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  • Decision-Making And God's Will Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Jan 8, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This continues in my expository series through the book of Acts

    I was in the mood for a little George Jones this week—I’m sure that mood strikes each of you with regularity. I listened to his lament, entitled “Choices”, with the words I’ve had choices Since the day that I was born There were voices That told me right from wrong If I had listened No I wouldn’t more

  • A Ruckus In Ephesus Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Jan 8, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This continues in my expository series through the book of Acts.

    Christians, and perhaps particularly evangelicals in particular, are undergoing what seems to me to be a bit of an identity crisis. What word fits us? o “Christian” – Unfortunately, that’s a loose term, a bit of a “catch-all” which is used to encompass anyone professing allegiance to Christ, more

  • The Will Of Man And The Will Of God:

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Feb 18, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Man does not have "free-will," because within himself man does not have the power to choose between good and evil.

    THE WILL OF MAN AND THE WILL OF GOD: Eph.1:1-5 2-21-09 Today I want to talk for a little while to do with “the will of man, and the will of God” so I want you to pay close attention. Listen as I read today’s text found in; Ephesians 1:1-5 1Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the more

  • Spiritual Blessings " Part One

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Oct 3, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    This is one of three sermons entitled "Spiritual Blessings" encompassed in the Triune God.

    Spiritual blessings. Ephesians 1:1 -14. Introduction to Ephesus Written around 60 AD. Whilst Paul was under house arrest in Rome. Paul had passed through on his 2nd journey,Acts 18:19 and 3rd missionary journey,this time Paul spent 3 years with them in Ephesus. Acts19:8.Three months /synagogue more

  • A Needy People Series

    Contributed by Brent Charles on Oct 3, 2006

    This sermon was greatly influenced by a seminar I attended on how to foster sanctifying "Heart Change" in our congregation.

    A Closer Walk With Thee Mutual Sanctification None of Us Are Sinners Emeritus Why many people are scared of true fellowship—and what to do about that. Galatians 6:1–4; Philippians 3:12–16 Bruce Larson coined the phrase “relational theology.” A graduate of more

  • Christ Superior To The Angels Series

    Contributed by Michael Goodfellow on Oct 7, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    A look at Hebrews use of Scripture to prove his difficulties, and our need to use the same source.

    The title of today’s message is “Christ superior to the angels.” To us this may seem to be a very obvious statement. Of course, Christ is superior to the angels, because of what we believe about him, what we have been taught about him. But in the first century, to the community that the author of more

  • God Set Us Up For The Victory

    Contributed by Clarence Weaver Sr on Oct 12, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    When we do things the Lord’s way, relying on His strength, we can be assured of the victory in our lives.

    GOD SET US UP FOR THE VICTORY JUDGES 4:4-16 Elder Clarence E. Weaver Sr. DECLARATION I am a child of God, born of the Spirit of God, filled with the Spirit of God, and led by the Spirit of God. I listen to my heart as I look to my spirit inside me. I will educate, train, and develop my human more

  • Surprise Endings Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Sep 11, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Exposition of Acts 5:33-42 about the surprise ending to the disciples second imprisonment by the Sanhedrin

    Text: Acts 5:33-42, Title: Surprise Endings, Date/Place: NRBC, 9/16/07, AM A. Opening illustration: the surprise ending of Cold Mountain or The Six Sense B. Background to passage: After Peter and John’s bold defiance of the Sanhedrin, as well as their bold witness to the Sanhedrin, they are on a more

  • Even If Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Feb 1, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Exposition of Habakkuk 3:16-19

    Text: Habakkuk 3:16-19, Title: Even If, Date/Place: LSCC, 9/17/06, PM A. Opening illustration: all the “what if”s that you get when you miss a turkey B. Background to passage: We have heard the dialogue between the prophet and His Lord about the coming punishment upon Judah from the Babylonians, more

  • The Conversion Of A Persecutor Series

    Contributed by A. David Hart on Feb 11, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    In this weeks lesson we will see the conversion of Saul the Pharisee. Who through his actions would not be a likely candidate for the who’s who for the kingdom. Saul after all he was a Pharisee and was committed to the Mosaic law and the religious way of

    THE CONVERSION OF A PERSECUTOR Acts 9:1-7 In one of the episodes of the Peanuts comic strip they have Lucy and Charlie Brown practicing football. Lucy of coarse would hold the ball, as Charlie Brown would be the place-kicker. Now everytime Lucy had ever held the more

  • Divine Interference

    Contributed by T. Michael Crews on Dec 4, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    An Exposition of Mark 11:27-12:12

    Divine Interference Mark 11:27-12:12 How many of you have ever heard of Murphy’s Law? “if anything can go wrong, it will.” Have you heard of some other laws that correspond to Murphy’s Law? Such as: - Everything takes longer than you expect. - Left to themselves, all things go from bad to more

  • The Return Ticket Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 19, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The same strategies that fail outside of God’s timing can work wonderfully within God’s timing. The patterns we see before Moses left Egypt are repeated as Moses left Midian, but they now produce success because God’s time is right.

    The Return Ticket (Exodus 4:18-31) 1. I do not like many movies, especially newer ones. Although Christian convictions would limit what and how much I watch, if I was lost I still would rarely watch movies. It is who I am. I am, for the most part, a movie dud. 2. I will watch Charlie Chan, or more

  • What Won't Be There?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Feb 21, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    We ponder what will heaven be and what 8 things won’t be in heaven.

    WHAT WON’T BE THERE! (Heaven) By Wade martin Hughes, Sr. This could be done as a two part lesson. I. WHAT IS THE ONLY MAN MADE THING IN HEAVEN? A. The answer to that is simple, the scars in the hands and feet of Jesus were made by man. B. Jesus will carry those scars as a more

  • Understanding God's Guidance Series

    Contributed by Chris Kelly on Oct 31, 2006
    based on 34 ratings

    Learn with Esther how to understand and follow the invisible God through the incredible trials and challenges of life.

    Understanding God’s Guidance Series: Letting God Guide You April 10, 2005 A few months ago, I decided to read and study the book of Esther. If you’ve never read this book of the bible, Esther is the story of how God used one woman to change the fate of an entire nation. However, as I read, I more

  • Genesis 19 Series

    Contributed by Tom Owen on Apr 23, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Genesis verse-by-verse

    Genesis 19 [Read Genesis 10:1.] Whenever you hear an introductory verse like that it’s almost like a call to be ready to be bored. Oh no, here we go. One of those passages where you read about all the begats and begottens and becames and becomes through the family line of certain persons. more

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