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Sermons on shame and guilt:

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  • Deep: Awareness #1 Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Oct 27, 2019

    Jesus broke through the individual & social stereotypes to carry the message of hope (eternal life).

    Today, we begin a new message series we’ve entitled, “DEEP.” It’s not a take-off on that bad 80’s movie nor are we going to about some prosperity gospel theme about the money you have to give. However, we will be attempting to wrestle with three areas of personal and corporate growth: pride, more

  • 'setting The Mind'

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 27, 2009

    The works of the flesh and Spirit described

    "Setting the Mind" (Romans 8) Works of the Flesh (Galatians 5:19-21) A. IMMORALITY 1. Adultery-Committing Sex Sins After Marriage 2. Fornication-Committing Sex Sins Before/After Marriage 3. more

  • Condemned? Condoned? Forgiven!

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on Jul 8, 2014

    We can’t overlook or diminish the reality of sin and its consequences, but we can rest in God’s forgiveness of all our sins.

    Introduction A. A huge thanks to my Sunday School class for the lively discussion last week which made the preparation of this sermon extremely easy and hopefully timely. B. Dr. Chris Thurman, in his book The Lies We Believe, tells the story of Jill. 1. Jill had been a Christian for a long time, more

  • Honest To Goodness Lawyers

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Jul 25, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    It is very hard to find an honest lawyer these days. Especially, if you know that you are guilty and you need someone who will defend you and help you come out of the courtroom unscathed.

    2 Very Good Lawyers 1 John 2:1 1 ¶ My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: (KJV) 1 Hijitos míos, estas cosas os escribo para que no pequéis; y si alguno hubiere pecado, abogado more

  • He Goes Ahead Of You Series

    Contributed by U Benjamin on Jan 12, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Matt 26.32. Jesus told his disciple “After I have risen I will go ahead of you into Galilee.” and He did! If you ask me, I can tell you, ‘He goes ahead of us’.

    Matt 26.32. Jesus told his disciple “After I have risen I will go ahead of you into Galilee.” and He did! If you ask me, I can tell you, ‘He goes ahead of us’. He goes ahead of us to restore us back to our calling: Why was Jesus going to Galilee ahead of His disciples? more

  • Close Encounters With Christ

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jan 19, 2013

    What happens when people encounter the living Lord? -- We discover: 1. the majesty of our Savior (vs. 1-4). 2. the misery of our sin (vs. 5). 3. the ministry of our Savior (vs. 6-7). 4. the motivation of our Service (vs. 8).

    Close Encounters with Christ Isaiah 6:1-8 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Oct. 24, 2012 BACKGROUND: *We have been studying Old Testament encounters with Christ for almost a year: From Adam to Abraham to Moses. I counted around a dozen more personal encounters with the more

  • Into The Night: Peter Series

    Contributed by Jerry Owen on May 20, 2018

    The series concerns itself with the night Jesus was arrested. This second sermon explores that dark night from the perspective of Simon Peter.

    INTO THE NIGHT: PETER Last week we looked at Judas. He left the Last Supper and went out into the night to complete the betrayal of Jesus. Today, we will look at Peter who also experienced great failure that same night. Judas’ story ended tragically. How will Peter’s story of failure end? 1. THE more

  • No Condemnation

    Contributed by Michael Forsyth on Jul 10, 2017

    Why is it that we still feel guilty? Does sin mean that we are not really saved? This sermon looks at Paul's response to the question 'why do I keep on sinning even when I do not want to!'

    What in life do you find hard to believe? When we came to the states almost four weeks ago, we arrived at London Heathrow with a mountain of luggage. We were flying with Air India and their luggage rules were a little vague, and I was looking at this mountain of luggage and trying to make sense more

  • Sermon # 12 - Healing From Our Hurts Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on May 3, 2024

    Are there hurts and pain from the past that is still lingering on? How can we forgive those who hurt us and experience the healing that Jesus offers us? The life of Joseph will help us understand this in a practical way.

    We read in 2 Corinthians 9:8, Besides, God is able to make every blessing of yours overflow for you, so that in every situation you will always have all you need for any good work. (ISV) The Lord assures us that He is able to make our lives overflow with every blessing in all areas of our lives. more

  • Web Of Lies Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Jul 8, 2022

    The focus of this sermon explores the story of Ananias and Sapphira and the various motivations to tell a lie, along with the need to stop it before it contaminates the Church and those who come in contact with it.

    Depending on where you get your news, from the newspaper, internet, or TV, you most likely have heard of this terrible virus called Ebola. It has been all over the news lately. I will be honest; I really don’t understand that much about the disease other than what I have gleaned through the more

  • Better Than A Life Of Whining

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Aug 10, 2022

    Many of the exiles thought they were being punished for the sins of their ancestors.

    Saturday of the 19th week in course Human beings sure like to whine, don’t we? Something bad happens and we look around for someone to take responsibility, somebody to blame for our misfortunes. Ezekiel faced that during his long exile in Babylon. He was constantly asked why by the Israelites who more

  • Getting Rid Of The Clutter Series

    Contributed by Trayce Carter Russell on Dec 16, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In order to move into the next it's important that you deal with the current mess you living in

    Spiritual Housekeeping Series “Get Rid of the Clutter” Luke 12:2 (NIV) ; Eccl 3:1,6 There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to get, and a time to lose; a time more

  • God's Defense Of Marriage Act

    Contributed by Gregg Bitter on Oct 13, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus takes us back to God’s design for marriage. What attitude and actions do we take toward those struggling with divorce or any of the other many sins surrounding sex?

    Text: Mark 10:2-16 Theme: God’s Defense of Marriage Act Season: Pentecost 20b Date: October 11, 2009 Web page: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Word from God more

  • Getting Close Without Getting Hurt Series

    Contributed by Chip Monck on Jan 8, 2008

    This message explores the God given desire for intimacy without shame. Inspired by "The Seven Longings of the Human Heart" by Mike Bickle.

    If I were to start this week’s teaching with a movie clip, as I have been known to do, it would actually be a collection of clips. All strung together in a row. Showing the same scenario being played out over and over again as shown to us in movies and TV shows. The sad part is that it is a real more

  • Potiphar's Wife Series

    Contributed by Neil Partington on Jul 23, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    There are many women in the Bible who have integrity and faith, but not all women. Today we are going to look at a woman of trickery and shame.

    Just off the shore of North Carolina on the island of Cape Hatteras is a village known as Nag’s Head, a small shoreline town where, back in the 1800’s, the “wreckers” lived. These “wreckers” made their living gathering up parts and cargo from ships that had run aground in the night. But these ships more

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