich (vv. 1-3) 1. It is hard more

  • The Suffering Of A Christian

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Sep 23, 2004
    based on 23 ratings

    You can be sure that a person is saved when overcoming trials!

    You can be sure that a person is saved when overcoming trials. I. The characteristics of trials a. Trials are painful v.12a b. Trials cause sufferings v.12,15,16 c. Trials sometimes strange v.12b II. The Christian attitudes toward trials a. Do not be surprised v.12a b. Rejoice in trials more

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