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  • Spiritual Comfort

    Contributed by Olafenwa John Ishola on Dec 27, 2013

    A sermon focused on how to kill the power of sin and attain unto spiritual comfort.

    In a world created with vast resources and splendor to provide for all our needs, physical comfort becomes attainable and sustainable by the things of the world. But after our death here on earth. How do we attain unto comfort when we leave the flesh and evolve to the spirit. This is the principal more

  • Craving For Spiritual Comfort Food?

    Contributed by Thilini Perera on Jan 5, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Multitudes of Christians are falling away from the biblical Truths, wholesome teaching and lustfully chasing after Myths, instant blessings, formulas, catchy verses for personal gain as warned by Paul in the 1st century.

    Comfort foods are huge crowd pleasers. They are juicy, yummy, trendy and make us “feel good”. Psychological studies point that they are good mood fixers too, allowing an experience of instant pleasure when in emotional stress. Some fall for comfort food because of convenience. Even though it starts more

  • Comforted But Not Comfortable

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Jun 20, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    No trial, no comfort and being comfortable is poverty.

    We live in a day when there is much hardship, sorrow, guilt and untimely deaths. People seek comfort for their sorrows in many ways. Many turn to drugs, alcohol, nicotine, sex and even food to feel better or to forget their pain for a while. Sadly, the pain returns and often the temporary cures more

  • Comforted To Comfort

    Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Apr 28, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    God comforts us so that we can comfort others to trust God.

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of a handful of German theologians to stand up to the Nazification of the German church. Bonhoeffer’s courage thrust him into leadership in that part of the Protestant church that opposed Hitler. He founded an underground seminary in Bavaria, which was closed by more

  • The Comfortable Cage Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Feb 2, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    Showing how pride can build us a cage of comfort so that we are blinded to spiritual realities.

    The Comfortable Cage Book of Daniel Series CCCAG February 2, 2025 Scripture: Daniel 3:1-7, Isaiah 9:9-10, Romans 1:28-32, Revelation 13 ________________________________________ Introduction: luxury cage (God’s Not Dead video- unbelieving son versus believing mother) The video we just watched more

  • Are You Comfortable?

    Contributed by Gerry Pratt on Jan 29, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    We may be lulled to sleep and even to spiritual death by self-satisfaction.

    One of the greatest problems facing the Church, today, is that far too many of us are comfortable. A. If a person is satisfied, there is no challenge or drive to go any further or do any more. 1. This satisfaction can show itself in many almost all but one, it is more

  • The Rut Of Christianity Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Feb 26, 2010

    In serving God believers so often find themselves allowing routine and tradition to overwhelm their actions... sometimes to the point where they cannot serve as God desires them to serve!

    Sermon Brief Date Written: February 26, 2010 Date Preached: February 21, 2010 Where Preached: Oak Park (AM) Sermon Details: Sermon Series: The Great Adventure – Rediscovering the Adventure Sermon Title: The RUT of Christianity! Part 3 of 6 Sermon Text: John 14:12, Exodus more

  • Comfort-Able Christianity

    Contributed by Ryan Sato on Jan 13, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    “COMFORT-able” Christian faith…. A faith that is able to comfort ‘cuz it’s grounded in reality of the ups and downs of life. (Don’t ya hate it when someone is trying to comfort you and they’re not in touch with reality….or there not even connecting with

    Opener: There’s always talk of needing to get out of our Comfort zones….And often it is thought of as noble or daring but in the end, don’t we all just long for comfort??? At the end of the day are we a people who long to have a miserable night or are we thinking “once I get home, I’m gonna put more

  • Comfort-Able Living

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jan 31, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    4 truths from these opening verses that should comfort all of us when life turns sour (Adapted from Bob Russell's book, Take Comfort, chapter called Comfort-Able Living pgs. 5-13)

    HoHum: “I am the subject of depressions of the spirit so fearful that I hope none of you ever get to such extremes of wretchedness.” Who said this? Charles Spurgeon, a famous preacher from England. WBTU: There is an idea out there that Christians should always be happy, always have a smile on more

  • Comfort In

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jul 28, 2020

    Sometimes we need to be comforted and sometimes we need to comfort.

    1. A little boy stopped by the super market and asked the cashier where he could find a box of Tide… he said it was for washing his cat. The lady was quick to tell him that he shouldn’t wash his cat with Tide but she couldn’t change his mind. Later the boy came back to the store and told the more

  • The Comforting.

    Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Jan 7, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    Dr. Havner say it I believe the ministers have a twofold are dual ministry. He said, “The business of a preacher is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”

    The comforting. Acts 9: 32 -- 42. 01/07/04 Vance Havner was a wonderful preacher of the gospel. He is known for a lot of one-liners that draw attention all the time. Oftentimes there were humor in them but a message in each one. One time he was reading where Jesus came apart from the disciples more

  • Comfort Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Aug 7, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    This is the 1st sermon in the series "God’s Care For His People".

    Series: God¡¦s Care For His People (Isaiah 40)[#1] COMFORT Isaiah 40:1-8 Introduction: 1. Who here enjoys riding roller coasters? If you like riding roller coasters, why? You would probably say things like, ¡§I enjoy the loops, or the curves, or the fast speeds¡¨. But let me ask you another more

  • Comfort Zone

    Contributed by Timothy Spivey on Dec 24, 2004
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon talks about the incarnation of Christ and it as God’s move of intimacy toward the world.

    This is the season to use T. S. Eliot’s masterful phrase about the Incarnation: "the intersection of the timeless with time." Before it was Eliot’s, that way of looking at the birth of Jesus into human form was captured by John: John 1:1-4, 14, 16-18: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word more

  • Comfort

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Oct 3, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    As earthen vessels As jars of clay, We are stewards of God’s comfort. God places his comfort in us, So that we may in turn comfort others.

    Introduction A little boy stopped by the super market and asked the cashier where he could find a box of Tide… he said it was for washing his cat. The lady was quick to tell him that he shouldn’t wash his cat with Tide but she couldn’t change his mind. The lady said, ‘Well son, I warned you not more

  • Comfort

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on May 7, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    As earthen vessels As jars of clay, We are stewards of God’s comfort. God places his comfort in us, So that we may in turn comfort others.

    Title: Jars of Caring Text: II Corinthians 1:3-7 Thesis: We are “Jars of Clay” through whom God works. Introduction A little boy stopped by the super market and asked the cashier where he could find a box of Tide… he said it was for washing his cat. The lady was quick to tell more