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  • A Spiritual Enema

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Nov 3, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    We must eliminate the world-poisoning that makes us spiritually sick.

    A Spiritual Enema November 3, 2013 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must eliminate the world-poisoning that makes us spiritually sick. Focus Passage: Romans 8:1-8 Supplemental Passage: And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by more

  • Maladies Of The Church

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Feb 6, 2013

    Some spiritual sicknesses of the church... Tongue in cheek sermon

    Maladies of the Church Judges 16:20 "I suffer from sexually transmitted disease.... life." (((Story of man moving bricks from top of a building.))) 1. Spiritual Anemia Judges 16:20 "And he wist not that the Spirit had departed from him." 2. Poor more

  • Detox Your Life

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jan 28, 2018

    We must eliminate the world-poisoning that makes us spiritually sick.

    Detox Your Life January 28, 2018 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must eliminate the world-poisoning that makes us spiritually sick. Focus Passage: Galatians 6:1-10 (Pew Bible page 1341) Introduction: Manufacturers have made products that are more

  • Ministering To The Sick

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Jul 26, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    People can become so afraid of catching an illness that they will stay clear of anyone who is sick. Jesus challenged people to realize that caring for the spiritual needs of others far supersedes one’s desire for self-preservation.

    I want to begin our message today with two quotes by Mother Teresa; and here is the first quote: “The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted.”(1) In her humanitarian efforts in Calcutta, Mother Teresa saw a lot of rejection and hopelessness, more

  • Sick Or Tired? Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Nov 24, 2022

    We are to pray in faith: not in particular outcomes, but in God. It is up to God to determine whether spiritual, emotional, or physical healing is needed.

    "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." So said Benjamin Franklin at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The American colonists were declaring themselves free of one powerful authority and committing themselves to another. They expected to be more

  • Sickness Series

    Contributed by Archie Norman on May 8, 2015


    Sickness James 5:13-15 1. The cause of sickness A. The physical realm 1) genetics 2) lifestyle B. The emotional realm 1) destructive emotions control 2) distrust God consistently C. The spiritual realm 2. The purpose of sickness more

  • Naaman: A Sick Man With A Spiritual Need

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Mar 10, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    This message shows the correlation between the healing of Naaman's leprosy and the salvation of the lost sinner, defiled by sin.

    Naaman: A Sick Man With A Spiritual Need Text: 2 Kings 5:1, 14 Intro: Over the next decade, 2010-2020, the Southern Baptist Convention will conduct a nation-wide evangelistic initiative called, “GPS—God’s Plan for Sharing.” Its rallying cry is rather more

  • Be Accepting Of The Sick Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Oct 30, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    People can become so afraid of catching an illness that they will stay clear of anyone who is sick. Jesus challenged people to realize that caring for the spiritual needs of others far supersedes one’s desire for self-preservation

    I wish to begin our message today with two quotes by Mother Teresa. Here is the first quote: “The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted.”(1) In her humanitarian efforts in Calcutta, Mother Teresa observed much rejection and hopeless, as more

  • I Was Sick Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Sep 21, 2015

    6th in this series. Concept borrowed from Tim Cook, a fellow preacher. A Study of Matthew 25 and how the church can put it into practice.

    Intro: Matthew 25:34-40 Being sick is one set of circumstances every one of us can relate to. I don’t care who you are, you’ve been sick, or are sick, or are about to be sick. It’s just a fact of life. One of the first questions we start asking when someone gets sick is: more

  • Sickness, Health, And Healing

    Contributed by R. David Reynolds on Jul 20, 2003
    based on 111 ratings

    The text was the lectionary text for the 6th. Sunday after Pentecost with the theme that Jesus is present to heal His people today.

    SICKNESS, HEALTH, AND HEALING by R. David Reynolds MARK 6:53-56 The late Bruce Thielemann, pastor of Pittsburgh’s First Presbyterian Church tells, the story of a clergy friend Southern California who knew a woman who had been in a mental hospital many years suffering from extreme depression. more

  • Are You Sick? Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Nov 2, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus tweaks the argument of who is in control just a little bit to introduce the real sickness in mankind - sin. He is in control of that too. Are you willing to give Him control over your total cleansing from evil?

    We’ve spent a couple of weeks in Matthew chapter 8 talking about control and authority. Matthew shows us that Jesus has it—over the seen and unseen universe—but that we as humans are loathe to give up control over our own lives and give it to Him. We saw a couple of notable examples in a Gentile more

  • Sickness And Salvation Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 31, 2021

    When we see that the New Testament concept of salvation includes deliverance from sickness as well as sin, we will cease to limit it to only one aspect of our being.

    When Jesus preached in the synagogue of His home town of Nazareth, the people were skeptical of His claims, and His power. Jesus said to them in Luke 4:23 you will surely say unto me this proverb, physician, heal thyself." Criticism of the physician is of ancient origin, and had become a more

  • Sick Society

    Contributed by Gerry Pratt on Apr 30, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    The secular values which today’s society is based upon, are a formula for disaster....especially if we, as Christians, buy into these values.

    (Phil. 2:15 - “That you may become blameless and harmless, children of God, without fault, in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.”) (Rom. 1:24-32 - “Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to more

  • The Success Of Sickness

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Jan 11, 2005
    based on 28 ratings

    How sickness can be good

    Intro: We have been talking for the last few weeks about things that are common to all of us. Things that often look like failures in the eyes of the world, often can turn out to be successes in the eyes of God. This morning we want to look at one of these: Sickness. I’m sure sickness is more

  • Praying For The Sick Series

    Contributed by Tim Spear on Aug 31, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus teaches us how to pray for the sick as He deals with the sickness of His friend, Lazarus.

    Jesus, the God Man: The Gospel of John “Praying for the Sick” John 11:1-6 Introduction: “Will you pray for my friend or family member? They are sick.” Most of the time as believers or I as a pastor the prayer requests we get from people usually have to do with someone that more