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  • Preparing For A God Visit - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Matthew Stoll on Jan 7, 2009

    Sermon to prepare for the 40 Days of Community campaign, introduces the purposes and encourages people to get involved to experience God at work.

    Next Sunday we will begin day one of the 40 Days of Community, it’s our kickoff Sunday (six week series called "What on Earth Are We Here For?"). We aren’t doing this just for something to do this fall, giving us one more thing to keep ourselves busy with church. Our leadership has chosen to do more

  • Mary's Visit To Elizabeth

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Dec 17, 2019

    God asked Mary to take on an amazing challenge and he provided Elizabeth to be her encourager.

    In the old days, theaters only had one screen. So on the marquee out front there would be the name of the one movie they were showing and they would be able to add the name of one or two of the main actors in the movies, the stars. So far we have looked at the two main actors in the story of the more

  • Fourth Sunday Of Advent C- The Visitation

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Dec 14, 2021

    Heart-based people look out at reality with soft eyes, so we can become encouragers of one another. It’s easy to be critical or withdrawn. It’s not so easy to offer encouragement in healthy ways.

    Elizabeth and Mary teach us a few things today in our Gospel- 1.Mary’s Service- Luis Angel is a professional cleaner. A new client texted him the address and said the key was under the mat. Luis Angel arrived, found the key, and got to work. After three hours of mopping and scrubbing, he was more

  • The Day Of Visitation (Palm Sunday 2019)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Oct 26, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The display that they gave Jesus in His triumphal entry proved to be superficial over the next few days. They praised Him at the beginning of the week and voted for His crucifixion on Friday of that same week.

    THE DAY OF VISITATION Text: Luke 19:28-44 In his book Strengthening Your Grip, Charles Swindoll made an interesting observation that is probably not so easily perceived very often---the difference between discipleship and prophecy. He said,"Christians all around the world will line up to more

  • Missing The Hour Of Our Visitation With God

    Contributed by James May on Apr 10, 2022

    A sermon preached on Palm Sunday. Israel missed the hour of her Visitation with God as they rejected Christ. Let us not miss our times of visitations but be prepared for his coming, both in our hearts, at the rapture and at his Second Coming as the King of Glory!

    Today being Palm Sunday, we always reflect upon what it really means. 1,989 years ago, a young Rabbi named Yeshua sat on the summit of a mountain looking down over the city of Jerusalem and lamented deeply in his heart for the condition of the people that he had come to try and save from the more

  • Jesus' Last Visit To The Temple

    Contributed by James May on Apr 5, 2023

    There is no doubt that Jesus' last temple visit was less than positive. It had become a den of thieves. However after he cleansed that temple it once again became a House of Prayer.

    After the Triumphal Entry of Jesus through the Eastern Gate, the scripture records that he then left the city of Jerusalem and went to stay the night at the home of his friends, Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Then the next morning he set out once again to go to Jerusalem, about 2 miles away. It was more

  • The Day Jesus Wept - The Day Of Visitation

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Mar 30, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    What a tragedy it is when God visits His people and many of them miss His visitation! Take advantage of the move of God during this difficult season. God is still speaking!

    Introduction: The Christmas carol ask the question, Do you see what I see?, Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king, Do you know what I know?, In your palace wall mighty king, Do you know what I know?, A child, a child Shivers in the cold, Let us bring him silver and gold, Let us bring him silver more

  • How Concern Are You For Your Brother

    Contributed by Levi Wright on Jan 20, 2001
    based on 94 ratings

    A sermon about Human Relations

    Evangelist Cry Ministry Huger, South Carolona Dr. Levi Howard Wright, Ph.D. This is a message concerning Human Relations preached January 14, 2001 "How Concerned Are You About Your Brother?" MATTHEW 25:31-46 {31} "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with more

  • Decisions For The Poor

    Contributed by Daniel Keeran on Dec 30, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Scriptures teaching one's responsibility to the poor.

    In recent decades, a number of benevolent organizations and non-religious efforts, have made extensive appeals for contributions from the public. Undoubtedly, we will see more presentations of this kind as world population increases and as the gap widens between rich and poor nations. Every more

  • The Personal Price Tag Of Being A Social Climber Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 24, 2015

    If you desire to be among the prestigious members of society, you have to pay a steeper price than meets the eye; to climb socially, you may have to drop spiritually. Yet there are a few other reasons to question social climbing.

    The Personal Price Tag of Being A Social Climber (Proverbs 23:1-8) 1. In her book, The Overspent American, Harvard professor Juliet Schor informs us most people are concerned about social status, but they live in denial. 2. She claims they rationalize to themselves they need a new car because more

  • Social Justice, Civil Disobedience, Unity, And The Bible

    Contributed by Jody Marsh on Aug 15, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    There is no shortage of issues dividing our country and our church today. Should we, as Christians get involved in these issues? If so, which ones? And to what extent should we get involved?

    Social Justice, Civil Disobedience, Unity, and the Bible Great Power Point slides are available. Email There is no shortage of issues dividing our country and our church today. Here is a list. Feel free to add to it: gun control, abortion, vaccines, climate change, drug more

  • The Church Is Not A Social Club, But A Sacred Community Of Believers. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jun 26, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The Christian faith, once rooted in Scripture and tradition, is facing a crisis in modern churches

    As I stepped into the church, I couldn't help but feel like I was entering a clubhouse rather than a sacred space. The atmosphere was lively, but it lacked the reverence and awe that comes with being in God's presence. This experience got me thinking – have we lost sight of the true purpose more

  • How To Avoid Re-Visiting The Attitudes Of Babel

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jul 26, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    How to Avoid Re-visiting the Attitudes of Babel - Gen. 11:1-9

    How to Avoid Re-visiting the Attitudes of Babel Illustration:Illustration:Once we assuage our conscience by calling something a "necessary evil," it begins to look more and more necessary and less and less evil. Sidney J. Harris. Read Genesis 11:1- 9 Now the whole world had one language more

  • Practiced For God’s Visitation-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Nov 29, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    2 of 2. John’s audience sought & received practical application in preparing for God’s visitation. How can we be practiced for God’s visitation? Practicing for God’s visit requires...

    PRACTICING For GOD’s VISITATION-II—Luke 3:10-14 Attention: People who are Practiced(experienced) at their job. Had done this before & were thus prepared. Need: If God were to come in absolute power, I don’t know that I’m ready for His arrival. I am unprepared for His more

  • Dead Works Vs. Godly Service

    Contributed by Shawn Raloff on Jun 7, 2003
    based on 264 ratings

    Nine ways we can distinguish between Dead Works and Godly Service.

    Introduction: During World War II, England needed to increase its production of coal if it was going to have any hope of winning the war. Winston Churchill called together labor leaders to enlist their support. And at the end of his presentation he asked them to stand with him and picture in more

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