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  • Going The Extra Mile

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Sep 10, 2001
    based on 151 ratings

    Following Jesus requires that we go the Extra Mile!

    Text: Matthew 5:38-42 Subject: Justice Theme: New Testament view of justice Prop: The Law provided justice, but Christians are not to always seek justice. Trans.: Jesus gives us the solution to a heart of retaliation. Turn the other cheek, give more than is required, to go the extra mile, to show more

  • Our Father Series

    Contributed by Ralph Bouma on Oct 20, 2000
    based on 18 ratings

    The central topic of our text is good gifts. What are good gifts?

    SERMON #177 SERMON ON THE MOUNT #74 OUR FATHER'S GIVING OF GOOD GIFTS If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? MAT 7:11. The central topic of our text is good gifts. What more

  • Cop A New Attitude

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Nov 11, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    We need a beatitude attitude

    Memorial day typically celebrates veterans of our armed services. Men and women from all branches who were willing to lay their lives on the line for the protection and safety of others. 911 illustrated that war has dramatically changed. And so the list of heroes have increased. Today we want to more

  • Happy Are The Persecuted (Pt.1)

    Contributed by Steve Hereford on Nov 29, 2002
    based on 96 ratings

    Many of us have been persecuted because of our faith in Jesus Christ. Some of us have been mistreated because we live differently than others. But when it happens how do you react? Join Pastor Steve as he addresses this question.

    When was the last time you were persecuted? Was that persecution just or unjust? Were you persecuted for "righteousness sake" or because of "Jesus’ name? or was it for some wrong you committed? In our study today, we’re going to see that there is a price that we will pay for following Jesus Christ more

  • Happy Are The Persecuted (Pt.2)

    Contributed by Steve Hereford on Nov 29, 2002
    based on 51 ratings

    When you suffer, are you suffering for "righteousness sake" or for some evil that you have committed? In today’s study, Pastor Steve will address suffering in the life of a believer.

    In the book, The Triumphant Church, Richard Wurmbrand recounts the last Sunday School class he taught before leaving Romania. He writes: "I remember my last Sunday School class...I took a group of ten to fifteen boys and girls on a Sunday morning, not to a church, but to the zoo. Before the cage of more

  • Happy Are The Persecuted (Pt.3)

    Contributed by Steve Hereford on Nov 29, 2002
    based on 134 ratings

    The reality that the persecuted need is the knowledge of knowing that persecution is inevitable for the believer and it is promised. Join Pastor Steve as he explores the principles found in persecution.

    Matthew 5:10-12 says, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness? sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in more

  • How To Have A Happy New Year

    Contributed by Russell Rhodes on Dec 28, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    This sermons seal with the princples and characteristics of living a happy life

    How to Have a Happy New Year Matthew 5:1-12 As we start our New Year, we all want it to be happy. We tell people to have a happy New Year. This should be our desire for others and us. But, how do we have a happy New Year? Is there anything that we can do to have a happy New Year? Are there any more

  • Fix Your Purity Series

    Contributed by David Salisbury on Jan 16, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    Lesson 5 in a series. This sermon focuses on Jesus’s words regarding sexual purity.

    Quick Sermons for Permanent Fixes Lesson 5 Fix Your Purity Matthew 5:27-37 Return to series this week. Examine Jesus’s words on adultery, divorce, and keeping your promises. There is a lot of power in these words and Jesus says there is a lot of power in our words. “I do” is a big thing to more

  • How To Fix The Other Guy Series

    Contributed by David Salisbury on Jan 16, 2003
    based on 68 ratings

    Lesson 6 in a series. This lesson focuses on how we relate to people who don’t like us.

    How to Fix the Other Guy Matthew 5:38-42 In Brazil, several Indians who had been refused an audience with then President Ernesto Geisel because they were not wearing ties told the press they would “insist that any government official visiting an Indian Village must wear a feathered headdress more

  • Fix Your Love Series

    Contributed by David Salisbury on Jan 16, 2003
    based on 59 ratings

    Lesson 7 in a series. This lesson focuses on how to love our enemies.

    Fix Your Love Matthew 5:43-48 Intro. Did you ever wonder why we like super heroes so much? I mean what is it about us that wants to fly, leap tall buildings, bend steel and stop bullets? Why do we have such a fascination with being able to read peoples thoughts or turn invisible? I think more

  • Fix Your Heart Series

    Contributed by David Salisbury on Jan 16, 2003
    based on 55 ratings

    Lesson 8 in a series. This lesson focuses on how to do good deeds.

    Fix Your Heart Matthew 6:1-8 Intro. Father’s Day today. Time to think about our earthly fathers. But also a great time to reflect on our heavenly Father. We have been looking at the Sermon on the Mount and we are moving into a new chapter today. In Matthew 5 Jesus used the phrase Heavenly more

  • War And Iraq: My Undersatnding Of The Bible's Teaching About War

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 7, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    War can be in accord with the will of God. Although particular wars may be controversial, we must start with the premise that war is an option.

    My Undersatnding of the Bible’s Teaching About War (topical) INTRO: 1. The Bible is a book filled with War. 2. Yet anybody who has fought in the trenches will tell you, without hesitation, that War is like Hell of Earth. 3. I think before we begin this brief presentation, we need to remember more

  • El Clima Como Señal De Los Tiempos

    Contributed by Ervin De Leon on Aug 1, 2002
    based on 101 ratings

    Muchos males se han estado acumulando en los ultimos anos: abierta influencia satanica, destruccion de la familia, delincuencia, falta a la ley moral. A todo esto se anade algo nuevo: “ El cambio de los tiempos”. Notamos que el mundo va caminando hacia

    Matt 24:33 “Así también vosotros, cuando veáis todas estas cosas, sabed que está cerca, a las puertas. 34 De cierto os digo que no pasará esta generación hasta que todas estas cosas sucedan.” Introduccion a) Muchos males se han estado acumulando en los ultimos anos: abierta more

  • "When It's Good To Be Poor" Series

    Contributed by Bruce Hamsher on Aug 6, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    It is only when we are poor in spirit that we can be rich in Him and His Righteousness.

    “When It’s Good to be Poor” Matthew 5:3 Beatitudes - #1 Intro: Today we will begin a series on the Teachings of Jesus known as “The Beatitudes.” One would have a difficult in history, finding so few words spoken with so much meaning. The word “Beatitude” defined means “Supreme more

  • "Be Glad When You're Sad" Series

    Contributed by Bruce Hamsher on Aug 6, 2002
    based on 58 ratings

    It’s not until we understand the penalty of sin that we can fully appreciate the work of the Cross.

    “Be Glad When You’re Sad” Matthew 5:4 Beatitudes - #2 Intro: Today, we continue our series from the Beatitudes. To refresh our minds, the word “Beatitude” means Supreme Blessedness, and the word “Blessed” means having a Spiritual Joy and Satisfaction that remains regardless of conditions. more

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