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Sermons on stark choices:

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  • No Middle Way

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 2, 2019

    The choice is eternal life or eternal death, there is no middle way: that is the testimony of the martyrs.

    Thursday after Ash Wednesday 2019 Ss. Felicity and Perpetua Today, in the glow of our Ash Wednesday devotion, we are presented with the awesome song known as Psalm Number 1: Happy is the human who takes his delight in God’s law, who shuns even the company of the wicked and the cynic. Such a person more

  • No Middle Way

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 2, 2019

    The choice is eternal life or eternal death, there is no middle way: that is the testimony of the martyrs.

    Thursday after Ash Wednesday 2019 Ss. Felicity and Perpetua Today, in the glow of our Ash Wednesday devotion, we are presented with the awesome song known as Psalm Number 1: Happy is the human who takes his delight in God’s law, who shuns even the company of the wicked and the cynic. Such a person more

  • No Middle Way

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 2, 2019

    The choice is eternal life or eternal death, there is no middle way: that is the testimony of the martyrs.

    Thursday after Ash Wednesday 2019 Ss. Felicity and Perpetua Today, in the glow of our Ash Wednesday devotion, we are presented with the awesome song known as Psalm Number 1: Happy is the human who takes his delight in God’s law, who shuns even the company of the wicked and the cynic. Such a person more

  • No Middle Way

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 2, 2019

    The choice is eternal life or eternal death, there is no middle way: that is the testimony of the martyrs.

    Thursday after Ash Wednesday 2019 Ss. Felicity and Perpetua Today, in the glow of our Ash Wednesday devotion, we are presented with the awesome song known as Psalm Number 1: Happy is the human who takes his delight in God’s law, who shuns even the company of the wicked and the cynic. Such a person more

  • Two Men, Two Ways, Two Destinies PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Dec 20, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores Psalm 1, emphasizing the stark choice between paths of righteousness or wickedness, and the resulting destinies of divine favor or destruction.

    Good morning, dear friends. It is a joy to gather together in this sacred space, this sanctuary where we come to meet with God, to hear His Word, and to be transformed by it. Today, we stand on the threshold of a profound exploration of a text that has been a wellspring of wisdom for countless more

  • The Stark Contrast Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Dec 5, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The contrast between the old nature and the new couldn't be more stark as we finish up our study in Paul's letter to the Galatians. The question we all have to face is: where is our treasure, in this legalistic age, or in God's kingdom?

    Galatians is all about the contrast between the old nature and the new, legalism and Spirit-life. As we finish up the book today we’re going to see that contrast in stark relief so let’s look for it as we finish chapter 6. As we talked about the fruit of the Spirit in chapter 5, we saw more

  • It Is Either God Or Money Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on May 13, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    In a world where we are pushed to define ourselves on the basis of money - and all that money gives - Jesus calls us to make a stark choice.

    Message Matthew 6:19-24 "It Is Either God or Money" Who loves math? Subtraction, addition, multiplication, division. Some of us love it but most of us don’t. Because over time some genius decided that having numbers in math was not enough. So they introduced letters. And then you get more

  • Stark Raving Mad!

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Jul 8, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    You got to be out of your head to live your life without God!

    We saw last week the reason that king Nebuchadnezzar went crazy…To prove that God is in control, that He rules, that He is sovereign and that His kingdom is from everlasting to everlasting! In the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John there main purpose, there many goaled is to describe in more

  • Choices At The Crossroads PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Emphasize the importance of trusting in God, making wise choices based on faith, and standing firm in our commitment to serve the Lord.

    Good morning, church family! I'm excited to be with you today as we delve into God's Word together. We're going to be hanging out in the Old Testament, specifically in Proverbs 3:5-6 and Joshua 24:15. These passages remind us of the importance of trusting in the Lord, making wise choices, and more

  • Choices, Choices, Choices

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Jan 4, 2013
    based on 114 ratings

    We all have choices to make. Especially in this new year. Our main resolution should be to follow Jesus Instruction to make disciples.

    Choices, Choices, Choices 1 Kings, 19-39 Intro. A boy told his father, "Dad, if three frogs were sitting on a limb that hung over a pool, and one frog decided to jump off into the pool, how many frogs would be left on the limb?" The dad replied, "Two." "No," the son replied. "There’s three more

  • Choices, Choices, Choices!

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jun 30, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Choices, choices, choices! – sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: Choice #1: Slavery or Freedom? (vs 1). Choice #2: Law or Grace (vs 2-6). Choice #3: Circumcision or the Cross (vs 7-12) Choice #4: The Spirit or the Flesh (vs 13-15) SERMON BODY Ill: • Herbert Asquith was British Liberal prime minister from 1908 to 1916, • He was in charge and more

  • Choices, Choices, Choices!

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jun 19, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Choices, Choices, Choices - Galatians Chapter 5 verses 1-12 - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: Choice #1: Slavery or Freedom? (vs 1). Choice #2: Law or Grace (vs 2-6). Choice #3: Circumcision or the Cross (vs 7-12) SERMON BODY ill. • Well, it’s good to be with you on Father’s Day. • I like the description given by a small boy who said, • "Father’s Day is just like more

  • Choices, Choices

    Contributed by Ervin Kimrey on Jun 25, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    Life is full of choices. Some have effects on our lives, but The Bible gives us eternal choices to make.

    CHOICES, CHOICES Text: Matthew 7:15-27 I. TWO WAYS (13-14) A. Wide gate (v.13) (“many there be which go in thereat”) B. Narrow gate (v.14) (“few there be that find it”) (John 14:6) II. TWO TREES (15-20) A. Good tree (v.17a) (conforms with Scriptures) B. Corrupt more

  • Choices, Choices

    Contributed by Ervin Kimrey on Apr 28, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    There are two gates both are say this way to Heaven, but only one will get you there.

    CHOICES, CHOICES Text: Matthew 7:15-27 I. TWO WAYS (13-14) A. Wide gate (v.13) (“many there be which go in thereat”) B. Narrow gate (v.14) (“few there be that find it”) (John 14:6) II. TWO TREES (15-20) A. Good tree (v.17a) (conforms with Scriptures) B. Corrupt more

  • Choice(S)

    Contributed by Michael Monica on May 17, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    A perspective on choices we make

    INTRODUCTION 1. The Old Testament provides valuable lessons for the Christian - 1Co 10:11 2. One such lesson is the importance of "Making Wise Choices" in our lives... a. Lot made a choice as to where to live, and as a result he experienced: 1) War and kidnapping - more

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