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  • Seven Steps Upward

    Contributed by James Lowe on Oct 6, 2006
    based on 28 ratings

    A sermon to the person who has drifted away from God.

    Seven Steps Upward St. Luke 15: 17-24 The story of the prodigal son has been preached on hundreds of times. It is a story of a young man who had everything anyone could ever need. It certainly appears he had the security of a good home, a good father, and even an inheritance that would take care more

  • 2 Steps To The Door

    Contributed by Lynn Loe on Aug 29, 2001
    based on 30 ratings

    Addresses the need for repentance in order to turn the tide within the church. So as to attract rather than repel new visitors and converts.

    2 Steps To The Door Ps 51:10-13 10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. 11 Do not cast me away from Thy presence, and do not take Thy Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation, and sustain me with a willing spirit. 13 {Then} I will teach more

  • 8 Steps To Breakthrough

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Oct 28, 2003
    based on 135 ratings

    The circumstances are different for all of us but the principles never change, what worked in the bible will work for us if we will act on them

    “8 Steps To Breakthrough” As we enter into the spiritual realm God has promised us we must be prepared for confrontation. There is no progress without resistance: Jericho was a fortress city, It was the symbol of the Enemy’s strength and Power It was made up of Men and women wholly more

  • A Leader In Step With God Series

    Contributed by Vinnie Cappetta on Jan 14, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    How do you make sure that you are not getting ahead of God and the people you are called to lead?

    Nehemiah was given the ok to leave Persia and to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He was given letters of authority that he showed to the various rulers on his way to Jer. He was accompanied by armed soldiers and horsemen from Persia. Nehemiah pulled into Jer. There was no more

  • Steps To Forgiveness And Healing Series

    Contributed by Todd Pugh on Feb 6, 2007
    based on 40 ratings

    We are looking at this from three angles today, the first angle is Freedom for your soul, freedom for the offender and accepting God’s forgiveness.

    Healthy Hearts Happy Homes Steps to Forgiveness and Healing Sunday February 6, 2004 Intro: This series we are calling Healthy Hearts Happy Homes is focusing on the issues that are common to all people but few have real freedom in. They are issues that plague Christians and non-Christians more

  • Stepping Out On Faith

    Contributed by David Rogers on Feb 9, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    A sermon on the importance of trusting God

    Stepping Out On Faith Esther 4:1-17 Prayer Introduction Many of us say that we live by faith, that we have faith in God to do what He says He will do. But when it comes time to answer that call, to live that life that He calls us to live we fail to completely trust Him. It is hard for us to more

  • Taking That First Step

    Contributed by John Browning on Apr 29, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In all of our efforts to grow and share in Christ, it all starts with that first step of faith.

    Taking That First Step By Pastor JC Browning 04/29/07 Hebrews 11 I really like the Indiana Jones movie series – I particularly liked the first and the third movie. You see in the First they where looking for the Ark of the Covenant. In the Third they were looking for the Holy Grail. Through all more

  • Stepping Out For God Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Feb 19, 2007

    Before God took the children of Israel into the Promised Land they needed to commit to Him, with no turning back. God, in turn, provided a way to do the impossible. When God calls us and we step out for Him, he comes through for us too.

    After the preparation of Joshua as a leader, the encouragement to do what God had commanded - to take the land, and the spying out of that land to find out that the enemy seemed powerful but was frightened of God. After that is where the rubber meets the road, or in this case, the feet meet the more

  • Steps To Freedom In Christ

    Contributed by Ruel Camia on Feb 23, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    The Christian life is not a playground. It is a battleground. And our enemy is a crafty adversary. One of his greatest tools is to convince Christians that he is not a threat. He minimizes sin and its effect until even believers are so tangled in it that

    Steps to Freedom in Christ Text: 2 Cor 10:4-5 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every more

  • Steps To An Overflowing Life

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Jul 13, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus calls us to come and drink deeply of the springs of eternal life. The work of the Holy Spirit is to fill us and overflow with the fruit of the Spirit.

    Steps to An Overflowing Life Steps to an Overflowing Life John 7:37-39 Have you ever been so thirsty that all you could think about was getting a cool drink of water? I can remember times when I was driving a combine cutting and thrashing wheat when I became extremely thirsty. Cutting wheat in more

  • The Beauty Of The Next Step

    Contributed by Everett Mccoy on Jul 19, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    How beautiful are the feet... Beautiful feet are feet that are moving. Encouraging the congregation to simply take the next step, wherever they are in their walk with God.

    8 But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is, the word of faith which we preach): 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes more

  • Stepping On Satan's Head Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Mar 9, 2008
    based on 48 ratings

    Satan had a plan to bring God down from His throne and become god in His place. What implications did that have for the crucifixion... and what implications does it have for us?

    TEXT: Genesis 3:1-15 TITLE: Stepping On Satan’s Head OPEN: David Shepherd is a biology professor at Southeastern Louisiana University. In an experiment he conducted, he put rubber reptiles on or near reads and watched how 22,000 motorists reacted to them. They put fake snakes and turtles in more

  • "Take That Step Of Miracle" Series

    Contributed by Bubot Parago on Dec 4, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Peter walked on water as he showed what faith’s substance is all about! It’s all because of the Lord’s invitation of"Come".And Peter got out of the boat took that first step... And the rest was an inspiration to everyone who will read the Bible.

    Peter walked on water as he showed what faith’s substance is all about! It’s all because of the Lord’s invitation of "Come",and Peter got out of the boat and took that step... and the rest was an inspiration to everyone who will read the Bible. Let this story be an encouragement to everyone more

  • A Stepping Stone To Faith Series

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Sep 4, 2008

    A Communion Meditation and the First of a Seven Part Series, ‘Stepping Stones and Stumbling Blocks to Faith.’

    I begin this morning with a couple of questions that I am asking you to reflect on: (Slide 1) Who is the most humble person you know and what makes them that way? Is humility a weakness or a strength? What is humility anyway? A man prayed this for his son, ‘Build me a son, O Lord, who will be more

  • Your Next Step

    Contributed by Nate Herbst on Jan 6, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Taking the next step God has for you is vital to your growth; so how do you know what that step is our how to take it?

    Major misconceptions in modern Christianity. Going deeper: Getting fed: Growing closer: Knowledge vs. Action. 1 Cor.8:1 – Knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies. James 1:22 - Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. The action is the next step. 1 more

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