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  • Growing In Spiritual Maturity Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Sep 30, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    In James 1:19-20 James shows us three characteristics of growing in spiritual maturity.

    Scripture The story is told of two men who were traveling along in a hot-air balloon when they began to realize that they had no idea where they were. To make matters worse, as they looked at the sky, a storm began brewing overhead and heavy clouds started rolling in. For a brief minute they came more

  • Go On To Spiritual Maturity

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Oct 10, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    As Christians we are not to be satisfied to remain as baby Christians we are to keep growing in knowledge and understanding of the things of God.

    Go on to Spiritual Maturity Philippians 1:9-11 (NLT) In this passage of scripture the Apostle Paul gives the admonition: “Keep on growing.” During the past year have you grown in the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ? 2 Peter 3:18, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord more

  • Getting Into Spiritual Shape

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Oct 12, 2005
    based on 18 ratings

    spiritual growth

    Intro: tonight we all tried to make shapes out of play dooh, some people could make something recognizable, others couldn’t. In our life we will have a lot of people try to shape us, family, friends, teachers, coaches, employers and other people in our lives. It is very important that we are more

  • Spiritual Health Checks Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Oct 18, 2005
    based on 58 ratings

    There are four signs that the child of God lives a life that is nourished by the Word of God and illuminated by the Holy Spirit.

    Turn your Bibles to Acts 2:42 Title: Spiritual Health Checks Theme: Four Signs of a Healthy Christian Introduction: Rick Warren wrote, “The key for churches in the 21st Century will be church health, not growth.” When a more

  • A Model For The Spiritual War

    Contributed by Créteur Fabien on Nov 18, 2003
    based on 8 ratings

    We are in war! Nothing will stop the devil on this ground. Today we can find a model of spiritual fight in the life of David. Its first battle with the eyes of the men !

    UN MODELE POUR LA GUERRE SPIRITUELLE Lecture :1 Samuel 17 LA VICTOIRE DE DAVID SUR GOLIATH FOURNIT UN MODELE POUR LA GUERRE SPIRITUELLE COURONNE DE SUCCES INTRODUCTION : De la même façon nous avons nos problèmes spirituels et des adversaires comme Goliath ?Que nous soyons un individu, une more

  • Blueprints For Spiritual Excellence Series

    Contributed by Pastor Dempsey Daniels on Nov 30, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    Sermon in the series Blueprints

    Series: BLUEPRINTS Sermon 2: Blueprints for Spiritual Excellence 1 Timothy 4:7-8 There is no instant success. There is no instant achievement of goals without the frustration of preparation. Excellent success comes by exercise; it never comes easily or automatically. This truth is confirmed in the more

  • Seeing Physically And Spiritually Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Dec 8, 2003
    based on 29 ratings

    Sermon uses clips from classic movie, The Miracle Worker, to help communicate the experience of blindnessand the experience of receiving sight.

    Seeing Physically & Spiritually Fortifying the Foundations # 22 John 9[1] 12-7-03 Intro: We don’t know this beggar’s name. Few people knew his name at the time of our story. But many had seen him as they approached the temple in Jerusalem. Pharisees had dropped him a coin or two as they went more

  • Keeping Spiritual Focus

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Dec 10, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Don’t let the hectic season spoil your spiritual walk with Jesus Christ

    Intro: a few years ago I learned a valuable lesson about focus. At the end of hunting season my gun was zeroed in, so I figured it would be fine at the start of the next hunting season. So I didn’t check it and on opening day shot at a deer and didn’t even come close. So I checked it out and found more

  • The Spiritual Discipline Of Worship Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jan 15, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Worship shapes our soul

    Tilling The Soil of The Soul July 9, 2006 The Spiritual Discipline of Worship Isaiah 6:1-8 As we’ve been looking at the classic spiritual disciplines over the last year, I’ve talked about how the disciplines help us “till the soil of our soul” so that the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, more

  • The Spiritual Discipline Of Submission Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jan 15, 2007
    based on 49 ratings

    Godly submission shapes our soul

    Tilling the Soil of the Soul July 30, 2006 The Spiritual Discipline of Submission Ephesians 5:15-21 Almost all of the spiritual disciplines that we have been looking at are counter cultural. We have looked at fasting and simple living when our culture calls us to consume, we have looked at more

  • The Spiritual Discipline Of Stewardship Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jan 15, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    All we have and are belongs to God, we are stewards of his belonings

    Tilling the Soil of the Soul Thanksgiving Sunday 2006 The Spiritual Discipline of Stewardship Often times when someone speaks of stewardship in a church setting, they talk about budgeting your money, and making sure you tithe – that you give 10% of your income back to God. While this is not an more

  • The Significance Of Spiritual Wells

    Contributed by Bode Ayodele on Sep 5, 2007
    based on 45 ratings

    Wells represent life, prosperity and abundance. No wonder numerous biblical characters from Abraham to Isaac, Jacob and Moses -even our Lord Jesus Christ had a story to tell besides a well. What is the significance of wells? What kind of wells do we have

    By Bode Ayodele Wells play a very vital role in the bible. Many important bible characters located their blessings besides - or had something to do with wells. Why are wells so important? What are the different kinds of spiritual wells in existence and what roles do they play in our lives today? more

  • The Process Of Spiritual Growth

    Contributed by Christopher Nerreau on Apr 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The feeding of the 5,000 was not just an outward miracle, Christ was teaching His disciples and growing them spiritually. This sermon is looking specifically at the process Christ used to teach the disciples and then demonstrate that it is the same proces

    “ The Process Of Spiritual Growth” John 6:1-14 04/13/2008 by Dcn. Chris Nerreau TITLE: The Process of Spiritual Growth SCRIPTURE: John 6:1-14 INTRODUCTION: May the words of my lips and the meditation of my heart be always acceptable in thy sight, giving praise glory and honor to Your name, our more

  • Nurturing Spiritual Appetite

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Sep 7, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    The lack of spiritual hunger in many Christians may be due to worldly appetite killers. Comparing the way junk food kills a person’s appetite for healthy food, the author looks at how today’s obsession with entertainment may be affecting Christian’s appet

    Nurturing Spiritual Appetite Matt. 5:6 8-2-09 Intro We take as our text this morning, Matt 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.” That verse describes a blessing that I want to live in for the rest of my life. I don’t want to ever lose my more

  • The Table And Spiritual Growth

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Jun 2, 2011

    Christ is really present at the Table, and this Real Presence infuses us with his power, so that we may become what he calls us to be.

    First Presbyterian Church Wichita Falls, Texas June 5, 2011 THE TABLE AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH Isaac Butterworth John 6:53-59 (NIV) 53 Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh more

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