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  • Serve Him Only Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 9, 2021

    Hear, O Israel'. It is the Shema, a classic confession of faith. He is the LORD and no other gods. Israelites were familiar with the gods of Egypt, the gods of Canaan, the gods of Babylon and the gods of Assyria.

    Theme: Serve Him Only Text: Deuteronomy 6:1-14 Greetings: The Lord is Good and His love endures forever. Introduction: Moses proceeds to set forth more particularly to enforce the cardinal and essential doctrines of the Decalogue. He emphasises the nature and attributes of God and the fitting more

  • Serve One Master Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 29, 2021

    The present world is familiar with the word known as Part-time, freelancer and self-employed. Almost they are accustomed to working with and serving many masters in this modern world. Freelancer is committed to none.

    Theme: Serve one Master Text: Luke 16:13-15 Greetings: Introduction: This chapter has four valuable things for us to learn: Children of this world are wiser than children of light (Luke 16:8), Material possessions used for eternal friendships (Luke 16:9), faithful in a small task makes fitness more

  • Thank You For Serving!

    Contributed by Je Layugan on Apr 11, 2022

    Why is serving very important and what should be our motivation? The answers lie in that very powerful scene in which Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. Jesus mandated us to live by (symbolically) washing one another’s feet, (literally) serving one another.

    INTRODUCTION – The 80/20 Rule in the Church We loved to be served. - We tend to get angry when we ordered something and not served on time. - We demand to talk to the manager when we are not satisfied with the service provided to us. - We grumble when our expectation of service is not met. To be more

  • Learning To Serve Others Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Dec 9, 2021

    Learning to Serve Others Series: Building Better RELATIONSHIPS October 17, 2021

    Learning to Serve Others Series: Building Better RELATIONSHIPS October 17, 2021 Intro Today... concluding our Fall series on building better relationships. We began the series ....hearing the words of God ... in creating human life... the Scriptures depict God saying: that it is not good for us more

  • Serving In God's Garden SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    When God instructs us to serve in His garden, He is asking us to prioritize His needs over our own. This means stepping out of our comfort zones to reach out and minister to others.

    Title: Occupying for the Lord Introduction: In Matthew 21:28-31, Jesus shares a parable about Christian service and the attitude that pleases Him. A father approaches two sons and instructs them to go and work in his vineyard. Although they receive the same assignment, their responses and more

  • Contrary Christianity Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Dec 4, 2014

    Husbands are to lovingly lead their wives.

    Contrary Christianity 1 Peter 3:7 Rev. Brian Bill November 29-30, 2014 Offering: He’s Always Been Faithful/Great is Thy Faithfulness Aren’t you glad we can count on God’s faithfulness? Wow, what a week! There are lots of lessons to be learned from what happened in Ferguson, more

  • Who Shall We Serve? PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 16, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Emphasizes the importance of consciously choosing to serve Christ over worldly desires, and the transformative power of committing to God.

    Welcome, dear friends, to this sacred space, this hallowed ground where hearts are mended, spirits lifted, and lives transformed. We gather here, not by chance, but by divine appointment. We are here because our loving God, in His infinite wisdom and grace, has called us together to hear His Word, more

  • The Family Of God: Serving One Another

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on May 5, 2015

    If each member of the family of God will do their part, it will help the family to become healthy and full of love.

    THE FAMILY OF GOD #2: SERVING ONE ANOTHER INTRO TO TOPIC: Question: What are three things you like best about your family? Share. • What I love about my family: We love each other; it’s a safe place where we can be ourselves. And we can be a little crazy! Yesterday’s spontaneous more

  • Who Do You Serve? Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Mar 2, 2008

    We are destined to serve somebody or something. Do you really serve the true God?

    TEXT: ACTS 16:16-34 TITLE: “WHO DO YOU SERVE?” OPEN: A. A preacher meets an old friend from Bible college while at the North American Christian Convention. The old friend asks the preacher, “How many members are in your congregation?” The more

  • God So Loved That He Gave

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Jun 1, 2015

    Because God gave so freely to us, in turn we give lovingly, generously, and sacrificially. A Christmas message with a stewardship emphasis.

    God so Loved that He Gave Christmas Sermon John 3:16; Ephesians 5:1 INTRODUCTION: Merry Christmas! How many of you have finished your Christmas shopping? Gift-giving is probably the first thing we think about as we see Christmas coming. Some folks think its lots of fun … others, not so more

  • Stewardship Of Time PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 1, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the concept of stewardship, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing God in our lives and using our time wisely for service and prayer.

    Hey, good morning everyone! I'm so glad to see each and every one of you here today. I've been looking forward to our time together and I'm really excited about what we're going to talk about today. You know, there's a quote from A.W. Tozer that's been on my heart recently. He said, "As God is more

  • The Christian's Primary Purpose PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 16, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores the Christian's primary purpose of being witnesses of Christ's love and grace, and how to live out this purpose daily.

    Good morning, beloved family in Christ. It is always a joy to gather together in the house of the Lord, united in our faith and our love for Him who first loved us. Today, we find ourselves on the precipice of a profound exploration of the Christian faith, a deep and meaningful understanding of our more

  • Excusinator Maximus Meets Graciator Deo

    Contributed by Troy Borst on May 4, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Moses lays out 5 excuses over the course of his conversation with God why he cannot serve. Now, to be honest, I feel like these excuses are pretty good, but in the end, God does not accept excuses when it comes to calling us to serve. He didn’t accept M

    EXCUSINATOR MAXIMUS MEETS GRACIATOR DEO EXODUS 3:1-4:17 “Moses! Moses!” Those were the words being called out from a burning bush. This man Moses was being called by name in the desert from a bush that was burning, but was not being burned up. It was not being burned up because an angel of the more

  • Pay Attention!

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Oct 20, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    We cannot call ourselves Christ-followers if we do not notice, acknowledge, and serve the needy in our midst.

    “We have all seen him. He lies on a pile of newspapers outside a shop doorway, covered with a rough blanket. Perhaps he has a dog with him for safety. People walk past him or even step over him. He occasionally rattles a few coins in a tin or cup, asking for more. He wasn’t there when more

  • We Serve The Same Purpose Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Oct 3, 2014

    With Jesus as our leader or 'coach' all believers are called to the SAME team to follow Him. He leads us, but to what? What is the purpose of following Christ? Paul makes that known here in Col 2 and this morning we will see what he means...

    Sermon Brief Date Written: Sept 25, 2014 Date Preached: Sept 28, 2014 Where Preached: OPBC (AM) Sermon Details: Series Title: We Serve the SAME God Sermon Title: We Serve the SAME Purpose! Sermon Text: Colossians 2:1-23 [ESV] Introduction: Over the past few weeks we have learned that more

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