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  • Fulfilling God's Vison By Connecting With Our Community

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Jan 16, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    In this passage in Luke Jesus makes it clear that His Vision for His followers and the church is to connect with the surrounding community.

    Fulfilling God’s Vision by Connecting with Our Community Luke 9:1-6 In this passage in Luke Jesus makes it clear that His Vision for His followers and the church is to connect with the surrounding community. Jesus sent out his twelve apostles and gave them power and authority to cast out demons more

  • How Real Is Lost?

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Jun 27, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Why don’t Christians witness? This sermon says there is only one reason... they do not believe lost is really lost.

    Why Don’t We Witness? John 3 When the sermon is over today I hope everyone here will have one of three reactions Walking out the back doors angry at me or raising hands and shouting “Amen” or kneeling at the altar I am going to take off the gloves today and say some hard things. I want to more

  • Treasure In Heaven

    Contributed by Matthew Stoll on Dec 19, 2006
    based on 41 ratings

    We need to place our treasure in heaven through giving to the poor and tithing to the church rather than fall into greed (excessive spending) and worry (excessive saving).

    [Clip from short film, Gone Nutty, from Ice Age. Scrat tries to store nuts for the Ice Age, and he stores one too many. 4:12] Jesus warned us about two dangers: greed (which includes materialism), and worry. Both of which lead to the same problem, storing up for ourselves treasure on earth, more

  • The Last 100 Years Of Church History Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Jul 11, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The past hundred years have brought many negatives including the social gospel movement. However, there have been movements to combat these with the truth. This lesson looks at both the good and bad of the past century.

    Over the course of the past 14 weeks, we have examined some of the most important periods in Church History. From the ancient creeds of the early church to the formal confessions of the protestant reformation, we have seen that throughout her existence the Church has always had people within who more

  • Be Thankful You Aren't A Turkey!

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Nov 16, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    A sermon that discusses the necessity of feeling thankful in our hearts for all that God has done for us. Full text and audio will be placed at

    This coming Thursday is Thanksgiving. Families all across this nation will be sitting down to enjoy the abundance of food that the Lord has provided. It is a day we have set aside to focus on how thankful we are for all the many blessings our heavenly Father has given us. But how can we be more

  • Passion For God's House Series

    Contributed by W. Leon Morrow on Mar 14, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The hearers are to understand that evil is to be driven from society and from our individual lives by the zeal of Jesus.

    Death was coming in the darkness. Every family would be touched by death. Grief was on the wings of the night. The only way to be saved was to eat a special meal with unleavened bread and put the blood of the sacrificial lamb above the door post. Those in the community who followed these more

  • So Great A Cloud

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Nov 18, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Saints can be great people like Mother Teresa or Francis of Assisi … but saints can be ordinary people. People like you and me. People who have given their hearts to Jesus. People that the light of God … the light of the Holy Spirit … shines through.

    One day a man and his five-year-old son were walking through a beautiful church. The church was filled with bright light from its many colorful stained-glass windows. As the boy looked at the windows, he asked: “Who are all the people in the windows, Daddy?” “They are saints,” his father more

  • Jesus Sends The Twelve To The Lost Sheep Of Israel Series

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Feb 14, 2017

    Disciples, Students, then training as apprentices. Then sent as evangelists

    Introduction A. The interviewer examined the job application then turned to the prospective employee. "I see you have put ASAP down for the date you are available to start, meaning as soon as possible, of course. However, I see you've put AMAP down for required salary. I don't believe I've ever more

  • Where's Lazerus

    Contributed by John Gullick on Aug 12, 2018

    A sermon about the poor man at the gate of the rich man.

    Where’s Lazerus???????????? Luke 16:19 Where's Wally? is a British series of children's puzzle books created by English illustrator Martin Handford. The books consist of a series of detailed double-page spread illustrations depicting dozens or more people doing a variety of amusing things at a more

  • Ambassadors To The Booth

    Contributed by Jeffery Richards on Nov 2, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Pre-election day message focusing on our responsibility as Christians in politics.

    AMBASSADORS TO THE BOOTH II COR 5:20-21 Paul considered himself Christ’s ambassador. What is an ambassador? He is an authorized representative of a sovereign. He speaks not in his own name but on behalf of the ruler whose deputy he is, and his whole duty and responsibility is to interpret that more

  • Keep Back Nothing Profitable

    Contributed by Chris Thron on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 6 ratings

    Does the Church present the whole truth to its members?

    "I kept back nothing that was profitable for you, but have showed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house, testifying to both Jews and Greeks of repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ." (Acts 20:20-21). Paul spoke these words to the Christian elders more

  • Confirmation

    Contributed by Walter Pankow on Mar 31, 2004
    based on 31 ratings

    A sermon written for confirmation in 1927.

    Psalm 116:4. Confirmation. April 10, 1927. Vol. 1. Pg. 41 My dear friends, You are about to confirm with your own life that covenant which you made with the Lord in your baptism. Christian parents and sponsors did for you then what you were not able to do of yourself. They brought you to more

  • The Miracle Of Sharing

    Contributed by Malcolm Chester on Sep 24, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A short sermon for a Harvest Festival Service broadcast on BBC Radio

    Since moving to Rhos on Sea as minister of the Methodist Church two years ago one of the things that Janet and myself keep saying is that we’ll go out on one of the fishing trips that leave from the small harbour where we began our service. The fact that we get sea sick on a mill pond doesn’t more

  • Duplicate A Donkey's Duty

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 21 ratings

    A donkey on Palm Sunday sets an example for us to live by

    - FRANCIS (1950) Behind enemy lines in Burma, G.I. "Peter" Donald O’Connor is rescued by a talking mule named Francis. Peter’s claim that his four-legged pal speaks. Peter is placed in a padded cell before the pair are recognized for their heroic deeds. - Six more films follow 1950-1956 Movie more

  • Matthew 13:1-17 - A Backhoe Wouldn’t Go Astray! - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ross Cochrane on Jan 8, 2011
    based on 16 ratings

    Wait a minute! No, this is not about "15 minutes of fame". It’s about "sowing and reaping" longterm. It’s not "The Farmer wants a wife". It’s the FARMER WANTS A CROP. Jesus may have achieved CELEBRITY STATUS but He is not interested in walking out on the

    Matthew 13:1-17 - A BACKHOE WOULDN’T GO ASTRAY! - Part 2 Just as well He didn’t come to HOLLYWOOD. I can see some of his key people pushing back the fans who crowd in and just want to get close enough to touch the edge of his coat or get His AUTOGRAPH. The PAPARAZZI are out in force and the more

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