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  • Sixth Commandment Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 14, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Sixth Command of God calls for a peaceful living and having calm and quiet life with one another.

    Sixth Command: Do not Kill. Ex 20:13 In Bible the word anger/angry is used for 289 times, the word anger is used for 232 times and the rest for angry, Whereas the NT has only 12 times. The faculty of anger is God created one but use properly. F. Tennyson Jesse in his “Murder and Its more

  • The Fifth And Sixth Commandments

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Apr 13, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    This is from a series I preached on the 10 Commandments

    Title: The 10 Commandments – 5&6 Scripture: Exodus 20:12-13 Type: Expository Date: 10-20-19 Intro: Comedian Rodney Dangerfield, who died October 5, 2004, at age 82, made a living making fun of himself and the difficulty of getting what we all desire: a little respect, please. Some of his more

  • The Sixth Commandment Lesson 6 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Oct 18, 2018

    Sixth Commandment

    SIXTH COMMANDMENT “You must not murder” (Ex. 20:13, LB). You knew it has been said, you must not murderer. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment. But I say to you, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to punishment” (Matthew 5:21-22). A. WHY DID GOD CREATE US? I more

  • Sixth Commandment (7 Of 12)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 14, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    There is a book on the market called the Shoot-em up Society by Harry Hollis, Jr. The purpose of the book is to revealed on the cover of the book. We read, “An appeal for Christian alternatives to the insanity of violence.”

    But we do not have to read a book to discover that we live in a violent society. Every day we hear news reports of all kinds of violence around the world. Illus: Death is always sad, but it seems we are troubled the most when a murder has gone on a rampage and shot down innocent people that they more

  • Sixth Commandment (6 Of 12)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 14, 2022

    This is the shortest of all of the commandments and so simple that even a small child could understand it. However, in our society today this simple commandment is misunderstood by some.

    For example, some carry this so far as to apply "Thou shalt not kill” to the killing of insects. Illus: Let me ask you something, if I see a fly on the table and I walk into the other room, get the fly swat, and carefully walk back to where the fly is, raise the fly swat in such a way as more

  • The Fourth, Fifth, And Sixth Commandments Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Jan 12, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    This series is taken from the book, "The Ten Commandments - God's Essential Rules For A Happy And Healthy Home" by Craig A. Nelson, and available at Amazon

    THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or more

  • The Positive Side Of The Ten Commandments: The Sixth Commandment Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Nov 15, 2002
    based on 88 ratings

    The hidden motive back of each commandment is worship. Since everything a Christian does should praise God, all of the Ten Commandments revolve around worshipping God.

    SIXTH COMMANDMENT “You must not murder” (Ex. 20:13, LB). A. WHY DID GOD CREATE US? God created us to worship and praise Him. “They that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). 1. With an intellect to meaningfully worship. 2. With emotions to passionately worship. 3. With more

  • Only The Strong Survive Series

    Contributed by Mark Atherton on Oct 15, 2001
    based on 18 ratings

    a look at the sixth commandment

    ---REVERE LIFE ------Because: ----------Life is sacred Genesis 1:27 ----------Life is precious James 4:14 ----------Life is full of potential Jeremiah 29:11 2 Cor. 5:17-20 Matt. 5:21,22 Man sees the number of SEEDS in an APPLE but God sees the more

  • Value Life Series

    Contributed by Darren Mccormick on Feb 26, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon on the sixth commandment.

    AM Sermon preached at Central Christian Church February 25, 2007 God’s Top Ten sermon series. The 6th Commandment “Value Life” [SERIES TITLE SLIDE WILL AUTOMATICALLY TRANSITION TO SERMON TITLE SLIDE THAN TO BLANK SLIDE…(Lord willing…)] Just this past week one of the little guys in our church’s more

  • The Sixth Commandment: Thou Shall Not Murder! Series

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Nov 29, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The Ten Commandments tell us that we should not commit murder. There is a difference between killing and murder. We are watching the death of democracy in America. The womb of the mother should be a sanctuary of hope, not a death chamber. This is the law of God, and it does not change.

    Turn in your Bibles to Exodus 20:13, as we continue our sermon series on the Ten Commandments with this simple statement, "Thou shall do no murder". Say that with me. "Thou shall do no murder". I doubt there are any gangsters or professional hitmen reading this right now. Yet more

  • The Ten Commandments, 4 Of 6: Fifth And Sixth Commandments

    Contributed by Lee Houston on Oct 1, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    “Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.” “You shall not murder.”

    The Ten Commandments, 4 of 6: Fifth and Sixth Commandments Scripture: Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16 Exodus 20:12, “Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.” Deuteronomy 5:16, “Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD more

  • Life Is Precious Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Nov 29, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians need a biblical perspective on the sixth commandment.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • A defendant was on trial for murder in Oklahoma. There was strong evidence indicating guilt, but there was no corpse. In the defense’s closing statement the lawyer, knowing that his client would probably be convicted, resorted to a trick. "Ladies and gentlemen of the more

  • Killing Our Hatred With A Life Of Love Series

    Contributed by Wes Humble on Nov 11, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Sermon on the Sixth Commandment

    “Do not murder.” Exodus 20:13 One American is shot, stabbed, beaten, or strangled to death every minute. It seems that no matter where you turn in our society, or even our world, there are murders. It’s on the television and movies as fiction. It’s on the streets and next door as a brutal more

  • You Shall Not Murder Series

    Contributed by Errol Joseph on Jul 16, 2001
    based on 118 ratings

    An Exposition of the Sixth Commandment with Emphasis on its Current Application

    INTRODUCTION q This commandment continues the focus on our relationship and duties to our fellow human beings. It underscores the fact that life is sacred. The fifth protects proper authority, while the sixth protects our neighbour’s life. BODY I. The Sixth Commandment is based A. On the more

  • The Ten Commandments Part 7 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Jul 8, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Part seven of this series focuses on the sixth commandment which says "You shall not kill."

    The Ten Commandments Part 7 Scriptures: Exodus 20:13; 21:12-17; Ezekiel 33:8-9 Matthew 5:21-24 This is part seven of my series the Ten Commandments. This morning we will examine the sixth commandment found in Exodus 20:13 which say “You shall not kill.” As I have done in the past, we will examine more