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  • Depots Of Development Series

    Contributed by Rich Dunbar on Apr 19, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    This sermon follows the progression of Acts 11:19-26 and identifies 10 things we should be aware of today. I used train illustrations with the 10 words.

    There are 10 stops along the tracks. (I used train related illustrations for each of these words) 1. Dispersion – v. 19a – Sometimes life takes us in many different directions just as it did in the early Church. 2. Exclusion – v. 19b – Often we like the early Church miss the point that the gospel more

  • Developing Relationships

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Jul 11, 2013

    The writer of Hebrews tells the Jewish people and us that we need to first build a relationship with Jesus then build relationships with each other through ministry, wirship and fellowship.

    Developing Relationships Hebrews 10:19-25 Intro:I found a story about relationships this week that I want to share with you. 76-year-old Bill Baker of London recently wed Edna Harvey. She happened to be his granddaughter’s husband’s mother. That’s where the confusion began, more

  • Spiritual Growth: Growing In Grace

    Contributed by Paul Decker on May 29, 2002
    based on 231 ratings

    We are to develop as people of grace.

    SPIRITUAL GROWTH: GROWING IN GRACE Colossians 1:9-11; Acts 2:42 S: Four Marks of the Church Th: Spiritual Maturity Pr: WE ARE TO DEVELOP AS PEOPLE OF GRACE. ?: How? KW: Desires TS: We will find in our study of Colossians 1:9-11, three desires that we need to have in order to develop as people more

  • Spiritual Maturity PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 29, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To understand the nature of spiritual maturity, develop a deeper relationship with God, and live out the fruit of the Spirit, as encapsulated in Paul's longing for Christ to be formed in believers.

    Good morning, brothers and sisters. Today, we are diving deep into the heart of spiritual maturity. We are looking to understand its nature, how to develop a deeper relationship with God, and how to live out the fruit of the Spirit. In the words of A.W. Tozer, "The key to spiritual growth is not more

  • Deepening Faith

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Mar 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    ." When we accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, we begin the lifelong process of spiritual growth called sanctification. The Holy Spirit works in us to become more like Jesus. God’ accepts us as we are but calls us to become like him. (based on outline

    Deepening Faith Colossians 2:6-8, 2 Peter 3:18, Hebrews 6:1 Billy and Ruth Graham were driving through a long stretch of road construction and encountered numerous slowdowns, detours, and stops along the way. Finally they reached the end of the construction, and smooth pavement stretched out more

  • The Process

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Dec 9, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Spiritual and Physical growth involves several key ingredients. First, both involve intimacy.

    The Process John 3:1-8NKJ There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. 2 This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with more

  • Equipping In The Local Church Series

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Jul 13, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    God places individuals in local churches so that they can submit to their leaders and learn from them. Spiritual development seldom takes place outside the institution of the church.

    Equipping In The Local Church God places individuals in local churches so that they can submit to their leaders and learn from them. Spiritual development seldom takes place outside the institution of the church. Becoming skilled in the things of God is not a destination, but a journey of more

  • Developing A Faith That Really Works! Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 26, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    To help you determine the authenticity of your faith, James gives two spiritual litmus tests in James 2:14-26. James gives two very practical and challenging marks of genuine faith.

    Scripture In research done by Darley and Batson at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1973, a group of theology students was told that they were to go across campus to deliver a sermon on the topic of the Good Samaritan. As part of the research, some of these students were told that they were late more

  • Spiritual Neverland

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Mar 13, 2003
    based on 13 ratings

    Spiritual Growth demands progression: From Learing to Living, and From Lingering to Leaving.

    SPIRITUAL NEVER LAND HEBREWS 5:11–6:3 Introduction We all know the classic tale of Peter Pan, the boy who refuses to become a man. In the same way some Christians refuse to grow up in Christ. According to our text spiritual maturation requires a progression. I. From Learning to Living more

  • The Basic Concepts Of Spiritual Intimacy Series

    Contributed by Michael Catt on Nov 5, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    This series will assist you in developing and deepening your relationship with God.

    THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF SPIRITUAL INTIMACY Selected Scriptures If we are going to develop an intimate relationship with Christ - we need to define what it looks like. ¡°IT IS THE LIFE OF CHRIST, REPRODUCED IN THE BELIEVER, BY THE HOLY SPIRIT THROUGH ABIDING IN THE WORD.¡± Much of what is called more

  • Spiritual Networth

    Contributed by John Roy on Oct 26, 2016

    Are we material people trapped in spiritual bodies, or spiritual people trapped in material bodies? This sermon asserts that we need to be concerned about our spiritual net worth, because we are spiritual people.

    From time to time I suspect people review their finances. In those reviews, they may take a moment to calculate their net worth. Our financial net worth is the value of all assets, minus the total of all liabilities. Put another way, net worth is what is owned minus what is owed. The value of more

  • Spirituality Or Materialism

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Sep 27, 2022

    Jesus spoke about the need for spiritualism as much as the need for materialism. Spiritualism must outweigh materialism.

    Spirituality or Materialism John 6:25-34 Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz 25 When they found Him on the other side of the sea, they said to Him, “Rabbi, when did You get here?” 26 Jesus answered them and said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of more

  • My Month Of Developing Myself

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Jun 17, 2020

    My son, keep your father's commandment, and forsake not your mother's teaching. 21 Bind them on your heart always; tie them around your neck.22 When you walk, they[d] will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you

    My son, keep your father's commandment, and forsake not your mother's teaching. 21 Bind them on your heart always; tie them around your neck.22 When you walk, they[d] will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you 23 For the more

  • Spiritual Growth Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Kellum on Feb 25, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon outlines Four Elements of Spiritual Growth.

    INTRODUCTION: New Year’s Day resolutions - a waste of time and energy because they focus on the body and leave out the mind and spirit. 1. We gain knowledge but have no perspective 2. We are convicted but often lack the skills implement growth 3. We attempt change without developing our more

  • The Spiritual Wisdom Of God PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 4, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the nature of divine wisdom, how to discern it, and the importance of developing a Christ-like mindset to fully comprehend it. Key

    Welcome, dear friends, to this sacred space where we gather to bask in the warmth of God's love, to seek His wisdom, and to align our hearts and minds with His divine purpose. We are here to immerse ourselves in the Word of God, to draw from its wellspring of wisdom and to allow its truths to more

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