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  • Now Strengthen My Hands Series

    Contributed by Steve Lawson on Jan 5, 2004
    based on 16 ratings

    When you’re bruised and bloodied by life, press on; your creator did not send you here to start the race, but to finish it!

    “Now Strengthen My Hands” – Nehemiah 6 100 Greatest Moments in Olympic History.” The Apostle Paul, in I Corinthians 9:24, says, “Run in such a way as to win the prize.” When you’re bruised and bloodied by life, press on; your creator did not send you here to start the race, but to finish more

  • God Strengthens Our Families

    Contributed by Grant Bennington on May 9, 2004
    based on 73 ratings

    This sermon was used on Mother’s day for the Blessing/Dedication of Children. It discusses Parents duty to Children based on Mark 10:13-16.

    Today is a very significant day in which we recognize and celebrate the nurturing, sustaining and unselfish love of Mothers. There is an old Jewish proverb that says "God couldn’t be everywhere so he made Mothers". There are probably a few mothers who consider this a great honour, however, they more

  • Biblical Principals For Strengthening The Family

    Contributed by Glenn Robinson on May 24, 2002
    based on 249 ratings

    This is a message on how to use God’s word to build stronger relationships with all members of the family (even with those who don’t know the Lord).

    2 Samuel 13:24-31 Tells of one of the most dysfunctional families in the Bible. Consider this family : The husband commits adultery. His son (Amnon) raped his half-sister (Tamar, the sister of Absalom). The husband did not implement discipline. The full brother (Absalom) killed his half more

  • Strengthening The Family In Today's Society

    Contributed by Kelvin Parks on Jul 13, 2008
    based on 40 ratings

    This is in my opinion a very challenging task (not impossible). How do we carry out the demanding responsibility of raising a family in the world in which we live today?

    STRENGTHENING THE FAMILY IN TODAY’S SOCIETY Given on Saturday, 14 June 2008 For 1st Annual Family Life Conference At Shiloh Baptist Church Waukegan, Illinois I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sister Loretta Henton and the Mission Department for this awesome opportunity to speak at the more

  • Steps To Strengthen Our Faith Series

    Contributed by Ron Murphy on Jun 10, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Lazarus has died. What can this story tell us that can help strengthen our faith.

    Introduction I. One of the questions that I typically ask of scripture is “Why?” A. Why did God have this particular passage placed in His written word to us? B. Particularly in the case of the gospels, the easy answer is that it is the next act that a particular writer remembers or wants to more

  • Strengthened Wth All Might

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Apr 21, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Living a victorious Christian life is a challenge we should readily accept; however there is much to discourage us in this pursuit.

    STRENGTHENED WTH ALL MIGHT “That you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy.” Colossians 1:10-11 (NKJV) The more

  • Make Decisions That Strengthen Relationships Series

    Contributed by Tim Pollock on May 19, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon Series by Dr. Tim Pollock

    Sometimes as humans, we are our own worst enemy. This chapter is about making choices that are wise for the long haul, that is, about being our own best friend. Someone said that a great marriage is like a first rate hotel, expensive but worth it! Success in marriage does not come merely more

  • Studies In Ephesians: Strengthened By The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Oct 18, 2011

    Bible study throughout the book of Ephesians.

    Note: This is a study through the book of Ephesians as done in 1995. One of the main sources I used at the time was Beacon Bible Commentary vol. 9. Title: Strengthened by the Spirit Theme: To show the purpose of being strengthened by the Spirit Text: Ephesians 3:14-21 Ephesians 3:14. For more

  • Barriers - To Strengthen Lesson 2 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jul 13, 2023

    Why does God allow trials/afflictions?

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. Working on grandfather’s farm, four weeks drought, carrying buckets of water from the stream. a. I pitched a fit, “I hate rain.” b. Uncle Sam said, “You better love that rain.” Principle: “always be happy when it rains, you don’t know the good it brings.” c. Afterwards, I’d sit more

  • Show Me Your Glory O Lord

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Jan 27, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    Why doesn't Jesus show us his glory today? How does Jesus strengthen my faith today?

    “I wish I was there.” Have you ever said that or thought that before? It’s one thing to hear about something, or to see something on TV. But when you’re there. A friend of mine came back from a Packer game a few months ago – he talked about how awesome it was, the more

  • Wrapping Up A Memorable Trip

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 22, 2010

    WRAPPING UP A MEMORABLE TRIP (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Acts chapter 14 verses 21- 28: A Quick Review • The two missionaries (Paul & Barnabus) had been away from home for months. • They had journeyed from Antioch of Syria to Derbe which is in modern day Turkey. • During this first missionary journey; • Paul & more

  • Jesus Prays That Our Faith May Not Fail Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 30, 2013

    We understand that we are sinful and weak, but like the martyrs, we pray that our faith may not fail so we may witness to Christ in His Church.

    Thursday of the 22nd Week in Course Light of Faith There are little coves along the Sea of Galilee that are fronted by natural amphitheaters. At one of these, Jesus, pressed by the crowds, got into Peter’s boat and put out a couple of meters so more could hear him. He spoke the Word of more

  • Refining Our Faith

    Contributed by Dewayne Bolton on Jun 14, 2012


    MARK 9:14 -29 V. 23-24 REFINING YOUR FAITH INTRO: A. Everyone heard someone say I just don’t have any faith? a. If your one of those let me show you some areas in which your faith was exercised. 1. When you got into your automobile inserted the key in the ignition turned it, you had faith it more

  • The Faithfulness Of God

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jul 25, 2018

    God is faithful, not only in providing and protecting, but to reveal Himself, to keep His promises, to forgive, to establish us, and to keep us during trials and temptations.

    THE FAITHFULNESS OF GOD INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: The Dead Church 1. A new pastor in a small Midwestern town spent the first four days making personal visits to each of the members, inviting them to come to his first service. The following Sunday, the church was all but empty. 2. Accordingly, more

  • Grow In Grace And In The Knowledge Of Our Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ Series

    Contributed by Mark Sacedon on Sep 30, 2021

    The Lord wants every Believer to grow. Growing is important in the Christian life.

    The Lord wants every Believer to grow. Growing is important in the Christian life. To know what is right and wrong and to know what is of God and of the devil needs spiritual growth. Some grows fast and some takes many years to grow and some never grows. Ways to grow in the Lord? 1. more

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